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exiled reaper

Rising Star
Hi all once again, I must say that this site is brilliant.... great for reading,learning, helping and asking.:)

I will state , I am 38 yrs old,169cm tall and 62kg fit...

I would like to state my problem and see what arises...

I have been a traveller for well over x25 trips, most being BT as i use the sandwich method in a mj bong and single hits of 30-35mg crystal dmt...
i am wanting to go again but the fear of the experience is taking hold.
I have been troubled by the huge body load and psi in the face/sinus when on a voyage and am wondering if my dose may be rather high for my body weight..
people speak of 50mg plus trips but they r using 2-3 tokes and that for me dosnt work anywhere near as well as the 1 hit method....or provide anywhere near the same experience..

anything upwards of 28mg and hello hyperspace,,, anything more than 35mg and it is just pure confusion and otherwise chaotic (as dmt is but some may know what i mean....)

Am I smoking too much for my weight at 0.6 mg/kg??? on the "spirit molecule" the largest dose recorded was 0.6mg/kg and Niles and? reported the experience to be way too much for anyone to learn or enjoy..over the top?? :thumb_up:

what r the consensus on my weight / dose?? via single hit..(.3 hits seems like a waste of spice as to get a 30mg experience u need to inhale 50mg at the three toke method) so not really interested in wasting spice....its too valuable to the traveller especially where i live...

any comments/ help would be appreciated..
safe travells

Hey exiled reaper :)

exiled reaper said:
i am wanting to go again but the fear of the experience is taking hold.
I have been troubled by the huge body load and psi in the face/sinus when on a voyage and am wondering if my dose may be rather high for my body weight..

Yeah, the bodyload that often comes on can be rough some times, I've found that it's something that you just have to learn to rest into. Dissolve into it, let it have you fully and uninterrupted. No mind, no nothing, just be with it [easier said than done though at times]. Best not to impose anything onto it, mental or otherwise. Just die already! :lol:

The apprehension's always there, fear sometimes, they're both normal feelings when embarking often, especially if the person has gotten put in the deep end ..then they know ..and often times from that - a healthy respect/fear/apprehension can develop.

I've gotten alot of face/sinus pressures in varying intensities in the past. They weren't too too common for me though. I've had the experience reach directly into the bridge of my nose and right above the bridge of my nose, putting these insanely-impossible-to-convey feelings, pressures and impossible architectures throughout those areas. This has happened a few times; never has happened since. I have my thoughts on it, but I could be wrong in regards to what was happening there.

exiled reaper said:
anything upwards of 28mg and hello hyperspace,,, anything more than 35mg and it is just pure confusion and otherwise chaotic (as dmt is but some may know what i mean....)

Yeah, when you get into the higher dosage realms, especially with just nn-dmt alone, there's definitely going to be a good chance that it's going to be incredibly hard to 'stay with it' as it's happening, we can fall off the track there. The more exposure you have over time [if you choose to], and if it's relatively methodical in approach, then over time you can learn to 'stay with it', without complete loss of "wtf just happened!?" ime. Build a steady and enduring attention. Also, just working with simple yogas poses/postures for some months [say..every other day, or even every day practice] can definitely improve your ability to be in pretty 'uncomfortable and precarious positions' and become completely relaxed and comfortable, all the while having your breathing slow its paces. These things much of the time are overlooked, and obviously not everyone will apply them, some might even think they're 'silly' ...but there's good reason they exist ..and this is one of them.

A simple breath meditation, anything that you can earnestly develop your 'focus of awareness' and deepen it ..that'll end up paying huge dividends in how you react/relate/take in the experience. Not necessary obviously, but it's certainly a good adjunct for dmt travels.

And the rough dosage you'd mentioned - anything around 25mg, when done efficiently can cause a breakthrough without fuss, though it doesn't seem to work that way for everyone. Some can even breakthrough on 20mg when done efficiently.

35+mg is getting into serious territory ime, especially once you've got a technique down that's not wasting dmt or burning it [vaporizing it efficiently].

And regarding the 3 hits versus 1 or how many ever hits someone chooses - I've always stuck mostly with the 1 hit method, whole dose - one hit. The experience for me [and some others here that employ this method] with the 1-hit/whole dose method ..it's more times than not something so far removed from the '2-3 tokes', and often something completely different experientially [can't stress this last point enough].

exiled reaper said:
Hi all once again, I must say that this site is brilliant.... great for reading,learning, helping and asking.:)

I will state , I am 38 yrs old,169cm tall and 62kg fit...

I would like to state my problem and see what arises...

I have been a traveller for well over x25 trips, most being BT as i use the sandwich method in a mj bong and single hits of 30-35mg crystal dmt...
i am wanting to go again but the fear of the experience is taking hold.
I have been troubled by the huge body load and psi in the face/sinus when on a voyage and am wondering if my dose may be rather high for my body weight..
people speak of 50mg plus trips but they r using 2-3 tokes and that for me dosnt work anywhere near as well as the 1 hit method....or provide anywhere near the same experience..

anything upwards of 28mg and hello hyperspace,,, anything more than 35mg and it is just pure confusion and otherwise chaotic (as dmt is but some may know what i mean....)

Am I smoking too much for my weight at 0.6 mg/kg??? on the "spirit molecule" the largest dose recorded was 0.6mg/kg and Niles and? reported the experience to be way too much for anyone to learn or enjoy..over the top?? :thumb_up:

what r the consensus on my weight / dose?? via single hit..(.3 hits seems like a waste of spice as to get a 30mg experience u need to inhale 50mg at the three toke method) so not really interested in wasting spice....its too valuable to the traveller especially where i live...

any comments/ help would be appreciated..
safe travells


First of all, have you tried Changa? Regarding the "fear" it can help you due to its much smoother up come..

I totally agree with "one big hit"! Far superior than many small.. and as mentioned, 25-30mg can be even superior this way comparing to a 50mg divided in three tokes.
And also the smaller dosages can even be more enlightened than the bigger ones, due to amnesia and black outs.. It feels within the 25-30mg scale that you in a sense have more you feets on the ground while glimsing into the other realm which seems it easier to both understand and remember what you are experience..

When adding harmalas in the mix (Changa) the problem with amnesia and black outs seems to fade away some..

Regarding your weight ratio calculations.. do not bother that much.. due to the experiences can differ extreme regarding dosages, settings, smoke technique etc.. sometimes that dose can give you this.. another time some other dosage can give you that.. and so on..just keeps experimenting.:)

All the best!
Thanyou all for your reply:)

It is good to hear that over 25mg+ is getting up there in the one hit method( my only way) and as Im only a small guy no wonder i am getting blasted into hyperspace so often..

There is a lot of (Hero Smokers) posting huge amounts and my thoughts were correct as in wasting via poor technique and taking too long to administer.. taking multiple hits dosnt get me anywhere near a single hit,Its completley different(almost another substance in scale of experience)I was questioning why my 25/35mg trips were reading alot more intense than some travellers with 50+mg trips but we have cleared that up now...

My usuall dose is 25-30mg.. I did have a 40mg dose in one hit perfectly vaped and well that was mind altering and it still plays on my mind every other day and it was over two years ago.lol..but very informative....MENTALLY CHALENGING TO SAY THE LEAST!!

I admire dmt and the realm it opens up, I was just scaring myself too often with large single hits...,because of the intense bodyload/psi and my age. ect...

In my learning and journey I have learnt to incorporate meditation into my life and have found it to be one of the best tools for the human mind available...and its enjoyable...

It has taken nearly three years of constant practise (two to three times a week) to get good at dissasociating my mind from my body ,but now it is very easy as long as im in the correct mood or it takes a little longer..

I usually use Byron Metcalf sharmanic precussion to meditate and i usually Trip on dmt to "Raven Medicine" from byron Metcalf and steve Roach.. This music no matter what psyc one dose,it will move your soul and mind with meditation very deeply IMO..
(any one else used this??)THOUGHTS??

I usually meditate for 30 min to 1hr before any dmt and i cant imagine not meditating to calm the mind and the heart rate before blast-off. Lately just after the rip and during the come up i seem to be scared and anxious , sometimes I feel like running away but no-where to go...ect..

So I will meditate until im ready, inhale 25mg and see if i can remain calm again like the first few Bt's....and see what happens.. hoping not that much psi this time....

sitting on couch vs laying on bed?? may this help with psi..(i usually sit in a recliner) 1/2 layed..

Any recomendations of meditation music to listen to (must have direction within eg drums for the heart to follow.. ..(After the bt I cant hear it until im back down a fair way..)

I think i need to just suck it up lol and do what i know.. at least i have perfected the one-hit method...
I have tried the machine, the vaporisers, joints, glass pipes.. ect but i dont have enough spice for changa atm..(IMO use a mj device all the way, never fails unless you put lighter too close and burn the spice..which is easy to do but also easy to correct..

Thanks for listening
peace out to you all :thumb_up:
I am looking for music to help me go deeper, I'll check out your recommendations exiled reaper thank you. Silence would be perfect but on the way down noises such as the boiler coming on or somebody in the house next door clearing his throat in the disgusting way he does is intrusive when my hearing is so acute :)
exiled reaper said:
Thanyou all for your reply:)

It is good to hear that over 25mg+ is getting up there in the one hit method( my only way) and as Im only a small guy no wonder i am getting blasted into hyperspace so often..


exiled reaper said:
There is a lot of (Hero Smokers) posting huge amounts and my thoughts were correct as in wasting via poor technique and taking too long to administer.. taking multiple hits dosnt get me anywhere near a single hit,Its completley different(almost another substance in scale of experience)I was questioning why my 25/35mg trips were reading alot more intense than some travellers with 50+mg trips but we have cleared that up now...

Yeah, I mean ...some select people need moar dmt than others, though I tend to lean towards the direction of ultimately their technique not being entirely efficient when it comes to vaping freebase. Not to mention the possible environmental factors and how they can influence peoples mental state prior to blastoff. Environment is a very powerful factor.

And yup, multiple hits [like you mentioned] is such a different experience relative to the whole dose in one hit. It's hard for me to even put them in the same category honestly.

Changa or enhanced leaf .. great great delivery methods for the dmt :love:

exiled reaper said:
I did have a 40mg dose in one hit perfectly vaped and well that was mind altering and it still plays on my mind every other day and it was over two years ago.lol..but very informative....MENTALLY CHALENGING TO SAY THE LEAST!!

Yup, it can become very challenging at those depths. Throughout my stint with oral dmt and smoked - I've had periods of time to where I didn't dose, some of the experiences I'd had could've been enough for a lifetime. They weren't bad experiences per-say,. just very ontologically challenging to say the least.

We have no clue what mind nor consciousness is, who exactly the observer is, the basis of the world of phenomena, life, it's a mystery at the end of the day.

I have a feeling as a species we'll be chasin that one for awhile.. :d :shock: :twisted:

I admire dmt and the realm it opens up, I was just scaring myself too often with large single hits...,because of the intense bodyload/psi and my age. ect...

Yeah the somatic pressures, feelings, waves, energies, or whatever name we want to give them, they're of a enormous variety, boundless in their character and reach, they can encompass so much. It can dig deeper than we wish to feel and see.

exiled reaper said:
I usually use Byron Metcalf sharmanic precussion to meditate and i usually Trip on dmt to "Raven Medicine" from byron Metcalf and steve Roach.. This music no matter what psyc one dose,it will move your soul and mind with meditation very deeply IMO.. (any one else used this??)THOUGHTS??

Listened to raven medicine a bit ago. Pretty good stuff! Not what I'd personally pick for dmt vaping [i'm picky with tunes], though I do like this track and artist as something to listen to generally. :)

exiled reaper said:
I usually meditate for 30 min to 1hr before any dmt and i cant imagine not meditating to calm the mind and the heart rate before blast-off. Lately just after the rip and during the come up i seem to be scared and anxious , sometimes I feel like running away but no-where to go...ect..

So I will meditate until im ready, inhale 25mg and see if i can remain calm again like the first few Bt's....and see what happens.. hoping not that much psi this time....

sitting on couch vs laying on bed?? may this help with psi..(i usually sit in a recliner) 1/2 layed..

Sounds like you have a good practice leading up to blasting off :thumb_up:

I've never laid down much. It's usually in a recliner sprawled most of the way back, or I have another comfortable chair that's essentially straight up, and I sit straight up in the chair with my back straight, then after setting the pipe down I'll place one hand over top of the other and rest them in my lap while it comes on [though more times than not with the 1-hit method, I have very little time to do this].

For some reason I've stuck with the latter much of the time.

exiled reaper said:
I think i need to just suck it up lol and do what i know.. at least i have perfected the one-hit method...
I have tried the machine, the vaporisers, joints, glass pipes.. ect but i dont have enough spice for changa atm..(IMO use a mj device all the way, never fails unless you put lighter too close and burn the spice..which is easy to do but also easy to correct..

Sounds like a smart move, you seem to have relatively sound method in what you're doing, especially given what you've mentioned regarding your experiences. For freebase I've found no better device than the glass vapor genie, many here use it as well. One of the most crazy-effective delivery methods for the spice.

But hey, if the pipe you've grown accustomed to and became proficient at works well for you, especially with the the one-hit method, then it sounds like everything's a-ok, maybe just make minute adjustments to technique and whatnot over time (if need be).

Best of travelz
hey peoples, :)
Thankyou for you further input.:d
Tatt, cheers mate !,you seem to have many calming words of knowledge, you have all settled my nerves to travell once again,(as u know anxiety kicks in days before at just the pondering thought of another journey...)haha. i will take on board and report my findings..

on the changa,i am wanting to try as soon as my babies r developed enough to harvest at a decent amount. all i have read on the stuff sounds really promising and a much smoother, longer journey of better insight would be awsome so definatley ont he cards..

I cant thank you all enough as its hard to find/talk to like minded people who see what i see... not crazy,silly or fkd up, just open and enlightend to the posibillities of the unknown universal oneness,,,:surprised :) :lol: ..

safe journeys

no:thumb_up: Fidelsbeard, Harvest my acacias,,

i suppose Harvest is a weed growers term and yes i do also dabble in summer growing, this year pulled a nice amount for ourself to not have to visit dealers..

I am growing a few acacias and they r fairly well establishes now.. a maidenii and accuminata. Maidenii is 3 1/2yrs old and accuminata 2 1/2. both over 3m tall and healthy. Im just waiting for their first bloom season then the following summer i will harvest maidenii bark and accuminata leaf and some phylodes..

I also have some rue home grown and had some black caapi but the caapi only germinated and lasted 1 yr or so.. climate was too hard to control,,i was on an ayauscha( Well acaica is technically not traditional aya ) journey to make,but all good comes to those who wait( ha ha,sometimes, hey lol) so something to look foward to.. and considering im is southern most australia in Tasmania(cold climate winter -3 degrees celsius, mildly warm to hot summer 25 degrees c, so i have done a good job to grow the things here:thumb_up:

and to answer the question SORRY,i am hoping to use my rue leaf and or seeds(got enogh for a small extraction but leaf sounds easier. i just dont have enough spice for a batch,ATM...growing on it lol..




You are welcome brother!:)

I find the question regarding position of blasting off interesting.. would be cool to hear other members input on this.

Im with "tatt" here.. best position for me is in a comfortable chair where I can sit as straight as possible but still with my head rested backwards.. (I also put my hands like you describing after putting the pipe down lol). I like it like this because: you do not need to move after smoking, you feel stronger and more centralised and focused when you can have your back straight and which can be comforting depending on the climate you surfing:)

When sitting up and smoking for example on the side of the bed there is this movement to be able to lay down that I find disturbing after the smoking is done. Same when laying down I do not feel as strong if I sit up.. Its more like you just give up yourself without control to the beings in hyperspace...:)

Now this is only for smoking.. when drinking Ayahuasca for example it can be perfectly fine to lay down.. and so on:)
Thanks for the input about blastoff position:) good points. i might sit up a bit and see how it goes, might be a bit more less confronting for a second or 15....lol
and Fidelsbeard here are a cpl pics of my acacia babies and i also found some strange fungi thismorning growin all by themself,,:shock: :d :thumb_up:


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exiled reaper said:
Thanks for the input about blastoff position:) good points. i might sit up a bit and see how it goes, might be a bit more less confronting for a second or 15....lol
and Fidelsbeard here are a cpl pics of my acacia babies and i also found some strange fungi thismorning growin all by themself,,:shock: :d :thumb_up:

Go baby!;)
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