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fall finally in the PNW (mushie pron)

Migrated topic.


After a protracted stretch with no rain at all (like 65 days or something) and temps in the mid 80'sF through mid-October, it suddenly switched over to late mid-Fall temps and weather. I have a range of emotions and thoughts about that, but I'll spare you. Been finding chants and lobsters and a singular COW the past couple weeks in the mountains, but these little ovoids I checked on that fruited last Spring are coming back. These grow fast, I'll check them in a few days. Covered them with leaves to keep them warm at night, but those little aborts are being cold steeped now to be made into a nice little ice cube for some later date.

EDIT/CORRECTION: not ovoid, but ps cyanescens


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Ya, sorry I’ve been such a ghost. Been pretty busy with work, life and stuff. All’s pretty swell, hope you’re doing good VM!

Hopefully there will be many more pics in this thread. This season though… not sure about anything.
null24 said:
This season though… not sure about anything.

This year has been very frustrating.... Normally picking libs by late August, azures and cyans by now as well. nothing yet. Great picture thanks for sharing and boosting my optomism.

Well, we'll see how much I can make you jealous this season, but I'll try my best haha. Spoiler: 50 years of climate change denial didn't stop it from happening. S***'s messed up.
null24 said:
Well, we'll see how much I can make you jealous this season, but I'll try my best haha. Spoiler: 50 years of climate change denial didn't stop it from happening. S***'s messed up.
IKR - it's been around 10°C warmer than usual for the time of year in my part of Northern Europe as well. Saw some violets blooming yesterday. They are spring flowers.

But I should stop being jealous and get my wood chip patch sorted out. I wonder if adding a pinch of salt will help keep the endemic Psathyrellas at bay...

I've high hopes for your shrooming season in the weeks to come :thumb_up:
downwardsfromzero said:
null24 said:
Well, we'll see how much I can make you jealous this season, but I'll try my best haha. Spoiler: 50 years of climate change denial didn't stop it from happening. S***'s messed up.
IKR - it's been around 10°C warmer than usual for the time of year in my part of Northern Europe as well. Saw some violets blooming yesterday. They are spring flowers.

But I should stop being jealous and get my wood chip patch sorted out. I wonder if adding a pinch of salt will help keep the endemic Psathyrellas at bay...

I've high hopes for your shrooming season in the weeks to come :thumb_up:
Yeah, this has been an odd year.

The drought has been very taxing for my garden. Almost no berries and smaller vegetables.

But i've seen an awfull lot of fly-agarics everywhere in the past few weeks. Lot's of other mushrooms as well, but no psilocybes yet.

I've picked a lot of chicken of the woods, because that's another mushroom that seemed to be almost everywhere i looked. Three different trees in my street alone had big chunks of it.
Nice on the COWS, DR. Since I began foraging, this is the first year I’ve had a vehicle and I’ve been going out to the mountains and coast on Saturdays. Cleaned up on lobsters last weekend and found all of about 6 chants. Collected one COW a couple weeks ago. Can’t say with the gas that it saves any money, in fact they are pretty expensive mushrooms if you look at that way haha, but those lobsters and that COW have been feeding me for weeks.

If we’d gotten ANY rain from Sept through mid October, those ovoids would be feeding me and everyone I know’s head for a long time. I’m afraid the cold temps are going to stop them. Checked again today and there’s little growth.

Here’s to hopes for more good pron in this thread!😉 .
They are growing up, aww!

Same little dudes, not seeing anything else out there. Happy to see these guys tho.

Also, went looking for chants yesterday, completely struck out but found this big spine of something. Was thinking cougar by its size- the spine is over 4.5 feet long- but it looks more like some kind of dog. Big ass one....


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So I misidentified the bones- it's just a really big dog, so far less exciting a quite a bit more sad than what was hoped for (metaphor for life? IDK, YTM). Also seem to have mis-ID the shrroms in the pic, as they appear to be cyans, not ovoids. I just presumed since they are literally growing out of a spring ovoid patch that was yuuuuuge.

Tell me what you think, but the cap shape, thin stipe, total lack of an annulus screams cyan to me, and if that's the case I'm like 35% happier, since they are that much more potent than ovoids IMO.


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Yeah, ovoids are stockier, the gills tend to be slightly decurrent and they do indeed have that fibrillose annulus which your specimens seem to lack.

The UK cyans I've found look somewhat different from your specimens - the gills are more crowded and slightly yellowish, for one thing - but it's also known that there are important microscopic differences when it comes to US vs. European cyans.

And thanks for posting this thread, finally spurred my to dip a pinky toe with psilohuasca :thumb_up:
It had been too long a time and now I don't know what I had been worrying about.

Wishing you best of vibes for your further explorations!
And thanks for posting this thread, finally spurred my to dip a pinky toe with psilohuasca Thumbs up
You got it, glad to be of service. Honestly, these days I get more of a kick from finding drugs on the ground than actually doing them.:| And I kinda get off on giving them away, it's weird.

Someone planted this spot, and I'd like to meet them. It gave a pound of dry ovoids last Spring over three months and is now the ONLY spot showing any life out of a dozen checked.

And yeah cyan all the way, yay. Mushrooms are crazy.
Weather man. Driest fall in decades followed by an atmospheric river followed by a few good freezes. worst season I've ever experienced and old timers say it's the worst ever.

Be forewarned, the next pics are brutal... But I am spawning some myc and hope to not kill it before I transplant it this time....


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