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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Ok this is my 1st time @ this. I used the joshisom's tek & I got a great yield but now I'm confused when you do the next pull do you add more lye if so how much is it the same as 1st time I know you reuse the naptha.
Hi and welcome!

I just re read joshisoms tek to see what you mean, and when it says repeat step 2, that is the step right above
Where it is adding the naphtha and shaking, let separate, shake, etc.
Once your mix is basified, you don't need any more lye.
Just keep doing naphtha pulls until the mix isn't putting out any more.
I would shake and separate about 5-6 times per pull while the mix is warm, and if the naphtha is very milky white,
Then freeze precipitate. If it's not then evaporate it halfway first then freeze.

Are you using acacia or mhrb?
Hope your extraction works out. The first one is just training!😃
Read read read and it will all come together.

I used the acacia we split in half the 1st try but forgot to use less water/vinegar so it took along time to boil down still got good yield but didn't do anything past 2nd pull the 2nd half useing correct water pulled 8 grms in 1st pull it will be ok to add both true together to gin8sh it right?
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking if you can add together.

Most members of the site would encourage you to read a lot more extraction teks and
Get a good grasp of what each step is and why they are done, what is happening chemically, etc. myself included.
It might take some time, but it will click eventually and extractions are easier and more successful
When you understand what is happening.
For now just try to read a couple more teks and follow the tek to the letter.
Most questions can be answered easily by searching other threads or the faq or wiki and researching more.

If it is combining naphtha pulls to freeze precip, yes add them together.
You should pull at least 4 times and combine, then maybe keep 5th pull separate and see if it is still giving spice.

I would suggest finishing the bark you have started extracting, then read a lot more
before doing another extract on the remaining bark.

I have only done 3 extractions myself but read A TON before starting.

Good luck and I hope it is a success!
See you in hyperspace...

Tipsyboy1 said:
Ok this is my 1st time @ this. I used the joshisom's tek & I got a great yield but now I'm confused when you do the next pull do you add more lye if so how much is it the same as 1st time I know you reuse the naptha.

Lye is added to render the alkaloids in freebase form. You don't need to add lye again, since there is no reason for the alkaloids to become salts again.

Use the same amount of naphtha. You can combine more pull together before freeze precipitation. If you see no crystal don't panic, reduce the volume of the solvent by gently heating it with a hot water bath and put it back in the freezer. I suggest to reduce the volume to 1/2 or 1/3.
After many pulls ( I can't say a precise number) there won't be any more precipitation.

By the way that's all pretty much basic information, I suggest you read more theory&teks, as suggested by AcidShard.
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