shroombee said:Nice. Enjoy your journey! :thumb_up:Loveall said:I just took it today. A Sunday afternoon 250mg dose and definitely feeling it
Thanks. It was a good time at the beach
shroombee said:Nice. Enjoy your journey! :thumb_up:Loveall said:I just took it today. A Sunday afternoon 250mg dose and definitely feeling it
downwardsfromzero said:Here's a tantalising update: butyl acetate is showing more than a hint of promise. A small test run with a completely rotten PC pach has indications of interesting crystals. This was somewhat confounded by an excess of citric acid having been added - way in excess of its solubility in BuOAc. Nonetheless, the finely powdered citric acid reformed into larger crystals, most likely from the dissolved water in the solvent. Crystals of a noticeably different appearance formed promptly next to the heap of citric acid, as well as on the walls of the jar after overnight refrigeration.
Presumably, an ice cold acetone wash or three might clear up much of the excess citric as well as the residue of butyl acetate, which has the added disadvantages of being not only far less volatile than ethyl acetate but its lower surface tension and higher viscosity make it somewhat sticky as solvents go. These physical properties also led to a spillage due to its behavior on pouring being somewhat different from expectations.
That stuff eats ABS, acrylic and polystyrene for breakfast, btw
It's possible to include some numbers for this experiment although the lack of a final yield figure, as well as certain wild deviations from the CIELO method, make this somewhat pointless in my view.
One small technical development that might be of interest: the cactus/lime mixture was initially far too liquid. It was possible to correct this by addition of a little extra lime and some straight-from-the-jar Epsom salts. This reacted to produce gypsum (plaster of Paris) and magnesium hydroxide and brought the mixture to an easily workable, smooth paste consistency.
After all the pulls had been made, the mixture retained roughly 75 wt% of solvent relative to dry cactus mass. On standing overnight it separated into two (unworkable) liquid phases and some sludge. Butyl acetate will hydrolyse rather more slowly than ethyl acetate, fwiw.
The pulls themselves were a pleasant, crystal clear, pale yellow-green colour - something of a surprise considering the revolting brown sludge that the starting material was.
It's hard to say because the citric acid had been finely ground before addition as an attempt to make up for its poor solubility. Because of the small amount of what can reasonably be suspected to have been weak material there would only have been a low concentration of dissolved alkaloid making any additional cloudiness rather hard to discern.Did cloudiness form after adding citric acid?
A reasonable estimation of the absolute maximum yield from the cactus used I would put at 100mg.If you get enough you can bioassay.
The cactus paste on standing for a couple more days has shifted from the fruity ester scent of the butyl acetate to the altogether more sickly aroma of butanol. We can safely conclude that calcium hydroxide does indeed catalyse hydrolysis of butyl acetate, and by extension this will undoubtedly be the case with ethyl acetate as well.I said:On standing overnight it separated into two (unworkable) liquid phases and some sludge. Butyl acetate will hydrolyse rather more slowly than ethyl acetate, fwiw.
No worries!Loveall said:I don't have solubility data for mescaline citrate in ethanol. Don't have high % ethanol to measure it either.
Thanks for the offer.shroombee said:I have 200 proof ACS/USP ethanol (at least until I break the seal and open it).
Given I have slightly impure mescaline citrate, what would the steps be in getting us to usable solubility data?
Happy to help!Thanks for the offer.
I don't necessarily have a purpose for 200 proof ethanol. That's just what the supplier offered. I'm planning to use it for e-mesh DMT ethanol and to play with psilocybin extraction. How long does it stay 200 proof once I open it?if you have a specific purpose for your absolute ethanol I'd suggest saving it for that.
I'm fairly certain it is not 100% mescaline citrate. When I bio-assayed 2 weeks ago, the first 1-2 hours was sedating/stony so that matches the effects and timing descriptions of non-mescaline alkaloids. The product is fairly white though, if that's any indication that at least it's not terribly impure.Perhaps you could do a simple water re-x on the mesc.citrate first if you think it's too impure.
shroombee said:I'm fairly certain it is not 100% mescaline citrate. When I bio-assayed 2 weeks ago, the first 1-2 hours was sedating/stony so that matches the effects and timing descriptions of non-mescaline alkaloids. The product is fairly white though, if that's any indication that at least it's not terribly impure.
Loveall, thanks for the feedback and doing the pull calcs.Loveall said:One question how many grams of solvent where you recovering (~75g?).
Makes sense.Loveall said:We only expect ethyl acetate to carry a few % of water (~3%). I think because of this the ammount of water in the paste does not change enough to make the later pulls have less water in a significant way.
After salting with 15 mg/g, I waited less than 30 minutes before filtering. After filtering through the coffee filter, I noticed there are small xtals suspended in the extract that got through the coffee filter.I have another question about salting: How long did you wait to allow it to complete after the 10 minutes of stirring? I believe a small ammount(~100 to 200mg if starting with 100g of cactus) keeps on crashing over 24 to 72 hours. Wondering if you see the same in your examples.
This should be easy to test. Combine pulls, split into two separate salting jars, salt both. Filter and rinse the first jar immediately. Wait 24 hours before filtering and rinsing the second jar. Compare yields.Loveall said:Interesting. With 5mg/g it may take longer to finish xtalizing compared to 15 mg/g.
To avoid small xtals passing through the filter AND to adjust for the longer xtalization time, maybe 5 mg/g AND allowing 24h+ to crash is the way to go (?).
With the mescaline acetate or HCl using lime/limo, I get a combination of the anxious energy with a couple hours of moderate sedative effects. Maybe it comes in waves, I haven't paid that much attention. I get onset yawns with shrooms too so maybe it's an individual thing. This weekend I might try 500-600 mg of citrate and I'll see how that compares to the 300 mg from a couple weeks ago. Will also have analysis done soon.I said:I'm fairly certain it is not 100% mescaline citrate. When I bio-assayed 2 weeks ago, the first 1-2 hours was sedating/stony so that matches the effects and timing descriptions of non-mescaline alkaloids. The product is fairly white though, if that's any indication that at least it's not terribly impure.
Loveall said:That would be different than the mass spec results we have so far. Are you sure mescaline wouldn't come online that anyway? I feel an excited energy as it comes on, but it could be different between folks intially as the dose I'm the body ramps up. It would be interesting if you had an analysis done.
In general, psychedelics do seem to activate sexual energy. And in my experience, mescaline is a strong aphrodisiac. I appreciate that it is non-addictive though, and I don't feel the need to chase the mescaline aphrodisiac high.Loveall said:Quick report: I took 250mg around 12:30pm and another 250mg at 5pm.
Felt strong energy throughout my body. Made love to my wife for a much longer time than usual thanks to the flowing energy from mescaline, sex and orgasm where both strongly enhanced. Beautiful visuals at night if focusing inwards. Felt effects until 6am .
No stomach discomfort, feeling refreshed the next day despite the intense experience and only getting a couple hours of sleep.
I'm thinking I like 5 mg/g (if it crashes) because the xtals are bigger and get caught in the filter. Whereas 15+ mg/g produces smaller xtals and thus decanting is necessary if you want every last bit of product. Did you observe tiny xtals floating in the extract after you ran it through a filter? Maybe the tek should point that out as two salting options.Loveall said:1) More citric acid was needed for xtalization compared to san pedro outer skin chips (had to go up from 6mg/g to ~ 20mg/g). Not sure why this is, but that is what happened. I've updated the tek to be 20 my/g so it works in more situations.
2) Almost all of the product stuck to the wall. A lot of it looked like water drops (especially towards the top of the jar), but is solid xtaline (4th image).
Loveall, you're observing higher yields with CIELO than the other teks you've tried, correct? And if so, are the general numbers people report for extraction yield all too low because they all leave product on the table using less effective teks? And had everyone been using CIELO, we would generally be quoting higher numbers for average mescaline content?5) Yield was 960mg (0.8%). I think this is a good yield if using whole plants (instead of outer skin chips) based on reference data.