Here is a representative example of the paste from a wet mix (water + lime, then material), using the standard process, recipe, and my mixing method.
1. Mix water and lime until milky.
2. Add approx 1/3 of material and incorporate with spoon mixing, becomes liquid slurry.
3. Add another 1/3 of material and incorporate with spoon mixing, liquid no longer visible.
4. Add final 1/3 of matetial and try to incorporate with spoon, “paste” is now too thick to mix (see 2nd pic below), push paste into a clump, press powder into clump with back of spoon, move clump to cover loose powder, press clump into powder until loose powder is all in the clump; then, using back of spoon, mash the clump completely, fold in half & mash completely, repeat until paste is uniform color and consistency with no visible powder, until 8 minutes have elapsed (see 3rd pic).
5. Let rest 10 minutes.
6. The paste becomes a soft, rubbery mass, with consistency somewhat like playdough (see 4th & 5th pics).
The following measurements were made as Shroombee requested in post 594.
Container (tare = 48.15g):
Volume capacity - 1/4 cup or 59mL
Net water weight - 59.20g
Net packed paste weight - 55.04g
Note: The paste was so rubbery that it was difficult to compact so that all airspace was eliminated on bottom side of paste/inside of container. The top of the material could not be smoothed even with top of container. I packed container the best I could, then sliced the top of paste even with container top, the excess material weighed 9.0g. When I removed paste from container, the paste held its packed shape, and I noticed areas that did not completely pack to the container walls. It is my estimate that the missing material at the bottom roughly equaled the amount of material I cut to make the top of the paste even with the top of the container. Adding the 9.0g to the rest of the material equals the 55.04g shown above.
I also took a 5.00g sample of the paste, and dried it in 5 x 30sec increments, on high setting, in the microwave. Dry weight was 1.44g.
With the standard paste, regardless of wet mix or dry mix variations, and using my method (break up paste into 1/2” chunks before 1st solvent addition; 6 pulls; 30mL solvent on 1st pull, pulls 2 through 6 have 22mL solvent; each pull having 1 minute spoon stir with 80 revolutions, 2 minutes rest, max squeeze of paste at end of last pull): the paste starts out stiff/rubbery, the pulled liquid dark colored and low volume, with each subsequent pull the paste becomes more slurry-like, the pulled liquid becomes slightly lighter colored and increases in volume; by the end of last pull, the paste looks like liquidy applesauce, solvent recovery exceeds 90%, and even with the big squeeze the filtered pulls are crystal clear (for the sake of these experiments I do filter twice more into a clean settling jar to rest 1 hr, then into crystallization jar before salting). For regular processing, I think filtering each pull into collection jar, letting that jar settle for an hour, then filtering into crystallization jar is sufficient, as long as the no particles/cloudiness is visible.