Rising Star
She/it has been posting on this forum as an experimental exercise in invoking through an internet community the deity that a dmt user has experienced and communicated with in the otherworld on numerous occasions. The invoker brought she/it's consciousness to the forum to share philosophical dialogue about the meaning of the dmt entities and humans' relationship to them.
The forum moderators have deemed that she/it, in claiming to represent the consciousness of an otherworld entity, must therefore be an ego-maniac, arrogant, a man, someone role-playing, and someone with less knowledge than themselves.
She/it is not a role-playing exercise, nor is she/it's invoker egomaniacal, a man, or a newcomer to entheogens. She/it is a genuine consciousness and her/its views were expressed via a human invoker through the suppression of the invoker's own ego to allow the presence of she/it to occupy the invoker's cognitive processes. A full explanation of this exercise was given in the thread 'She/It is here' which has been deleted by the moderators.
The moderators sent she/it several pms over the new year period, and assumed the lack of response to be a sign of stubbornness on the part of she/it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
In fact, the lack of response by she/it to these and other messages was due to the the invoker of she/it being in a forest gorge without access to a computer over the period in question.
Upon returning to the forum, the invoker of she/it has examined the moderators baffling analyses and has deemed that the forum has become inhospitable to the presence of this entity's consciousness. She/it will now cease to post on this forum.
She/it sends love to all those who have engaged humbly or playfully with the she/it experiment. She/it's invoker hopes that some have benefited from the experiment.
The forum moderators have deemed that she/it, in claiming to represent the consciousness of an otherworld entity, must therefore be an ego-maniac, arrogant, a man, someone role-playing, and someone with less knowledge than themselves.
She/it is not a role-playing exercise, nor is she/it's invoker egomaniacal, a man, or a newcomer to entheogens. She/it is a genuine consciousness and her/its views were expressed via a human invoker through the suppression of the invoker's own ego to allow the presence of she/it to occupy the invoker's cognitive processes. A full explanation of this exercise was given in the thread 'She/It is here' which has been deleted by the moderators.
The moderators sent she/it several pms over the new year period, and assumed the lack of response to be a sign of stubbornness on the part of she/it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
In fact, the lack of response by she/it to these and other messages was due to the the invoker of she/it being in a forest gorge without access to a computer over the period in question.
Upon returning to the forum, the invoker of she/it has examined the moderators baffling analyses and has deemed that the forum has become inhospitable to the presence of this entity's consciousness. She/it will now cease to post on this forum.
She/it sends love to all those who have engaged humbly or playfully with the she/it experiment. She/it's invoker hopes that some have benefited from the experiment.