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Experiment: Entering the 5-dimensional shifting objects?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
There is a lot of talk about 5-dimensional objects that are constantly shifting and changing which mostly seem to occur in the “Waiting Room” or on low-dosages. Sometimes, most famously with Terrance McKenna, entities are making or gifting these objects. There has also seems to be a common theme with entering new rooms, spaces or environments and being able to navigate these spaces in the trips. Sometimes reports even suggest these spaces share commonalities or are sometimes the same even across different people or subsequent trips with the same person.

This got me to wondering, what happens when one tries to enter the objects? It would be very interesting to see some type of experiment with as many Nexians as possible trying to enter these objects, if possible.

What happens? If anything...
:cry: No posts yet. I will, hopefully, be adding a few over an unknown amount of time. I would like to keep this an on-going "experiment", all are welcome to add their own experiences...

Experimenter 1:

Attempt(s): Approx. 3 low doses: Several attempts to enter the "shifting objects" with no success. There seems to be a "force field" that keeps you away from entering. When you attempt to "move towards" them (your awareness/consciousness as you're obviously without a body in this space) they move back a tiny amount as if being pushed by some invisible force and then you're simply unable to move past that...like an invisible pane of glass. It's the same even when there is a clear opening/space to enter into. You can get a closer view (like peering into it from a closer viewpoint) but are "stopped" at a certain point. Unsuccessful attempt but very positive experience none-the-less.
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