exiled reaper
Rising Star
Hi all once again, I must say that this site is brilliant.... great for reading,learning, helping and asking.
I will state , I am 38 yrs old,169cm tall and 62kg fit...
I would like to state my problem and see what arises...
I have been a traveller for well over x25 trips, most being BT as i use the sandwich method in a mj bong and single hits of 30-35mg crystal dmt...
i am wanting to go again but the fear of the experience is taking hold.
I have been troubled by the huge body load and psi in the face/sinus when on a voyage and am wondering if my dose may be rather high for my body weight..
people speak of 50mg plus trips but they r using 2-3 tokes and that for me dosnt work anywhere near as well as the 1 hit method....or provide anywhere near the same experience..
anything upwards of 28mg and hello hyperspace,,, anything more than 35mg and it is just pure confusion and otherwise chaotic (as dmt is but some may know what i mean....)
Am I smoking too much for my weight at 0.6 mg/kg??? on the "spirit molecule" the largest dose recorded was 0.6mg/kg and Niles and? reported the experience to be way too much for anyone to learn or enjoy..over the top?? :thumb_up:
what r the consensus on my weight / dose?? via single hit..(.3 hits seems like a waste of spice as to get a 30mg experience u need to inhale 50mg at the three toke method) so not really interested in wasting spice....its too valuable to the traveller especially where i live...
any comments/ help would be appreciated..
safe travells
I will state , I am 38 yrs old,169cm tall and 62kg fit...
I would like to state my problem and see what arises...
I have been a traveller for well over x25 trips, most being BT as i use the sandwich method in a mj bong and single hits of 30-35mg crystal dmt...
i am wanting to go again but the fear of the experience is taking hold.
I have been troubled by the huge body load and psi in the face/sinus when on a voyage and am wondering if my dose may be rather high for my body weight..
people speak of 50mg plus trips but they r using 2-3 tokes and that for me dosnt work anywhere near as well as the 1 hit method....or provide anywhere near the same experience..
anything upwards of 28mg and hello hyperspace,,, anything more than 35mg and it is just pure confusion and otherwise chaotic (as dmt is but some may know what i mean....)
Am I smoking too much for my weight at 0.6 mg/kg??? on the "spirit molecule" the largest dose recorded was 0.6mg/kg and Niles and? reported the experience to be way too much for anyone to learn or enjoy..over the top?? :thumb_up:
what r the consensus on my weight / dose?? via single hit..(.3 hits seems like a waste of spice as to get a 30mg experience u need to inhale 50mg at the three toke method) so not really interested in wasting spice....its too valuable to the traveller especially where i live...
any comments/ help would be appreciated..
safe travells