orchidist said:
Loveall said:
highlightprotein said:
Hi Loveall,
Forgive my ignorance. Are you saying that if we use a much smaller amount of citric acid than we currently do (5mg/g citric acid/EA) that we will result in a more potent product (di- or tri- mesc citrate)?
highlightprotein said:
Hi Loveall,
Is there no concern that we might end up with a mixture of different forms of mescaline citrate, which could make dosing difficult?
If some noobie accidentially adds a very small amount of citric acid, would they end up with a more potent product? E.g., they might assume that 500mg of citrate = 310mg of hcl, whereas in can be much stronger than that.
Not concerned with a mixture, one salt should precipitate based on the amount of citric. The trimescaline citrate precipitates as an oil and takes a long time to crash, don't see anyone confusing it with monomescaline, but I guess anything can happen out there. Don't know much about the dimescaline citrate thought. People simply need to add enough citric acid, if they can't do that I don't know what to say.
I wonder if this is what I'm observing. Just calculated the concentration of citric acid I used. I'm at 3.03 mg/g. Don't know if that counts as much less than 5 mg/g, but the precipitate I'm observing does seem consistent with trimescaline citrate
Have a few nits about overzealousness, but they are about saving you effort.
I personally would go with double the citric acid to just make sure it is not the cause. I always ratio from 5g, and that is cuz it works for me, especially after the loveall post that your second post refers to.
You did not comment of the specific materials you are using, besides the cactus powder (which i assume met the conditions i mentioned?) and the water (what is its pH?). Did you use the same lime, EA, and citric as I mentioned?
If the materials are not diff, the water pH is w/in tolerance, the cactus powder size-consistency-mc% are w/in tolerance, and doubled citrate level makes no difference…then, seems the cactus itself could be the issue. So, some testing like that which DFZ suggests, or some other chem analysis of the cactus would then be in order.
Btw, i don’t want to get too deep into the verboten subject of sourcing, but… i have used two differently named species of trichocereus incense powder, one of them from 2 different countries, all from the same source - none of them bridgesii. One of the species/country options, purchased a couple times, were apparently different batches, producing different yield %s. They all produced similar looking crystals.
My first 6 batches, from cactus logs, that I processed into powder, did produce goo, but i attribute this to poor rinsing/washing technique, which occurred later in the process than when your goo is becoming evident. I have a couple T. pach logs, from a 3rd party (but a different one than used earlier), that have been hibernating for 3-4 mos, sometime soon I’ll process them. Perhaps my winning streak will change when it’s their turn.