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Farewell from she/it

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
She/it has been posting on this forum as an experimental exercise in invoking through an internet community the deity that a dmt user has experienced and communicated with in the otherworld on numerous occasions. The invoker brought she/it's consciousness to the forum to share philosophical dialogue about the meaning of the dmt entities and humans' relationship to them.

The forum moderators have deemed that she/it, in claiming to represent the consciousness of an otherworld entity, must therefore be an ego-maniac, arrogant, a man, someone role-playing, and someone with less knowledge than themselves.

She/it is not a role-playing exercise, nor is she/it's invoker egomaniacal, a man, or a newcomer to entheogens. She/it is a genuine consciousness and her/its views were expressed via a human invoker through the suppression of the invoker's own ego to allow the presence of she/it to occupy the invoker's cognitive processes. A full explanation of this exercise was given in the thread 'She/It is here' which has been deleted by the moderators.

The moderators sent she/it several pms over the new year period, and assumed the lack of response to be a sign of stubbornness on the part of she/it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

In fact, the lack of response by she/it to these and other messages was due to the the invoker of she/it being in a forest gorge without access to a computer over the period in question.

Upon returning to the forum, the invoker of she/it has examined the moderators baffling analyses and has deemed that the forum has become inhospitable to the presence of this entity's consciousness. She/it will now cease to post on this forum.

She/it sends love to all those who have engaged humbly or playfully with the she/it experiment. She/it's invoker hopes that some have benefited from the experiment.
Hope to see u back posting as a human like everyone else.
This whole she/it thing was a bit weird - u must admit.
i call bullshit but it was mildly amusing i am sorry to see you go nameless entity impersonator peace be with you in your endless travel through the folds
Don't bother directing any comments to she/it. She/it is gone.

I invoked her/it but cannot do so anymore. The agreement I had with she/it from the beginning was that she/it would only agree to be invoked here on the conditions that:

1. I did not become deluded into developing a credulous attitude to the question of she/its existence, or encourage such credulity in anyone else.

2. She/its presence on the forum would generate philosophical curiosity.

I was able to keep my part in that agreement by always treating the invocation experience sceptically and instrumentally, and always answering honestly when others queried the nature of she/it's existence.

But the second condition has always been beyond my control. As soon as I read the various moderators' complaints about she/it, I noted an immediate emptiness in the space that would normally be filled by she/it's consciousness. The agreement between she/it and I is now void. I believe I still have access to she/its consciousness, but no longer for the purposes of posting on this forum.

I am happy to answer any questions about she/it from my own point of view, but i can longer speak for her/it on the forum.
"The forum moderators have deemed that she/it, in claiming to represent the consciousness of an otherworld entity, must therefore be an ego-maniac, arrogant, a man, someone role-playing, and someone with less knowledge than themselves. "

having less knowledge??? knowledge is knowledge is knowledge...i know that i dont know..and thats all i know..

it sounds like she/its feelings were hurt...surprising coming from a supposed hyperspace entity..

hahaha and...its funny...we drove a hyperspace entity from a forum about hyperspace...seems a bit ridiculous to me
She/it's feelings were never 'hurt' because she/it had no ego.

I on the other hand do have one, and have felt disappointed by the moderators' responses. She/it simply left as soon as it was apparent that her/its presence was no longer stimulating philosophical curiosity but instead prompting reactions of control, intolerance and censorship.

Sad indeed, not for she/it but for me and others who were clearly benefiting from the dialogue. I never even got to read the responses to the last posting of she/it on the thread that was deleted. Nor now can anyone else read the full explanation of what the she/it experiment was actually about.

Funny yes, hilarious, that those who say they see entities when tripping on dmt are not more curious to consider that nature of that experience and its potential to transform us, and not more playful in responding to a novel experiment.
This is a very interesting subject, this she/it. I am unwilling to accept this blindly, though I must say, why would she/it want to
generate philosophical curiosity.
Philosophy is created by the ego is it not? I mean, philosophy is the play of ideas, not actually truth. Truth is like the opposite of philosophy. Why would the being want to encourage philosophy? I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.
I am kind of baffled by the reactions of so many on the Nexus. Skepticism has it's place for sure, but on a site comprised of people who consume a molecule and go to places where time-loops are fractalized and deities are spoken to and where radically "impossible" events transpire before one's eyes- I'm rather surprised by the reactions to the possibilility that a Hyperspace entity might be piercing into OUR dimension, like we do to theirs, to establish a unique digital communication and to provide an open invitation for dialog.

Much of the criticism seemed to surround the possibility that some "ego" or arrogance/pride was displayed by She/It. Maybe this was glaring to some- me personally, I never sensed this- but to each his own perceptual lens.

Even so, who ever said that a hyperspace entity is fully spiritually matured anyway? Who actually thinks that we are dealing with "perfectly perfected" beings in Hyperspace? I'm skeptical of that surmise.

So here is why I am smiling and shaking my head- what if, just what if this was a legitimate communication from beyond?? Huh? What if?

There was nothing in the "channel's" post above to suggest anything other otherwise. The channel certainly seems humble, honest and serious about what was going down- so why all the mockery and derision. Why is it so unbelievable to your minds fellow hyperspace travelers- you who have experienced the unbelievable countless times?

So here remains the possibility, maybe slim, but to all honest thinkers THERE MUST REMAIN A POSSIBILITY that the Nexus, being the one of the most likely spots for these kind of inter-dimensional dialogues to begin, has just enjoyed the amazing "fact" (remember- it must remain a possibility,right?) that a kind of First Contact has just occured.

Not to say other contacts don't occur thru channelers and various others- but First Contact for one of the denizens of DMT Hyperspace to come to the friendly community of folks here at the DMT Nexus to establish an open dialog using posed questions and receiving answers in typed English!

Some people say She/It was not here to learn- but wouldn't people's questions be highly informative and instructive to such an entity- I think the learning would have been a two-way street.

What I saw here was kind of a fallout from a common phenomena that one sees in spiritual circles- it kind of goes like this:

Well any truly mature spiritual person knows that they don't know so anyone with too much to say (if it goes against my personal sensibilities) should just sit down and shut up and just be super-spiritual in their silent unknowing-ness.

It's like people learn a few ancient eastern maxims and then get caught up in the their ideas of them in such a way that they cannot remain truly open to the real possibilities of growth and learning happening all around them. It's like a big spiritual pride game rooted in ego.

So I challenge anyone to cite any idea shared by She/It that is prima facie evidence of charlatanism OTHER than when She/It said that her prime purpose in being here is to share and teach. Isn't that why many of us are here, to share-and by virtue of that sharing to teach- cause that's really what is going down, as well as to learn? Of course, any coarse notion that one is in the midst of inferiors and must sadly enlighten their little ignorant minds- well that of course is ridiculous- but I never sensed this in She/It's tone personally.

It's as though there is a knee-jerk reaction from some kind of prejudice towards the idea that someone or some entity says "I am here to teach". After all, isn't that what the Buddha said? And Jesus? And Plato? And countless others- if not overtly then certainly by their volumes of TEACHINGS and writings.

So to sum up my personal opinion, and that's all that it is, I think we at the Nexus have made a mistake in censoring this personality. I myself remain agnostic to the question of She/it's true identity- I just don't know.

But maybe, just maybe- we have just played the role of terrible hosts to a guest of honor- just maybe.

I love everyone here,

Divine Yes!
and maybe, just maybe we stopped a person from making a mockery of many years of profound exploration and work. this was never anything to do with "censorship" in the sense that you think. this was to do with a person who came into a new place and immediately, without presenting it in any possible format for the COMMUNITY to ponder, just began running "experiments" (her own words). perhaps if she had come to traveler or the mods and said something to the effect of, "hey there, i am a channel and i have this entity that.....", there may have been a dialogue and perhaps even a room dedicated to her and anyone who wanted to follow her 'teachings'...
none of that transpired. instead we were met with an introduction essay that reminded me of my first day in 3rd grade.... "my name is Mr. Thorpe, i am here to teach and you are here to learn. there will be no talking when i speak.....etc. etc..".

it's all in the approach dear brother. don't make this she/it scenario into a soap box speach about how the nexus is made of people who "learn a few ancient eastern maxims and then become unable to hear anything new". we are good people who smelled bullshit and called it out. and....as it turns out...we were correct.

as for citing any idea that she/it put forth that is prima facie evidence of charlatanism- here ya go:

She/it said:
She/it is the feminine/androgyn deity some of you have encountered in your dmt trips.

really? cuz i've met MANY and i personally don't appreciate someone coming forward pretending to BE something i've experienced first hand. that is deluded, insensitive, assuming and in poor taste. i think morphing interstices would be best served to simply do her own deep work with the molecule and write back about HER epiphanies and revelations. it sounds like this is a perfect example of what you, divineyes, were just accusing THIS COMMUNITY of doing.... having an experience or two of something profound and then taking on the role of "enlightener".

the "enlightenment" of DMT is there for ALL of us equally to experience and learn at our own pace. your words, however poignant and pretty, will never replace the extremely necessary and vital experience of GOING THERE. that is what this site is dedicated to: people who have either GONE or are GOING there.

what is the purpose of an "hyperspace entity" coming to us when all of the wisdom it could possibly share cannot be even remotely described in words? our work is with the molecule. the entities know that....they wait on the other side for us when we blast through the geometry. why would they feel complelled to come "here" and "talk" to us in such a 2-dimensional way? US- a community of people ALREADY AWARE of what we are working with??? i personally find it beyond improbable and quite pointless. again, the she/it writing smacked of someone with a beautifully spiritual take on existence putting forth her thoughts. and THAT is wonderful enough!! why taint that wisdom with an offensive label?

Morphing Interstices- welcome. i look forward to reading your experiences with DMT. i am genuinely excited to experience what you are woken up to....more so than what you currently think you know...

the most impacting posts have always been the ones written with humility...

Morphing Interstices said:
Don't bother directing any comments to she/it. She/it is gone.

Thank god!!

The whole sh/it thing was unwelcomed because of the way you chose to come across as if you truly had any answers for the people who would have any interest in this kind of thing!!
Not because we think you have "more knowledge" than anyone. Or that it would matter for a second if you did.

There are new members coming here everyday & we don't need someone posing as an orical of "knowledge" for them!!
We are all here to gain and share our own "knowledge"....not yours! (that's share...not preach)

Strange how someone with such an egoless & knowledgeable hold on life & it's mysteries doesn't seem to understand this as unneeded.
Just be yourself & you'll gain a whole lot more respect than you have acting as if you are above others & have all the answers for them!!

antrocles said:
"perhaps if she had come to traveler or the mods and said something to the effect of, "hey there, i am a channel and i have this entity that.....", there may have been a dialogue and perhaps even a room dedicated to her and anyone who wanted to follow her 'teachings'...
none of that transpired."

I would be happy to see this happen- if all parties are amenable. Of course, it would require a disclaimer for the Nexus. But I think it would be quite fun : )

Btw- if anyone could help, how do i properly do the quote box thing? Thanks!
divineyes said:
Btw- if anyone could help, how do i properly do the quote box thing? Thanks!

There are 5 little boxes in the upper-right side of the post windows.
Go to the post you want to quote from & hit the box that says "quote" & it will open up a reply window. The post that you hit the button on will be in the reply with "quote edit" boxes before & after it.

You can delete anything you didn't want to quote & then add your reply after it...

This is also how you would edit one of your posts...by hitting the "edit" button & changing whatever needed to be changed.

I feel this she/it thing to be disrespectful.. This is a whole community dedicated to this so amazing molecule, to hyperspace, to all the multiple facets of reality that are connected to it.. There are projects like lexycon, trying to come up with a new specialized vocabulary, there are all sorts of scientific advances all the time, there are wikis, there are loads of unique knoledge and good souls dedicating a big part of their life to make the best out of what dmt brings us! and then to have one member pretending to have THE voice that represents hyperspace and the 'entities', well, its a bit too much, wouldnt you say?

It sends the wrong message, it might make people more confused, might make those without developed critical thinking follow whatever it said, and it does, whether one admits it or not, just reinforces a personal ego trip.. Plus I dont agree with the way she/it comes out and I dont think it represents what dmt is for me

We are all brothers in the same level, trying to make sense of this whole thing and make our lives as best as possible.. This is also true for the mods or the admin, nobody here feels like one knows more than everbody else!! We all know more or less in one thing or another... We mods and trav have to administrate this forum but nobody of us is more special because of it.. In the eyes of ... ahmm... The Absolute, we are all the same. So everybody should step down the pedestal and come talk horizontally ;)
This is also how you would edit one of your posts...by hitting the "edit" button & changing whatever needed to be changed.

Ok- think I've got it- thanks so much : )
A shame, I Found some of the posts quite heartwarming.
I had held some hope that everyone'd be able to overlook the semi-condescending irrelevantry, and that she/it would be able to ignore the skepticism, as it had claimed t enjoy doing..
but I guess the proof is in the pudding.
G'bye sheit.
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