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evaping small amounts of naptha

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
so swim has 200 grams of bark that resulted in1.3 grams of shardy yellow and white crystals

you know the story

so anyway

upon trying to recrystelise them he found that the shot glass contained a seemingl much smaller amount of crystals than before.

with white being ontop and the yellow seperated to the bottom along with other random particulated gunk.

there is still a small amount of naptha at the top

he now have the jar out of the freezer and was wondering if it would be worth it to let it sit for a day or 2 to see if any of the naptha will evap.
then put it back in the fridge and see if the rest of the gram or so he should have pops up

is that correct or is he fucking himself over even ore?

thank you for any helo you might have :)
well due to the fact that what little crystaks are showing are looking very nice and clear looking swim has decided to leave the glass at room temp for a while

he appreciates all the help

i to am most grateful for all your knolage:twisted:
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