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Extraction of shrooms

Migrated topic.
very nice. they don't look abused at all

the main concern with extractions is having enough material to yield enough actives to make it worthwhile. in this case, it should not be a major concern. one may follow the aforementioned steps, and freeze precipitate in naptha to yield crystals. the logP of psilocin (a good indicator of how polar it is) is close to that of DMT. extraction procedures (except STB) may be similar, just use gentle heat during acidification, and keep the pH lower in basification.
they may look okayish but they are very very abused - thats why they are perfectly suited to an experimental extraction - btw they are P.Cubensis Transkei.
Bufotenine is nearly identical to psilocin. Bufotenine is 5-HO-DMT, while psilocin in 4-HO-DMT. They share a lot of similar chemical properties. Both are unstable in high pH, however bufotenine is highly heat stable and psilocin is not. Also bufotenine is less vulnerable to oxidation (I wonder why?).

Phlux- said:
To complicate things even more, Dr. Nichols once did an NMR study of the
conformation of psilocin in solution and reported that the side-chain amine
folds back to interact with the 4-hydroxyl group, so you could have some
sort of hydrogen bonding going on between the hydroxyl and the lone pair
electrons of the amine. That may drastically change the pKa.

This also may be the case with BUFOTENINE's hydroxyl group. It's believed by many that bufotenine's side chain can fold back in a similar way if the pH is high enough and form dehydrobufotenine, which is said to be an irreversible chemical change.
FYI, XLogP3 data of some interesting alkaloids:

LSD:               3.0 
DMT:               2.5
Psilocin:          2.1
DMT N-Oxide:       2.0  
5-MeO-DMT:         1.5 
LSA:               1.6
Dehydrobufotenine: 1.6 (XLogP3-AA, not XLogP3)
Bufotenine:        1.2
Mescaline:         0.7
Bufotenine N-Oxide:0.6 
Psilocybin:       -1.6 (XLogP3-AA, not XLogP3)

That should help you in deciding which extraction produres and which solvents to use. Psilocin has a similar polarity to DMT and DMT N-Oxide. It’s less polar than DMT, but more polar than DMT N-Oxide. Naphtha can extract DMT, but not DMT N-Oxide. Xylene or d-limonene can extract both.

According to the polarity of psilocin, you should be able to extract it with d-limonene, xylene, DCM, chloroform, ether, and possibly warm naphtha or warm heptane.
benzyme said:
very curious, and interesting.

bufotenine (which i'm unfamilar with) and psilocin (a very familiar molecule) have such different qualities, based on the position of that OH group

Yes, it’s very curious. If you smoke freebase bufotenine, after the peak it starts becoming a little bit like a psilocin trip, more than a DMT trip.

Psilocin is much more active orally than bufotenine is, about 10 times as active. When smoked, bufotenine is about as active as psilocin is orally. However the psilocin trip lasts about twice as long either way (4-6 hours). The bufotenine trip lasts 1.5-3 hours smoked or orally.
Jorkest said:
so how can d-limonene pull mescaline..but not bufotenine?

LOL, you noticed that. Yeah, there are a few very strange exceptions to the polarity rules. I would like to see that explained myself!
swim was intending to use first - room temp naptha then warm naptha - swim has xylene but hates it with a passion - it is fine for swim to try his luck with naptha right - just confirming.
awesome developments guys good luck phlux

id be interested in trying this with d-limonene
how would one get the freebase out of the limonene
salt with citrate?
if u were to salt it with citric acid wouldnt u end up with a salt - psilocin citrate - if this is even possible - got the idea u couldnt have psilocin salts earlier.
swim will deffinately be trying this with d-limonene as soon as it arrives. swims never felt so excited about getting a solvent before
That probably would work. I believe that d-limonene can hold about 0.1% citric acid (100 ml would hold about 100 mg). That slight solubility should be enough to salt it out by just adding the citric acid directly to the d-limonene. It’s worth a shot.
Phlux- said:
if u were to salt it with citric acid wouldnt u end up with a salt - psilocin citrate - if this is even possible - got the idea u couldnt have psilocin salts earlier.
swim will deffinately be trying this with d-limonene as soon as it arrives. swims never felt so excited about getting a solvent before

Psilocin (4-HO-DMT) can exist as freebase or a salt. In that way it's just like bufotenine (5-HO-DMT). Psilocybin is different. Psilocybin is a zwitterion and cannot be freebased or made into a salt. Psilocybin is it's own internal salt so to speak. To freebase psilocybin you must hydrolyze it into psilocin to get rid of it's internal salt, then you can freebase it as psilocin.
okay kewl thanks for clearing that up - so best one could hope for is to convert the psilocybin to psilocin then extract it as a freebase right?
how else - other than with heat or oxygen - can the psilocybin be converted to psilocin ?
just 1 quick question - when adding the sodium carbonate - does swim mix it with water then add it very slowly - also how much would an estimate be of the amount of sodium carbonate required ?
still not sure wether to heat at the end or not - if swim heats it the cybin turns to cin but there is a chance the cin will degrade too.
if not then i just get the cin thats there and none of the cybin.
Phlux- said:
just 1 quick question - when adding the sodium carbonate - does swim mix it with water then add it very slowly - also how much would an estimate be of the amount of sodium carbonate required ?

It's my understanding that only the hydroxides can damage psilocin, not carbonates. SWIM tried damaging bufotenine with calcium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide and both did the job. SWIM then tried concetrated sodium carbonate paste, which is about as strong as you can get, and the bufotenine was fine, even after hours of being in the concetrated base.

I believe the hydroxides react with the hydroxyl group on psilocin and bufotenine and that's how the destruction is accomplish at high pH levels. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense that ammonium hydroxide at pH 11.4 can detroy bufotenine, but sodium carbonate at pH 11.4 can't.
benzyme said:

in the end, it's psilocin which acts centrally anyway. it's 1.4x as potent as psilocybin (by weight)
by doing a/b, one is essentially doing the same job as our phosphatase enzymes, which convert psilocybin to psilocin.

That leads to difference absorption rates for psilocin and psilocybin and because of that, they have noticeably different effects. Psilocybin sticks around in the body for a while before being converted to psilocin and during that time period it is active and produces bodily effects that differ from psilocin. Psilocybin can’t enter the brain at all until it’s converted to psilocin, while as soon as psilocin enters your body it can enter the brain. That delay causes a slight change in their effects.

SWIM has had both psilocin and psilocybin in the past. He had pure psilocybin pills and converted some to psilocin. The effects between the psilocybin pills and the psilocin were quite noticeable and cleary different. Psilocybin has far more of a body high and is less psychedelic. Some people got nausea from psilocybin but not from psilocin. I’d say that the effects are about 90% the same though. They are very similar. But the body load of psilocybin is where the real difference lies.

It’s always best to convert psilocybin to psilocin prior to ingestion. It will come on faster, be more hallucinogenic, and have much less body load.

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