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First 2 times at the waiting room. Q: can DMT make you love life?

Migrated topic.

Edward the Jack

Rising Star
Disclaimer: I'm going to be honest in this post and tell it how I think it.
So yesterday I tried DMT for the first time.
My day had been pretty normal, maybe slightly on the negative side when summing it all up. In life i'm doing very well compared to a couple of years ago. I consider myself mentally strong, however also very aware. What I mean by aware is that I see what's going on in "the world" and always see the solutions. However, i'm very hesitant/scared of actually joining the world as I don't agree with the systems put in place to help. That, and I realize how little I can actually do, and if/when I do I know I won't feel any different. I realize it's all about the journey, about acceptance. I have gotten quite experienced with LSD which has helped me put a lot of things into words, but has failed in showing me a way. I feel like I either have to work hard to show everyone this truth I know, this vision, or run away from it all.

So I do DMT yesterday, 2 times. First time I get 2 huge tokes in, but on the second I get such powerful visuals that I am almost blinded (not painful) and let go of the toke way to quickly. The next thing I know I loose myself to the anxiety in me. The thoughts I normally control are taken over and I show myself how stupid I am for what I am doing. Thoughts like "you are not breathing" and then i gasp for breath, then "you have to puke" then I turn my head. The next thing I know is this other voice saying: "it's going to pass very soon" and after that I regain control. I smile, and suddenly everything is normal again, and I enjoy the afterglow. Even though, I am a bit disappointed as it had only been about 6 mins (until I could control my body again).

2 hours later I do it again, with 10mg more spice. Obviously a bit more scared then before the first time. So I decide to meditate (breathing exercises/clearing my mind) until I feel totally prepared.

This second experience was totally different. I took a small toke first, held it in, then really sucked in the second, so much so that I cleared the pipe which I realized by feeling some ashes in my mouth. I looked down at the pipe and "i'm back" (Sitting up in bed) I hear the voice again, even though it's not a voice just a feeling, a state, u guys understand. BUT THEN WROOM! I barely get time to put down the pipe as my head, then body is pulled down into the pillow and I disappear from my room. This is were it get's hard to describe. It's felt like I was cruising around my consciousnesses, and with every turn of my head I entered a new dimension of it. I was going so fast, and it was amazing. It felt like I was in a playground for the mind and it felt like I knew every corner of it. It felt like home.
I came to and immediately looked at the time because I could not believe it was already over, it had just started, and it was so cool! 10 min had passed, it felt like no more than 30 sec.

Ok, this is turning out to be a pretty long post, and maybe should have been 2 separate posts. I can't wait to break through, I feel like a lot of the thoughts I go around with every day are pretty similar to the ones I read people getting post DMT.

So my question here at the end is; do you guys think DMT can give me a stronger will to live? And not just to live, but actually live, get out there, inspire and get inspired. Partake in life.

This language is not my native tongue so I apologize for anything the auto correct couldn't fix and hope this post falls into the right hands.

Thank you for reading
Edward the Jack
Hello and welcome to the Nexus!

Interesting report, thank you for sharing. All psychedelics, including DMT, are but tools of perception. Someone on here once said, "you cannot leave a hammer next to some wood and come back the next day and expect a house to be built..." (paraphrased)

In other words, DMT can absolutely be inspiring and help you towards your goal but it cannot do it alone. If it inspires you to do something, by all means jump in and start doing it... but keep in mind that it becomes a risky game if you rely on psychedelics to do all the changing for you.

“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”

-Mahatma Gandhi-

DMT showed me what I needed to change in my life in order to be happier and live a more fulfilled life.
I did some big and difficult changes in how I lived, today I'm much happier and in tune with life and feel that I'm on the right track :)

Wish you the best of luck in your search.
Hello Edward the Jack

Ayahuasca (DMT in water) seems to have the effect you might be looking for. As for myself I can bare witness of the "love for life" effect. Additionally I heard about this from other people who I have given Ayahuasca.

If you go the Ayahuasca route make sure to read up on meds and food/liquid restrictions.

Best of luck
Greetings from the neighbor to the east
Ayahuasca isnt DMT in water, its Ayahuasca in water with the option of other stuff being added.
I feel like I know almost exactly how you are feeling! I am a 22m and the thoughts and feelings you describe fit so perfectly with how I am as well. It feels really good knowing I'm not alone in the world so thank you. :)

As for your question. I absolutely believe DMT can give you a stronger will to live and enjoy life as much as possible. Ever since I started using DMT I have noticed a tremendous difference in my day to day life! I don't get anxiety about little things that used to get my heart and adrenaline going. It is truly amazing how this molecule can have such profound effects on the way we perceive things in our day to day lives! <3
Thank you so much for reading and for your message. It warms my heart to read.
It feels really good to write something so honest and then get a clear human response. That is a very special feeling indeed.

I am still trying to get better at smoking DMT, and feel that I am slowly getting towards where I need to go.

Regarding the Ayahuasca, I have kept a certain distance as I want to save that experience for when I am more socially fulfilled. I will think it over again, thank you all very much again.
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