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Favorite Changa Recipes

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all:)

I've recently been doing a lot of research on changa/ enhanced leaf, but admittedly I've never tried it. I understand that different herbs make for different effects throughout the experience and I was wondering which combinations have been your favorite or most interesting.

Have a fantastic day!

Have you had the opportunity to look through the changa section of the forum, especially the "sticky" threads? You can find all sorts of enhanced leaf and changa blends in this section with minimal digging. When searching, just remember that dmt + leaves/herbs = enhanced leaf. Changa refers to any enhanced leaf blend that contains MAOIs in it.

From here:

Ayahuasca Android: 70% Caapi - 30% Chaliponga
Dream Scape: 60% Calea - 40% Brugmansia
Electric Sheep: 50% Blue Lotus - 50% Calea
Minty Blast: 40% Capi - 35% Peppermint - 25% Mullein
The Mekong: 50% Passionflower - 50% Blue Lotus
Twisted Fruit: 50% Caapi - 20% Salvia - 30% Mugwort + Bufotenine

With changa and enhanced leaf, it is really all about experimentation and finding your personal preference. Try several blends to see what you like. My personal blend of changa is very simple and developed after trying several fancier blends. Mullein is very good at absorbing the goodies so I use it as a solid foundation in any blend:

1g DMT + 1g Mullein + 250-500mg freebase harmalas

I used to make a 1:1:1 ratio but found it to be too "harmala heavy" for my liking so I scaled back the harmalas. But again, this was all based on trial and error until I found what worked best for me.

For more information: Changa Recipes and Such

Good luck and happy blending!
The Grateful One said:
My personal blend of changa is very simple and developed after trying several fancier blends. Mullein is very good at absorbing the goodies so I use it as a solid foundation in any blend:

1g DMT + 1g Mullein + 250-500mg freebase harmalas

I used to make a 1:1:1 ratio but found it to be too "harmala heavy" for my liking so I scaled back the harmalas. But again, this was all based on trial and error until I found what worked best for me.

I second this. This is pretty much identical to the ratios I use. Dialing in the amount of harmalas was key for me - adding just enough to where they potentiate the experience without being completely front and center alongside the dmt. 250-300mg harmalas I've found allows me to saturate with tryptamines without the harmalas imparting too much of an effect outside of that.

Profound and potent :d
Thank you so much for the tips:)
I've read through the stickies but i was just trying to get a feel for what the community likes. Is there a thread on how to extract freebase harmalas? I'm very much the type who likes to dip their toes in the water before going in the deep end so being able to start small with harmalas and scale up from there appeals to me.
Thanks again,
The WIKI, FAQ, and google are valuable tools. You can find everything you need to know about Syrian rue extraction by looking through the WIKI's extraction teks and by searching the forum.

Using "site:www.dmt-nexus.me" in your google searches (minus the quotes) will also help tremendously since it works better than the forum's search engine.
Thank you for your help and being patient with me. I still have much to learn. :d
Have a fantastic day:thumb_up:
Easy Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction Guide - DMT-Nexus Wiki although this tek states it is for caapi it also works with rue just fine and ends with a nice clean freebase harmala extract.
I recently ran an extraction on 250g rue seeds and ended up with just shy of 8g harmalas freebase and cold have recovered a little more if I were more patient on this one.
I also accelerated the drying process by sticking my harmala paste in a pyrex baking dish and sticking it in the oven at 190F until it was dry.
Had to do this to counteract the relatively high humidity at my location.

So as to contribute to the thread, in my limited experience, my favorite recipe so far is as follows.
1g peppermint
1g acrb spice
300mg harmalas

It seems a bit heavy on the harmalas (too much of the mix can give me slight nausea) but overall is pretty pleasant in my glass bat VG and seems to be easy to do some work within the journey.
An_Observer said:
Easy Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction Guide - DMT-Nexus Wiki although this tek states it is for caapi it also works with rue just fine and ends with a nice clean freebase harmala extract.
I recently ran an extraction on 250g rue seeds and ended up with just shy of 8g harmalas freebase and cold have recovered a little more if I were more patient on this one.
I also accelerated the drying process by sticking my harmala paste in a pyrex baking dish and sticking it in the oven at 190F until it was dry.
Had to do this to counteract the relatively high humidity at my location.

Thanks for the help, I'm quite interested in chemistry and extractions so I can't wait to try it out.
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