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Few questions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Firstly i have not yet experienced spice, so im sure most members here will know infinitely more than me regarding its effects.

Iv done a fair bit of research into dmt, leading up to my first extraction and use, which have not yet taken place. But i have a few questions still.

1. Obviously any experience as strong as dmt will change the way you think, but has anyone noticed any other side effects, i read that dmt is largely responsible for dreaming, i dont know how true this is but is smoking dmt likely to change a persons dreams? Or even lessen their occurence? Recently iv been teaching myself lucid dreaming and am starting to make some progress with it, i wouldnt want this to be disrupted by smoking dmt.

2. Any advice on when/where would be perfect for a first time dmt breakthrough. I was thinking i might try and practise with a few low doses first at home, then maybe attempt my first breakthrough during a SHE. Im sure theres no correct answer to this question, but any input would be welcome. Any other advice on a first experience is also very welcome.

3. I plan to smoke dmt to start with atleast, and dont plan on mixing it on the first few occassions, but are there good mixers for dmt? Maybe something like vallium lol, dream herb maybe. Would this increase effects atall or make the experience easier to recall? Would smoking dmt during an acid trip be a good idea? Or is that likely to lead to bad things :twisted:
I only had one dream where I knew I was dreaming and was able to control it, this was after a 2 week break from smoking spice. I had been smoking every other day for about 3 weeks. I dont know if they are related, but I found it strange. But my sleep has not been disrupted by its use, only I wouldnt smoke right before bed because even if im tired before smoking, Im usually good to go for at least an hour after.

And as to when and where, whenever it is quiet and calm around you. Outside distractions will end up annoying me, sometimes music does too. But I usually take the jump with music playing. And likewise, whereever is most comfortable to you. I have never smoked outside of my bedroom, I almost did once while hiking with my brother in the woods, but it didnt feel right, so I didnt.
SWIM has a vast amount of experience with the substance and the experiences of others, SWIM has not yet been able to nail down a repeatable experience from anyone, only only the same evening.

1.) This is just my opinion, but I actually think the whole dream molecule thing is non-sense.. it was only ever a theory to begin with, to my understanding, they don't even know if the pineal gland makes the molecule, they just know that it is capable of producing those kind of chemicals.... I dont remember my dreams at all, but I know some have been strange, but none of them have been like DMT, DMT for SWIM induces a completely different reality, other worldly, completely alien in it's nature, and when I say alien, I dont mean like it felt alien, I mean actually alien, actual aliens. Nothing dream like about it frankly... maybe my personal opinion.

2.) You're right there is no correct answer on this, basically in SWIM's opinion, if you can, you should experiment with variations, because they all work radically differently... but absolutely do it at home in comfort and I would recommend throwing on some ethereal music... SWIM has found that the more grounded to reality you are, the less you breakthrough, so if you're amongst people talking, or a repetitive beat is playing, or someone touching you, or too much light getting through your eyeballs, then you're gonna be more grounded to reality.... some prefer this, but a proper breakthrough is definitely the way to go... SWIM has heard the best way is with ear plugs, blindfold and a shallow bath with epsom salts... that way you're completely detached from this reality and can really focus on the visions.

3.) SWIM thinks you should start pure, never mix drugs on the first use of any substance really, SWIM has never tried it on valium, well, the valium had worn off, but know many that have done it and none noticed any difference... LSD on the other hand was very interesting, it was great, basically the 2 effects overlapped, which was very surprising to SWIM... the best combo SWIM's ever done (but plz dont try this first) was MDMA, on comeup, LSD, on comeup, valium, then at the end, dmt... sounds mad but everything about it is right, you're in a good mood, not anxious, great visuals, great trip at the end.. what more could you want? another valium, go to sleep.
Thanks for the advice.
I also thought the dream molecule idea sounded abit far fetched, but its still an interesting idea.
I seem to dream far more than most people, as i will always remember large amounts of dreams whenever i get a decent amount of sleep. And lucid dreaming is a very fun experience which you can learn alot from. I encourage anyone who regularly remembers their dreams to do some research into it. I have acheived lucidity about 4 or 5 times over the last 2 weeks, but unfortunately i still find it hard to maintain without waking up. You can literally do anything in a lucid dream though once you get better at it.

Im hoping the fact i can remember dreams fairly easily may help me to remember more of a dmt trip when i start experimenting but who knows. :)

If anyone else has any advice for me its all welcome.
well to be honest, I still find lucid dreaming hard to believe because it's anecdotal.. just like my alien stories, but I'd love to give it a try, how on earth do you actually do it? because I've read guides and they sound silly to be honest, meaning it couldn't be that simple... interestingly SWIM remembers his trips very well, most don't... however SWIM doesn't remember dreams at all, and certainly never experienced lucid dreaming.
Waking Life is great, but I've never been able to lucid dream. My dreams are like a movie - they have a definite narrative, so even if I could lucid dream, I don't think I'd want to. I'd rather just go with the flow of the dream.

It's like becoming lucid when you're watching a movie. I love films where I'm totally lost in the story, and it comes as a shock when the film ends. It sucks to be in a theatre, looking at your watch, wondering how much longer to go.
Iv never seen waking life, will watch that when i get the chance.

Lucid dreaming realy isnt as hard as i thought it would be (in my experience). I became lucid randomly few weeks back, after that i thought id research it. Just read a few articles off google and practised a few things like looking for triggers, counting your fingers, looking for things out of place etc while awake, then when you fall asleep your more likely to notice a dream isnt reality. I think aslong as your thinking occassionally about lucid dreaming while awake, then its much more likely to happen when you sleep.
Iv still not managed to stay lucid without waking for more than a few minutes, but there are techniques iv read of recently such as spinning around which make it much harder to wake, and can recover a dream ever after you have watched it fade to almost nothing aparently, hopefully i can practise this sometime over the next few days.

I do agree that its nice to get lost in dreams, but practising lucid dreaming doesnt realy stop this. I dont realy have experience, but at the moment i would say i remember maybe 5 uncontrolled dreams for each time i have a lucid one (i dream alot). And there is alot of potential in lucid dreaming, you can ask your unconsious mind questions, fly around, you have your own realistic world that you can make anything apear in with practise.

One other question, this isnt too important but would be usefull to know.
4. I have some bufotenine snuff (seeds+lime) which has been lying around for about 6 months. I had great visuals with this stuff, but puking and mainly the head presure put me off it abit. I read on here some extraction methods that should lessen the negatives, but was just wondering if its likely to be active still after that time? I could test it myself, but the amount i need to put up my nose for effects realy isnt apealing.
I had a very vivid dream last night, and it got me thinking more about lucid dreaming.

In the dream I was in a classroom, and the teachers were two catholic priests. One was like from the seminary, the other was his senior. The seminarian (who looked just like, if not WAS Philip Seymour Hoffman) did something to me during class which was very humiliating, but was supposed to be 'role playing' or something. Yet I was very upset, and barely maintained my composure.

Then I felt the dream was ending, but I wanted it resolved. At this point I slightly became lucid. I couldn't stand up and look around at will or anything - I don't think I would have wanted to linger there. I'd have just wanted to wake up and get out of the situation. But wanting the traumatic situation resolved, kind of set things in motion. It was like I was refering to my subconscious to figure this out.

So at the end of class the senior priest called me to the front, and I was expecting to be debriefed somewhat. But the seminarian broke down and admitted he had done wrong. I just wanted to pretend that everything was normal, go on your way - not this. I couldn't cope, and then just woke up and reflected on the very unpleasant dream.

So I've concluded that I am - me the conscious awake part of my mind - is enjoying dreams as a movie like experience. I'm watching them captivated, and my desires have some influence over events. But I would NEVER want to become totally lucid, for then I would realise everything was fake, and therefore there would be no pleasure.
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