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evaping small amounts of naptha

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
so swim has 200 grams of bark that resulted in1.3 grams of shardy yellow and white crystals

you know the story

so anyway

upon trying to recrystelise them he found that the shot glass contained a seemingl much smaller amount of crystals than before.

with white being ontop and the yellow seperated to the bottom along with other random particulated gunk.

there is still a small amount of naptha at the top

he now have the jar out of the freezer and was wondering if it would be worth it to let it sit for a day or 2 to see if any of the naptha will evap.
then put it back in the fridge and see if the rest of the gram or so he should have pops up

is that correct or is he fucking himself over even ore?

thank you for any helo you might have :)
If you heat the naptha spice mix until all is disoloved mix it shake it ect. I then reccomend you filter this wile hot at least thru a coffie filter.
Now watch it. at room temp you will see the brown/yellow oil go to the bottom long before xtals begin to show. If you miss it and come back to see xtals on top og the brown/yellow crap just reheat it and try again. You need to do it a few times to gets the feel then it is easy. Now pour (or siphon)) off the top layer leaving the crap on the bottom.
Now watch the filtered naptha solution xtals will begin to form it may take up to 48 hours. After a few days you can leave coffie filter over the top of unsealed container if you wish. You will see large xtals. Pluck them out with tweezers or whatever. Dip into fresh freezer temp naptha. Then cold distilled water. You will now have some clean tasty xtals to add to your collection. You can now put the remaining solvent after xtals are removed into fridge or freezer for a second batch of dirty xtals. Good luck I find you get much cleaner outcome by allowing room temp xtal growth 60 to 75f. Yeild is lower but cleaner. Excuse the spelling Il edit later.


swim is gonna ry this

it is a very small amount of naptha

but i guess thats the point

so heat, filter. siphon and let grow

sounds easy

he is just hoping his yeild is some what ok. out of 1.3g hes down to what looks like alot less in the shot glass.
hopfully more will pure spice will drop out once there is no goo
swim is at a loss
he said it did not appere to work
at leased not to well

what spice is apereing is yellow and rather pickely smelling

(goddamn pickel jars)

so his yeild is looking rather lame and he does not know really what is going on
maybe just to many transfers from jar to jar inorder to get rid or dark dunsty gunk

but swim thought that loss would be minor and the residue in thm looks rather small too
swim just called and sayed the yellow oily layer did seperate!

hopefully all the pickelyness left with it

he actualy ended up adding more naptha as the amopunt he had after trying to put it through the filter was sminimel (about 5ml) so he added more slagy crystals and more naptha ans now he has a frosty yellow white cup witha coffe filer over it drying

fingers crossed
also white crystals have already begun showing in the shot glass
swim is exited
he hopes they get bigger over the next 2 days

this room temp slow grow tek seems coo
to limit losses due to filtering it is important that the funnel, filter,. . all filter media glassware are all WARM when filtering to prevent xtals from forming in filter media and sides of containers. To accomplish this on can run CLEAN hot naptha thru filter set up to warm and prime the filter assebbly.
Now filter the spice/solvent mix making sure the filter assembly stays warm. When you are done you can again pour a small volume of CLEAN HOT solvent thru filter assembly. This will rinse most of the spice/solvent mix out of filter assembly replacing it with clean solvent.

Then observe the Xtal growth with out or shaking (dont pick it up} distirbing the container
upon trying to recrystelise them he found that the shot glass contained a seemingl much smaller amount of crystals than before
Yeah, you are cleaning the crap out of your extraction. If your spice is yellow & dirty, its because of impurities and you are trying to remove those with your re-crystalization, right?
So of course you are going to loose some weight when doing this. The dirtier your spice, the more weight you will loose when you clean it. Thats the idea!!

Really man, I got to ask, did you read any of the teks people recomended to you thoroughly?
Pretty much every question you've posted has been detailed in every worthwhile tek out there, and on this and many other forums!!!
You may have better luck if you speand a little time on reaserch!!

Not trying to be shitty or anything, but when I was learning how to do extractions, I downloaded & read (multiple times) every single tek I could find! When I finally desided to follow "Vovin's" tek, I got out a note book and wrote down, word for word, the entire process, to solidify it in my head. Before ever opening a bag of MHRB I had any questions pretty much answered & I knew all the steps, in order, by memory!! Didn't really even need to follow a recipe!!

I don't think its any coincidence that I got beautiful crystals on my first try!!!
Do you?

"Good things come to those who work for them"

well the pickelyness was somthing swim could not avoid i guess
he scrubbed those things down! and soaked the lids for hours in warm soapy water

the lids just retain that oder

you cant remove it

i dunno
swim is hoping the finished product is nice

so far crystal growth seems good

the shot glass is covered by a cone filter, as in the cone is resting on top of it preventing anything from falling into it
should it be covered all the way with a card or cd or somthing?
warrensaged said:
upon trying to recrystelise them he found that the shot glass contained a seemingl much smaller amount of crystals than before
Yeah, you are cleaning the crap out of your extraction. If your spice is yellow & dirty, its because of impurities and you are trying to remove those with your re-crystalization, right?
So of course you are going to loose some weight when doing this. The dirtier your spice, the more weight you will loose when you clean it. Thats the idea!!

Really man, I got to ask, did you read any of the teks people recomended to you thoroughly?
Pretty much every question you've posted has been detailed in every worthwhile tek out there, and on this and many other forums!!!
You may have better luck if you speand a little time on reaserch!!

Not trying to be shitty or anything, but when I was learning how to do extractions, I downloaded & read (multiple times) every single tek I could find! When I finally desided to follow "Vovin's" tek, I got out a note book and wrote down, word for word, the entire process, to solidify it in my head. Before ever opening a bag of MHRB I had any questions pretty much answered & I knew all the steps, in order, by memory!! Didn't really even need to follow a recipe!!

I don't think its any coincidence that I got beautiful crystals on my first try!!!
Do you?

"Good things come to those who work for them"


swim jas been doing research
but ust gets stuck during certin points
he has read alot of teks

and posts explaining them and all

what he was confused about was.....yes of course the pile should be cosidebraluy smaller after ecrystalisation...but it seems to be just as yellow and,
also alot seems to be lost. so he was just wondering if it was still sitting in the solvent
wich it might just be

im just saying the fourm is for helping people

sorry for the rappid fire noobish bullshitary 😉
10mL of naptha isn't enough to recrystallise 1.3 grams of spice
30-40mL of hot naptha / gram is a standard amount, even this is a highly saturated case and some of the gram won't dissolve into it, but it's a fair compromise

I find that the pile isn't really smaller, but could weigh merely half as much as before. Of course it is notable whiter.

Why this isn't the case for you I can't tell you, but here's a typical process anyway:

1. put one gram of dirty dmt crystal in a good glass or stainless steel container
2. pour ~40mL of naptha over it
3. boil a kettle, pour boiling water into a large bowl, sit your dmt + naptha container in it for a good few minutes. the water will cool so boil more and replace it
4. using a spoon or other stirrer, work the dmt into the naptha. Do your best to get to all the dmt you can; the coloured oil at the bottom sometimes traps dmt in it so try your best to get to those bits
5. once no more will dissolve, pour off the naptha into another container, cover, and freeze for 2 days
6. after two days, pour off the naptha, let it drip upside down for 10 minutes to get absolutely as much of the naptha out as you can. Then use a fan to dry the dmt and collect after 30 minutes

that will work well
thank you for the run down

thats pretty much exactly what swim does
save for the 10 min upside down

swim did not use mor naptha cus it seemed that it all disolved into 10

the original product looked much like all others previous

just a good deal more yellow

but white to

shardy oily crystals. it looked pretty good

i dont have a camera at the moment nor does swim but i might be able to scrunge one up

should i still leave the 10ml or so i have sitting where it is or throw it in the freezer to get anything else to drop out
swim was toying with the idea of getting some semi big crystals to use for crystal growing
crystal growing is definitely a good idea, for both purification and the eye, but you are much better off recrystallising a few times first in the manner i said above before proceeding to crystal growing. If you try crystal growing with too many impurities present, the crystals will be smaller and a lot dirtier than those grown from clean powder.

just in my opinion, i strongly suggest you freeze precipitate rather than evap to attain the product from extraction. there will be far less oil present than had you evapped and it is a lot easier to work with, not quite so messy.

put your 10mL in the freezer for curiosity for a few days and see what happens but i don't think you'll get much. since you evapped from extraction, you would have had a whole lot of oil in your 10mL with likely very little dmt, even though it weight 1.3 g it wouldn't surprise me if a gram or more of that was just the oil.

I'd try redissolving everything you've got in some fresh naptha and freeze precipitating. Then it if's still not pure enough you can recrystallise with 30-40mL/gram - this time a gram will be more like a gram rather than a little bit and a lot of oil.

Work on getting a product you're happy with first, then look at crystal growing

i for what ever resson just got put of by the freeze parspitate side of things

swim has gotten happy product
he was just wondering what went wrong this time
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