Pete66 i thank you so much for all your answers.
I see you are quite frustrated. I am sorry for this. I have done extended research but i found contradicting info.
no problem mate
The thread you shared was so much informative, thanks a ton.
I have some couple questions, but most of them can be simply answered with a yes/no. Most of them are for confirmation i have understood the process completely.
Could you please take a look at them?
1. SWIM does freeze precipitation. Is 20ml npatha per pull ok? For a total of 3 pulls (your recipe) that means 60ml naptha in the collection jar to go into the freezer. Correct?
Check this
I suggest reading whole FAQ 
I would use 1:1 MHRB(g):np(ml) ratio and reduce by evaporation till cloudy. Then freeze precipitate.
2. About doing multiple pulls. It means putting NEW naptha every time, while saturated naptha is out. So after you are done with the 1st pull, store that naptha away. For the second pull, put NEW naptha. Do the shake-wait for separation thing 6 times.
Then put that naptha away in the same jar with the old saturated naptha from the 1st pull.
Then for the third pull, add NEW naptha once again. Do shake/wait for separation 10 times.
Extract naptha and place all the naptha from the 3 pulls together into the freezer.
Is this correct?
Yes. Of course you can freeze-precip after each pull and after freeze-precipitation use the same np for next pull, but it is slower.
3. How much do i have to wait until naptha separates from the mix? Is it necessary to wait for separation before reshaking?
Separation means small particles of np are moving through the water layer upwards taking the dmt with them. So in fact while separating it is working for you without work. I would wait till completely separated.
4. For 50gr of MHrb, you mix it with 50gr NaOH into how much amount of water? 500ml? Then add the rest of the water so the sum is 700ml? Is it necessary to leave this for 24 hrs before introducing the naptha?
50gr MHRB & 50gr NaOH into 0,25l of water. Mix really properly, the more, the better. Wait 24hrs with occasional shaking (every 3 hours or so). Then add 0,5L of water and mix. Then naptha
5. Do i put the mixture into a heat bath when doing the shaking/separation? If yes, how much temperature in average?
It depends whether you want white or yellow dmt. For yellow yes, it can be heated, but no more than is boiling point of your naptha and no more than 60-70C. Use water bath, no direct heating!!!!
If you want white, do not heat. The longer you leave the naptha in or the more shake/settle(s) you do or the more warm the mixture is, the more dmt you get out, but the more dirt goes with it. So my advice to do 3/6/10 rounds of shaking/settling means you get a lot out, but it is not gonna be pure. Maybe for smoking you can tweak it and do only 1/2/3 rounds or so, so you will get whiter result. I prefer getting all and then re-x with heptane.
6. About freezing. The thread you posted said contradictiong stuff. Do i have to put it into a fridge before placing it in the freezer? And what about the times? Will plainly placing it in a freezer for 24 hrs work?
No, you don't have to. But slower crystallization means larger crystals. If you don't mind powder, you can avoid fridge.
The freezer should have less than -20C. 24hrs is enough. You can't make mistake leaving it there longer. The more np, the longer leave it there.
7. After i am done, i can retrieve the naptha and reuse it in later pulls right? Its capacity to extract dmt will not be lowered after an extraction, is that correct?
Thank you so much already for your answers my friend...