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Failed Extraction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
After a number of succesful tries, SWIM had a failed extraction.

It's weird because the recipe was the same. 50gr mimosa bark, 50gr naptha, 300 ml deionized water.

Then introduce 20 ml naptha. Shake bottle. Do this step 4 times total, for a total of 80 ml naptha.

Await for naptha separation while bottle rests inside a hot water bath. Then remove naptha and then remove impurities from that.

SWIM figured something was wrong because the final naptha wich contained the dmt seems as very little. Much less than 80 ml.

The other day there was almost no DMT, and using a razor, what was recovered was just this little slime.

Any ideas what might have gone wrong? The root bark is almost a year old but sits inside a no air bag, with no contact with sunlight
psychotropia1 said:
After a number of succesful tries, SWIM had a failed extraction.

It's weird because the recipe was the same. 50gr mimosa bark, 50gr naptha, 300 ml deionized water.

Maybe you forgot to add base? 300ml of water will not be enough for 50g of bark either. The consistency will be too thick and will also trap more solvent, emulsify etc.

If you did indeed not add base, the resulting slime is just some fats that you removed from the plant matter. And that should be good. Proceed with adding NaOH or the base of choice, maybe some NaCl too... and so forth.
What do you mean add base? "Dmt for the masses" tek was used where there is no base. With this method there were previous successful extractions. But something went wrong now.

Maybe the water? For 50gr of mhrb, how many ml of water? Previous 300 ml worked.

But you are right that th mixture consistency was too thick. And too little naptha means that the mixture traped naptha inside perhaps.

This method is straight to base without requiring any bases as a material. But dmt quantity was always little... So maybe there is room for improvement.

What is the best method to get the most dmt out of your mhrb?
Lye is base :)
STB (straight to base) without base is weird idea :)
I don't know what was wrong with your technique (bad MHRB:np ratio?), here is tek I use (and works)...

*EDITED* - removed step with mixer

1. Powderize MHRB
2. Put 100g of NaOH with 0.5l of water into glass vessel, dissolve, add MHRB. Mix thoroughly
4. Let sit for 24h with occasional shaking
5. Add 1l of water, mix
6. Add np (I am using toluene, no emulsion at all)
7. Shake without mercy for 30s and fully separate 3x for first pull, 6x for second and 10x for third pull
8. Let sit few hours, so np is clear.
9. Use glass 50/100ml pipette with rubber bulb to remove (clear!) np. 10% of np stays in the vessel

1. How many grams of mhrb though?
2. 1.5 l of water isnt too much?
3. For 1.5 l of water, how much ml of naptha?
4. What do you mean "fully separate 3x for first pull, 6x for second and 10x for third pull"?

Finally, can root bark go bad? considering no exposure to air or sunlight
1. Sorry, this was for 100g of MHRB
2. No, 1,5l is ok :) Trying less means higher probability of problems with layers separation or emulsion
3. Do you want to use freeze-precip? Do you want to evap or precip directly? Just search
4. Shake vigorously, so np mixes with water, so you can't see any layers (30 secs or more). Then wait till full separation of two distinct layers again. This is what I call full separation

If the bark is not exposed to air and heat it should last some time. But suggestion is to process it asap or store sealed in a fridge
pete666 said:
2. Put 100g of NaOH with 0.5l of water and MHRB into blender. Mix few minutes

I would advise against this part. Seems like something could go wrong when blending a basic solution with as much lye that these teks ask for. I suggest sticking to pre-blending the bark and stirring in the lye/water solution into the bark/water solution. Sodium hydroxide will break everything up nicely.

Psychotropia1, I have used bark over 3 years old and still achieved decent yields. The only way to find out is perfect the process first.
DoingKermit said:
I would advise against this part. Seems like something could go wrong when blending a basic solution with as much lye that these teks ask for. I suggest sticking to pre-blending the bark and stirring in the lye/water solution into the bark/water solution. Sodium hydroxide will break everything up nicely.
Water is basified before pouring into blender. Of course at room temperature, not hot. Blender has to be glass one. Cold hydroxide won't break anything. When mixing, the cover has to be held all the time. HDPE foil can be placed between the cover and the vessel. Gloves, goggles and proper wear are a must. Bottle of vinegar has to be ready in case of any problems. Brain is used
A blender only adds more complicated -potentially dangerous - steps for the novices. Find a working, well reviewd tek and follow it. Most will cover all that’s necessary in simple enough steps that most people can perform.

Bases still retain corrosive and caustic particularities regardles of temp when dissolved.

“Glass blenders” are not glass entirely. The blades and mounting system in them are not glass, neither are the parts that seal the inside (i.e blade system) from the outside (i.e motor system).. some rubber gaskets will always be present. It’s best to avoid this as rubber doesn’t stand even the slightest chance in the way of lye.

Stay safe!
Lumina said:
A blender only adds more complicated -potentially dangerous - steps for the novices. Find a working, well reviewd tek and follow it. Most will cover all that’s necessary in simple enough steps that most people can perform.
True, there are safer/simpler methods. it doesn't have to be perfect. I was not expecting someone will go ahead without some basic knowledge. Mea culpa

Lumina said:
“Glass blenders” are not glass entirely. The blades and mounting system in them are not glass, neither are the parts that seal the inside (i.e blade system) from the outside (i.e motor system).. some rubber gaskets will always be present. It’s best to avoid this as rubber doesn’t stand even the slightest chance in the way of lye. Stay safe!
True when someone is not following the last stated advice - use brain
A lot of mixers (mine of course too) do have silicone gaskets. If HDPE is used to separate top from the vessel, then only blades are a question. We are not talking about extreme hydroxide concentrations and the solution is in the mixer at low temperature for about two minutes. Glass is not perfect as well when in contact with hydroxide, but the damage is so low in those conditions, we simply accept that. The same with stainless steel
Thanks but i still have a couple of questions!

I asked you
For 1.5 l of water, how much ml of naptha?
You said
Do you want to use freeze-precip? Do you want to evap or precip directly?

What he used to do was put the extracted naphta in the freezer and let it for 24hrs. So how much naptha should be introduced to the mixture?

Also, what do you mean
fully separate 3x for first pull, 6x for second and 10x for third pull

What is the first second and third pulls and what are 3x. 6x. 10x?
What he used to do was put 80 mls of naptha in the mixture, shake and then just extract thta naptha.

Finally, for 50grams of mhrb, the other values are 50 grams of NaOh. What are the values for water and naptha? Half of the ones for the 100grams of mhrb?
psychotropia1 said:
You said
Do you want to use freeze-precip? Do you want to evap or precip directly?
No, I said :
pete666 said:
3. Do you want to use freeze-precip? Do you want to evap or precip directly? Just search
Have you used the link? Have you read at least first page of topics? If so, I am pretty sure you should know what to do :) If not, tell me what is not clear?
psychotropia1 said:
Also, what do you mean
fully separate 3x for first pull, 6x for second and 10x for third pull

What is the first second and third pulls and what are 3x. 6x. 10x?
So my answer was :
pete666 said:
4. Shake vigorously, so np mixes with water, so you can't see any layers (30 secs or more). Then wait till full separation of two distinct layers again. This is what I call full separation
If you (after full separation of layers) remove the np layer (with goodies) - it is called : the pull.
3x,6x and 10x means you are repeating the shaking/full separation of layers more times before each pull. For first pull do it 3 times, for second 6 times and for third pull 10 times.

psychotropia1 said:
Finally, for 50grams of mhrb, the other values are 50 grams of NaOh. What are the values for water and naptha? Half of the ones for the 100grams of mhrb?

For STB for each 100g of MHRB should be 1,5l of water. I am not doing freeze-precip, so I won't give you any exact numbers for naptha, but you can find it in the search link above
Just for the record - The step describing usage of blender was removed. Side-by-side extraction was performed (one with blender, one without) and no noticeable difference was found. Blender is needless here.

pete666 said:
1. Powderize MHRB
2. Put 100g of NaOH with 0.5l of water into glass vessel, dissolve, add MHRB. Mix thoroughly
4. Let sit for 24h with occasional shaking
5. Add 1l of water, mix
6. Add np (I am using toluene, no emulsion at all)
7. Shake without mercy for 30s and fully separate 3x for first pull, 6x for second and 10x for third pull
8. Let sit few hours, so np is clear.
9. Use glass 50/100ml pipette with rubber bulb to remove (clear!) np. 10% of np stays in the vessel
Thank you for your replies. But i spent all day reading and i coulnd't get answers to my questions. The more i read, the more complicated it becomes.

Each person suggests something else...For example, in Cybs tek, he suggestes 200 ml of water for 50g MHrb, which is quite different than 1.5l.

You said
Do you want to use freeze-precip? Do you want to evap or precip directly?
I dont know the differences and i didnt find anything.
The only thing i found is this post

Which is quite unclear.

The only method i know is where you take naptha and you put it in the freezer for 24 hrs and then scrape with a razor. This is the one in Nomans tek.

It is still unclear how much naptha should one put.

The process is quite unclear to me.

Could you please explain this part?
Shake without mercy for 30s and fully separate 3x for first pull, 6x for second and 10x for third pull

What exactly do you mean?
What i know is this:
In the water/lye/bark mixture add 20 ml of naptha then shake.
Then add 20 ml more and shake. Then 20 more, then 20 more.
Then wait a couple minutes till naptha separates (stands on top of the mixture).
Then extract the naptha and put it in the fridge.

Could you please explain what "ully separate 3x for first pull, 6x for second and 10x for third pull" means?

It is a recipe, why are there so contradicting info?
have a look here (DMT for the masses)
you will see (at step 2.) :

Mix 15ml water and 1g lye per gram of bark in the mixing jar. For example: 50g bark
would require 750ml water and 50g lye.

I guess my suggestion 1,5l for 100g of bark is with line with this, no?

psychotropia1 said:
You said
Do you want to use freeze-precip? Do you want to evap or precip directly?
I dont know the differences and i didnt find anything.
The only thing i found is this post

Which is quite unclear.

The only method i know is where you take naptha and you put it in the freezer for 24 hrs and then scrape with a razor. This is the one in Nomans tek.

It is still unclear how much naptha should one put.

The process is quite unclear to me.
Sorry, I am not willing to explain basics that can be found elsewhere. Have a look at this post for example. If you don't understand it, google the words you don't understand, read all teks, understand whole process and finally you won't need any tek, because you will understand how it works and you will be able to design your own tek(s). It is not as complex.

psychotropia1 said:
Could you please explain this part?
Shake without mercy for 30s and fully separate 3x for first pull, 6x for second and 10x for third pull

What exactly do you mean?
What i know is this:
In the water/lye/bark mixture add 20 ml of naptha then shake.
Then add 20 ml more and shake. Then 20 more, then 20 more.
Then wait a couple minutes till naptha separates (stands on top of the mixture).
Then extract the naptha and put it in the fridge.

Could you please explain what "ully separate 3x for first pull, 6x for second and 10x for third pull" means?

I would add all naptha (np) altogether, shake, wait for separation (stands on top of the mixture). But then I wouldn't extract the naptha, but repeat shaking and separation. And again. Then extract naptha. So 3 times for first pull.

Clear? :)
Pete66 i thank you so much for all your answers.
I see you are quite frustrated. I am sorry for this. I have done extended research but i found contradicting info.

The thread you shared was so much informative, thanks a ton.

I have some couple questions, but most of them can be simply answered with a yes/no. Most of them are for confirmation i have understood the process completely.
Could you please take a look at them?

1. SWIM does freeze precipitation. Is 20ml npatha per pull ok? For a total of 3 pulls (your recipe) that means 60ml naptha in the collection jar to go into the freezer. Correct?

2. About doing multiple pulls. It means putting NEW naptha every time, while saturated naptha is out. So after you are done with the 1st pull, store that naptha away. For the second pull, put NEW naptha. Do the shake-wait for separation thing 6 times.
Then put that naptha away in the same jar with the old saturated naptha from the 1st pull.
Then for the third pull, add NEW naptha once again. Do shake/wait for separation 10 times.
Extract naptha and place all the naptha from the 3 pulls together into the freezer.
Is this correct?

3. How much do i have to wait until naptha separates from the mix? Is it necessary to wait for separation before reshaking?

4. For 50gr of MHrb, you mix it with 50gr NaOH into how much amount of water? 500ml? Then add the rest of the water so the sum is 700ml? Is it necessary to leave this for 24 hrs before introducing the naptha?

5. Do i put the mixture into a heat bath when doing the shaking/separation? If yes, how much temperature in average?

6. About freezing. The thread you posted said contradictiong stuff. Do i have to put it into a fridge before placing it in the freezer? And what about the times? Will plainly placing it in a freezer for 24 hrs work?

7. After i am done, i can retrieve the naptha and reuse it in later pulls right? Its capacity to extract dmt will not be lowered after an extraction, is that correct?

Thank you so much already for your answers my friend...
psychotropia1 said:
Pete66 i thank you so much for all your answers.
I see you are quite frustrated. I am sorry for this. I have done extended research but i found contradicting info.

no problem mate

The thread you shared was so much informative, thanks a ton.

I have some couple questions, but most of them can be simply answered with a yes/no. Most of them are for confirmation i have understood the process completely.
Could you please take a look at them?

1. SWIM does freeze precipitation. Is 20ml npatha per pull ok? For a total of 3 pulls (your recipe) that means 60ml naptha in the collection jar to go into the freezer. Correct?

Check this
I suggest reading whole FAQ :)
I would use 1:1 MHRB(g):np(ml) ratio and reduce by evaporation till cloudy. Then freeze precipitate.

2. About doing multiple pulls. It means putting NEW naptha every time, while saturated naptha is out. So after you are done with the 1st pull, store that naptha away. For the second pull, put NEW naptha. Do the shake-wait for separation thing 6 times.
Then put that naptha away in the same jar with the old saturated naptha from the 1st pull.
Then for the third pull, add NEW naptha once again. Do shake/wait for separation 10 times.
Extract naptha and place all the naptha from the 3 pulls together into the freezer.
Is this correct?

Yes. Of course you can freeze-precip after each pull and after freeze-precipitation use the same np for next pull, but it is slower.

3. How much do i have to wait until naptha separates from the mix? Is it necessary to wait for separation before reshaking?

Separation means small particles of np are moving through the water layer upwards taking the dmt with them. So in fact while separating it is working for you without work. I would wait till completely separated.

4. For 50gr of MHrb, you mix it with 50gr NaOH into how much amount of water? 500ml? Then add the rest of the water so the sum is 700ml? Is it necessary to leave this for 24 hrs before introducing the naptha?

50gr MHRB & 50gr NaOH into 0,25l of water. Mix really properly, the more, the better. Wait 24hrs with occasional shaking (every 3 hours or so). Then add 0,5L of water and mix. Then naptha

5. Do i put the mixture into a heat bath when doing the shaking/separation? If yes, how much temperature in average?

It depends whether you want white or yellow dmt. For yellow yes, it can be heated, but no more than is boiling point of your naptha and no more than 60-70C. Use water bath, no direct heating!!!!
If you want white, do not heat. The longer you leave the naptha in or the more shake/settle(s) you do or the more warm the mixture is, the more dmt you get out, but the more dirt goes with it. So my advice to do 3/6/10 rounds of shaking/settling means you get a lot out, but it is not gonna be pure. Maybe for smoking you can tweak it and do only 1/2/3 rounds or so, so you will get whiter result. I prefer getting all and then re-x with heptane.

6. About freezing. The thread you posted said contradictiong stuff. Do i have to put it into a fridge before placing it in the freezer? And what about the times? Will plainly placing it in a freezer for 24 hrs work?

No, you don't have to. But slower crystallization means larger crystals. If you don't mind powder, you can avoid fridge.
The freezer should have less than -20C. 24hrs is enough. You can't make mistake leaving it there longer. The more np, the longer leave it there.

7. After i am done, i can retrieve the naptha and reuse it in later pulls right? Its capacity to extract dmt will not be lowered after an extraction, is that correct?


Thank you so much already for your answers my friend...

pleasure :)
The extraction teks via the Nexus wiki are quite clear, my favourite is Cyb's hybrid ATB salt tek...never lets me down :)

I do hot pulls for yellow spice and do not re-x if, done right your product is good
I spent yesterday and today mostly reading and watchig vids.
I had read the faq in the past twice, but then i stuck with the teks.
Now that i reread it i understand how essential it is.

You say 1:1 ratio of mhrb:naptha, for 3 pulls. For 50g mhrb this is 150ml.
Noman's tek says 1:0.4 ration of mhrb:naptha, for 4 pulls. For 50 gr mhrb, this is 80ml naptha sum (20ml * 4 pulls).

1. Which one method would you suggest?

2. If i do it the Noman way (20ml/pull), do i have to do it 4 pulls? Or i stick with three with your system (3x 1st pull, 6x second, 10x third). Do i need a fourth pull? If yes, how many times should i mix/wait to separate? Finally, with this amount (60ml if 3 pulls, 80ml if 4 pulls), do i need to evap before freeze precip?

3. The faq you posted says i 3:1 ratio of bark:solvent. See, there are so many conflicting sources... This means for 50gr Mhrb, rounded 17ml naptha. 3 pulls or 4? i don't know, its unclear...

4.Would you suggest doing the precip in two stages?
The first stage would be just the 1st pull as it contains most of the dmt. The 2nd stage would be all later pulls.

5. You said "evap til its cloudy". Do i have to blow it to see this change? Some people say i have to blow on it.

6. Finally, about the time to wait for separation? Isn't there a standard time. How do i know all naptha has separated. Visually, it is unclear to me.
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