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first extraction lazy man

Migrated topic.
ok so at the moment swim has about 120 grams of mimosa and lye soaking...for a total of 2 hours (longer the better i know)....after soaking with stir and mix more then add naptha.....as of right now swim doesnt have any questions other than when i seperate the naptha solution to lay it out to dry does it have to be done on glass???also would it speed things up if i used a food dehydrator? also could one substitute the fan for the freezer precipition? thank you (will post yeild and pics (first extraction)
ok clears alot up....ok only thing is is that it just started raining and im in the middle of the tek i havent added the naptha yet tho its that time....should i just wait till tomorrow or is there anyway to fan evaporate inside the house....or could i do a freeze precipitation over night?
or couldnt one just set it out on glass dish and evap...or are the odors to harsh to do it inside...im using naptha
i never had any luck with waiting for naptha to evaporate. i've always used the freezer, put it into the smallest jar you can, with a lid. and let it freeze. the longer the better(crystals should form nice and chunky). then take it out, pour off the solvent, filter with a coffee filter if you think crystals are getting out. then you should have a jar covered in wet crystals, let that sit in a cool dry place(not in sun, it will heat up the solvent and melt your crystals into goo) while the last of your naptha evaporates. that should do you! and you can even reuse that naptha you got out. and if its not white enough for you, dissolve if back into a solvent and freeze it again. should come out pearly white the second time :)

you could do it inside with out a fan, but don't go into that room, and leave a window open. and it will probably take a couple days depending on the amount of naptha used. if you use a fan, put pantyhose over it so you dont blow a bunch of dust into your mix. but seriously just freeze,,,its faster and cleaner.
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