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Extraction of shrooms

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM have some dried shrooms but SWIM want to store them for a very long time will it help to extract the shrooms alkoids and save these in a baggie in the fridge ? Or is this not possible / effective to do this ? If someone has a tek it would be great !

Many thanks in advance
nice thread i have been wondering about this for some time
hopefully this summer ill be getting enough of the mushies to try something
ill have to look around some more i remember seeing something awhile ago but i dont
remember just how it was done

i would think a STB and then salt it out somehow

maybe calcium hydroxide and limonene seems to work for most things
then maybe salt it out with citric acid/vinegar/hcl i dont know

i bet 69ron would know

as far as storage i think in a bag in a freezer would be fine
maybe vacuum sealed
Jorkest said:
you can just use alcohol...

not sure about the smoking part..but i would think this tek works

oh wow that looks pretty straight forward...
hopefully ill find some cubes this summer

from reading it i wasnt sure if shulgin was saying ethanol with less water
would work even better or if the 95% would be sufficient

yea i dunno if i would want to attempt vaporizing it after all
alkaloids are usually in a salt form anyway so that probably wouldnt even work
im not sure though so i cant say one way or the other

good find thanks for sharing
Psilocybin isn't a salt and doesn't have a freebase form, it is an indole. Psilocin is a phosphate ester, and I don't believe it has a salt or freebase form either. The legitimacy of reports regarding vaporizing either of them are still apparently contested.

SWIM will say that if one were to attempt this, proper heating would be very important. Apparently, next to nothing will will be extracted by the ethanol without it, though SWIM has only tested it once, and perhaps not thoroughly enough.
SWIM has about 2g gry left and a jar that is already fully colonized, just waiting for the first pin before he births. SWIM has a better idea. Soak the mushrooms in vodka for a few hours, then add a little bit of water and lemon juice. Then just swirl the mixture in the mouth for 20 min or so and spit out. No nausea, no problem
HappyCamper said:
SWIM has about 2g gry left and a jar that is already fully colonized, just waiting for the first pin before he births. SWIM has a better idea. Soak the mushrooms in vodka for a few hours, then add a little bit of water and lemon juice. Then just swirl the mixture in the mouth for 20 min or so and spit out. No nausea, no problem

Water may oxidize the psilocin without the use of ascorbic acid (not sure how much ascorbic lemon juice contains) and the vodka may not dissolve all that much without heat.
amor_fati said:
Psilocybin isn't a salt and doesn't have a freebase form, it is an indole. Psilocin is a phosphate ester, and I don't believe it has a salt or freebase form either. The legitimacy of reports regarding vaporizing either of them are still apparently contested.

SWIM will say that if one were to attempt this, proper heating would be very important. Apparently, next to nothing will will be extracted by the ethanol without it, though SWIM has only tested it once, and perhaps not thoroughly enough.

ooo i see thats very intereseting

so would one want to reflux the soak at about 170F?

anyone know how stable this extracted form is id imagine just as stable as it was in the shrooms
i figure id probably dissolve it in some good ol orange juice (it should be water soluble right)
come to think of it if it is water soluble wouldnt pure ethanol be best?
So it wont be possible to get you to a HCl vorm ? What kind of extracted form are we looking at then ?
psilocybin is technically a zwitterion; it carries a partial positive charge at the terminal amine, and a partial negative charge at the phosphoryloxy moeity.

swim has done both alcohol extractions and a/b
your best bet would be to acidify it with vinegar, then basify with ammonia (keep the pH below 9, and work quickly...psilocin degrades in high pH) and extract with dcm (warm naptha might work).
(the product will be psilocin freebase, you'll need to store it in an amber bottle. you can cap it, or mix it with some sort of acidic juice.)
benzyme said:
psilocybin is technically a zwitterion; it carries a partial positive charge at the terminal amine, and a partial negative charge at the phosphoryloxy moeity.

swim has done both alcohol extractions and a/b
your best bet would be to acidify it with vinegar, then basify with ammonia (keep the pH below 9, and work quickly...psilocin degrades in high pH) and extract with dcm (warm naptha might work).
(the product will be psilocin freebase, you'll need to store it in an amber bottle. you can cap it, or mix it with some sort of acidic juice.)

that sounds interesting
so the psylocybin (sp?) is left in the solution?

i suppose yeild varys widely... whats dosing like? 10ish mg?

how effective is the alcohol extraction?
would pure ethanol be any better?

finally which extract worked better for you?

thanks for your input!
SWIM's suggestion wasn't based on previous experience b/c he has never use mushrooms sublingualy. He just thought it would be a good way to get rid of nausea
HappyCamper said:
SWIM's suggestion wasn't based on previous experience b/c he has never use mushrooms sublingualy. He just thought it would be a good way to get rid of nausea

i dont get nausea from shrooms just cant stand the taste anymore...
and i like extracting things whats better then a pure powder/crystal form

benzyme thank you for your input ill have to try that sometime
This will actually work...

Take some dry (very DRY) mushrooms... and use 190 proof or 99% ethanol everclear would work as well... soak in a amber glass... lid closed... in the fridge crisper for a few weeks... take out strain your mark. the ethanol will turn blue you will find.
this is the nefarious blue juice of legend...
take this blue juice... place in freezer... crystals will precipitate... and there you go...
learned trick from a trusted chemist...
LLB said:
This will actually work...

Take some dry (very DRY) mushrooms... and use 190 proof or 99% ethanol everclear would work as well... soak in a amber glass... lid closed... in the fridge crisper for a few weeks... take out strain your mark. the ethanol will turn blue you will find.
this is the nefarious blue juice of legend...
take this blue juice... place in freezer... crystals will precipitate... and there you go...
learned trick from a trusted chemist...

thank you :) i will try first chance i get
i promise to report back

check this out

Toss the shrooms into a big jar. Pour everclear on top. I like to cover the
shrooms and have about an inch of extra everclear at the bottom
(they float at first... we all float down here )

After a while, they'll soak up the everclear and sink. I put them on
my kitchen counter and my wife and I give it a shake whenever we
walk by it. That's pretty much it. I do this for three weeks or so,
depends on when I feel like messing with the final stage:

Strain the shrooms out. I use a strainer first then I restrain it
through a coffee filter. I like to squeeze the chunks to get all
the goodies, but again, I'm not sure how much that helps...
just a habit I got into back when I was a poppy pod junkie

The most important part, which I should have mentioned before,
is to write down how many grams of shrooms you started with.
The amount of everclear isn't really that important.


You start with 50g dried shroom. Maybe you used 200ml of
everclear to soak 'em in. Whatever liquid you have left at
the end, just divide that by 50, and that's your (approx)
one gram dose. I don't like drinking everclear, and it tastes
nasty, so I like to evaporate my final liquid down to about
1 gram to 5 mls.

Some shrooms can only go down to 1 gram per 10mls before
crystals start to precipitate, and no matter what you read or
hear anywhere, the crystals are pretty much useless. No one
is even sure what is IN the crystals, it may be waxes and tars,
it may be psillly, but just to be on the safe side, I like to
keep it in solution.

Store the liquid in the freezer in tightly sealed containers. It lasts
a long time - I've gone up to 8 months with no noticable loss.

I like to store it in small containers. This way, if I find that there
are crystals in the bottom, I can gently heat the bottle in hot
water & swirl until they go back in solution, then measure doses.
You wouldn't want to do that to the entire batch every time you
dose, and after all - who knows WHAT is in those crystals?

Using heat in this process is pointless and may actually damage
the final product. Note that the prof didn't publish any bio-assays
of said shroom crystals.. could just be sugars or such...
Heat and psilly = bad news. Not to mention that heating up
everclear can be extremely dangerous.

Patience is key here, IME, and besides, it's easy as hell.

Thanks for the props emptybrightness


what you think about that hes skeptical of the crystals... with reason?

"Efficient extraction apparently requires patience.

As to the identity of the crystals that were drifting around in the cooled Soxhlet receiver, from their being insoluble in ethanol, and white, and transparent, I would guess that you are seeing pure psilocybin."

-- Dr. Shulgin

For what that's worth, if you're one of the many who worship
shulgin... note that he's "guessing" what the crystals are, and
no one really has done any solid research on this.

As for the Isopropyl extraction method... well, I've tried it
several times with 100% iso and 80% and had NO results
worth repeating. I really wish he'd delete that crap about
extracting old cakes.. what a waste of time.

I didn't know that my early results were published anywhere
but here? Interesting - as many times as the Prof and I
have gone around, he still used my posts on his site.
I've seen a similar tech elsewhere. It looks so simple.

Has anyone else tried a tech where you freeze precipitate psilocin in ethanol? Some say it works, others say it doesn't.

If it works, does it give good yields?
69ron said:
I've seen a similar tech elsewhere. It looks so simple.

Has anyone else tried a tech where you freeze precipitate psilocin in ethanol? Some say it works, others say it doesn't.

If it works, does it give good yields?

that guy seems pretty confident
check out this link he claims to of worked with shulgin

im gonna have to try it...
benzyme said:
as was mentioned, the crystals from the alcohol can be a number of things other than an active product.

the a/b will actually isolate psilocin free base, which you'd then want to preserve with an anti-oxidant (hence something like orange juice, which typically has ascorbic acid)

so in your opinion ethanol extracts arent really worth trying?
seems one could reduce and freeze the alcohol have 5ml measured doses..

the a/b does sound worth trying as well...
just ethanol soak is so simple...
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