Yep, I had a place-saver post that I deleted. I guess the app treats it differently depending on logged in/out.
I think it would be useful to note pH levels of reused solvent, combined pulls, and salted solution. We may find that this is relevant along with, or perhaps more so than, specified amounts of some ingredients.
Previously I tried to run some of the crappy product from early runs of this tek, by itself (no cactus powder), using a modified version of this tek. The result was a mess, and the yield was nearly unmeasurable. Significant work will be needed to develop an efficient and effective crap rehab tek of this sort.
I. So I decided to sacrifice a 45g run in an attempt to rehab 2.0g of brown, somewhat crystalline crap.
I used the std tek, but before mixing the paste I took a mortar & pestle to the 2.0g of crap and powdered it as well as I could, then in 2 cycles, I mixed 10mL boiling water each with the powdered crap in a shot glass to dissolve it. I then mixed the lime with water, and then the powdered cactus, as usual. I added the crap & water mix into all of this, then started my 8 min stir & 10 min rest. Using crystal clear, previously neutralized (pH 6-7 ish), reused std pull solvent (moderately green at this point), I did the 6 pulls, and let the filtered combined pulls settle for an hour (pH 8-9ish). Filtered again, then settled another hour. Then filtered again, then settled another hour, The slight cloudiness from the pulls never changed. I then filtered again, added 2.25g of citric acid, stirred (pH 4-5ish), and let crystallize passively. After 24 hours the top 1/3 of the solution was crystal clear. I filtered the whole jar, and returned the EA to the crystallization jar, to continue crystallizing. The jar cleared and was filtered at 48 and 72 hours,; then hot water washed into a glass baking dish, evaporated, and scraped.
The 45g of this cactus, when fully crystallized should produce ~0.5g. 24 hr total yield 0.8g, 48 hr incremental yield 0.08g, 72 hr incremental yield 0.003g, jar wash residue 0.042g, So, total yield = 0.925g, with expected cactus yield ~0.495g, the crap recovery was 0.430g. Since initial crap was 2.0g, percent recovery was 21.5%.
II. Did a run with 5g of same cactus powder and 1g crap (crap was from a different material, from same vendor, as the crap in I.), using standard wet mix paste.
Pickling Lime = 1.25g
Distilled Water = 15mL
Powdered crap w mortar & pestle, then mixed in shotglass w 2mL boiled water til dissolved, mixed again with another 2mL boiling water. Dumped this in bowl with lime, mixed til milky, added cactus powder, mixed 8 mins, rested 10 mins. Put in wide-mouth 1-pint jar, with wire screen from french press as cover. Did 6 pulls; started with 2 pulls using 10ml, neutralized (6-7 ish pH) std paste reused solvent. Too little solvent for the container sizes I have in my kitchen, so used 20mL/pull for pulls 3 through 6 (pH 8-ish). (Next time, will try dissolving crap with boiling water, then let it cool to room temp, before mixing paste; paste got snot-like for all pulls, reminding me of previous boiled water run where paste remained sticky through all 6 runs). Let combined pulls settle 1 hr, the tiniest amount of cloudiness did not settle out. Then passively salted with 0.5g citric acid (pH 5 ish). The 5g of cactus, should produce ~0.055g. 24hr total yield 0.136g, 48hr incremental yield 0.014g, 72hr incremental yield 0.0g, jar wash residue 0.046g. So, total yield = 0196, with expected cactus yield ~0.055g, the crap recovery was 0.141g. Since initial crap was 1.0g, percent recovery was 14.1%. Product looks and tastes like product from standard process.
III. Ran another version of II. (same cactus powder, same crap), this time the dissolved crap was cooled to ambient temp before mixing, and pulled 6 times with 20mLs/pull of Fresh solvent. The paste was still snotlike during the pulls, Fresh solvent pH = 5-6ish, combined pulls pH = 7ish, salted pH = 4-5ish. The 5g of cactus, should produce ~0.055g. 24hr total yield 0.144g, 48hr incremental yield 0.016g. 72hr incremental yield 0.003g, jar wash residue 0.030. So, total yield = 0193, with expected cactus yield ~0.055g, the crap recovery was 0.138g. Since initial crap was 1.0g, percent recovery was 13.8%. Product looks and tastes like product from standard process.
IV. Washed some crap with anhydrous acetone. Since I only needed a small amount, and dry acetone is pretty expensive, I picked up a quart of acetone at my local bigbox, ordered some epsom salts, and used the acetone drying approach discussed in
Drying Acetone...Correctly - Advanced/Enhanced chemistry - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus . Once the acetone was “dry”, I mixed 1.354g of powdered crap in a full shotglass of acetone for ~5 minutes. After filtering and drying, the pinkish powder, which tasted nothing like any of the product from any of the other runs, yielded 0.248g or 18.3% of the original crap. I guess I could rewash this in acetone a couple more times, and/or water wash and evaporate in an attempt to improve the quality. But the yield is aleady so low, it’s not worth it to me to do the additional work.
Note: I do not have an expected yield % for the material used in the original extractions that produced the crappy product being discussed in this post. It was material that I was concerned would have a low
mescaline content. As a result, it is possible that the recovered yields from theses runs is a high percentage of what was in the original cactus. If this is the case, the crap recovery would under-represent the possible recovery % when using this method.
Main Points:
1. Reprocessing small amounts of crappy product by incorporating crap into a standard run yields approximately 14-21% recovery in excess of normal yield, without detrimental affect on quality.
2. Use of Fresh or 1-use solvent had no significant effect on yield or quality.
3. Standard runs as small as 5 grams of cactus powder can provide consistent yield and quality results.
2. Reprocessing a small amount of crappy product, by itself, will require further development.
3. Reprocessing small amounts crappy product using “dry” acetone will require further development.