oetzi13 said:
Cheelin, followed your instructions. Dissolved those crystal needles in water and ran through filter. Here is the result. Not too great. Looks dirtier than ever. Would you recommend an acetone wash on this?
[I apologize for the major editing here. I was rushed at the time I originally responded, then had some time later to think it through some more.]
Looks one helluva lot better than the pics you posted earlier, imo.
It looks like you perhaps have 3 substances in there: proper product (white), fine plant matter sedimant (light brown), ?goo? (dark brown). Perhaps that large, dark brown stuff is just heavily grouped fine sediment, cuz I really don’t understand how goo could either make it through a coffee filter, or have dissolved with water to later reform during evap.
The sediment is a filtering issue, the goo is a recovery method issue, the white just needs to be separated from the other two.
You should have had a boatload of mucus-like/solid plant sediment left in your paper filter after a water wash (at least 60% of starting weight). But even the best paper filters can not trap it all. Somewhere earlier in this thread I demonstrated that cloudy solvent holds sediment finer than 2 microns that washes through filter paper. So, you will never get it all out without very advanced filtration techniques, if even those.
There are lots of proposed goo conversion/recovery methods on the net, perhaps you’ll find one that actually works well with this goo.
Keep in mind that every single time you do something new to your material you will lose some amount of the desired end product. So at some point, you have to make the call to live with what you have, and put your energy into improving your technique for future runs.
Your choice, of course, but if you want to put in the effort, I’d scrape-separate the white center and outer white rings from the predominantly dark rings, as best I could, and stop there for the white part. If the weight of the dark crap was a couple hundred mg or more, do a 5g or more recovery run (depending on quantity) on the dark remainder, (dry & powderize the dark stuff; double the amount of lime that would normally be required for the amount of cactus used in the recovery run).