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First steps in hyperspace

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys whatup?

I am really excited to be here, this forum has been a great font of inspiration and knowledge and it's a real honour for me to be finally part of this unique community.

I am in my mid 30s and through a crazy journey which I won't annoy you recalling I got to find out about the fascinating world of psychedelic plants. No that I didn't know of mushrooms MDMA and LSD before but I never had the pleasure to try any of them and I could have not possibly imagined the profound, spiritual scope and the amount of good that these substances can do to us human beings.

To find out abut substances like DMT and Ayahuasca have been a complete and utter revelation and I am not even able to describe how attracted I am by all this.

Thing is, though, I am completely new to the psychedelic experience and I am educated enough to understand that it is not very wise to start my adventure with ego-death, elves and mama Aya so (and I promise I am done) I am reaching out to you guys for some advice on how to get this all thing started.

Was thinking to extract some LSA from HBWR, or start with a wine infusion of Nymphaea Caerulea. I got hold of some Yopo seeds too and I have lime but I would probably go as far as smoking them for the first time.

I don't know really, the only thing I know is that I would like to dip my toes in to the water before getting down to the real stuff and I think that any form of advice from your side would be highly appreciated.

Hi my friend,
this is a beautiful community and I'm sure you are going to learn from this site. I first use to search this site about 4-5 years ago, I have learnt lots and I am always learning. At times I still feel like a novice too compared to other members.

I don't necessarily think the substance(s) to first work with is a huge deal, I think it will come down more to the doses and research, research and more research.

LSA extracts can be alright, but it can be really hard on your body, especially with vascular constriction and nausea. The lotus plants won't be very psychedelic, but more relaxing and sedating. I'm don't to much on yopo seeds, but again I think these are quite hard on your body.
If you haven't really experienced much altered states in your life, maybe starting with very mild plants like Nymphaea Caerulea (lotus), maybe cannabis, or just real small (maybe microdose) of psychedelics like mushrooms, LSD or MDMA. DMT I would advise for when you have a little more experience, but again it can all be dose dependent.

Test and weigh your substances. Research and ask questions when you are unsure.

Good luck on your quest brother, stay safe
Thanks I actually didn't really look at it that way.

I have of course smoked cannabis on a fairly regular basis but the rubbish found on the high street just gives me paranoia now..

So I guess the best way is to experiment with the mashroom at first and slowly get to the mythical 5gr in dark silence.

Will start my quest and let you know my friends.

So long,
I would just be more afraid that with things like LSA (HBWS) and yopo, that they are quite a bit harder on your body and would deter you away from working with these substances.

Working with mushrooms can be a good start, they can give you nausea too and sometimes throw up a bit. I have never thrown up, but my wife has. I tend to make teas with my shrooms and before taking it I have a spoonfulor 2 of this raw ginger and honey mix -
I blitz honey in a blender to cream it and warm it up, peel a good lot of ginger, slice it and chuck it in the blender with the honey. The warmness from the honey being blitzed will help leech and bind it together with the ginger. Store this mix in a jar, in the pantry (cupboard), it will last a long time. A table spoon or 2 of this 10 minutes or so before consuming the shrooms will dramatically reduce nausea. It is strong, a slight burn from the ginger, but I don't mind it.

Even still it is not always about the high doses, I've worked with mushrooms for only about 2-3 years and I still haven't taken the 5 grams dose yet. I find a lot of my self development has come from research and being in communities like this that teach each other about the world and universe.

Before finding DMT and thus then this site about 4 years ago, I never took substances for self development, I took them for fun. I loved LSD, I had still only done it just over a handful of times in 4+years before DMT, I know it had a different power to it, but never thought or considered a spiritual aspect of it.

Having that ego death experience with DMT really did set me down a new path and then started my quest for knowledge. I came to a new understanding of these magical chemicals and now use them for personal development, healing and spirituality.

I find that you already have a good grasp on what these substances are all about and can get a great deal of benefit from them. I'm happy I found these substances, but I do wish I found them in the same context as you, I don't have anyone on the same journey as me outside of this community - this path has been a long and hard, but worth it.

Enjoy your quest my friend
Psychedelic Energy said:
I would just be more afraid that with things like LSA (HBWS) and yopo, that they are quite a bit harder on your body and would deter you away from working with these substances.

Working with mushrooms can be a good start, they can give you nausea too and sometimes throw up a bit. I have never thrown up, but my wife has. I tend to make teas with my shrooms and before taking it I have a spoonfulor 2 of this raw ginger and honey mix -
I blitz honey in a blender to cream it and warm it up, peel a good lot of ginger, slice it and chuck it in the blender with the honey. The warmness from the honey being blitzed will help leech and bind it together with the ginger. Store this mix in a jar, in the pantry (cupboard), it will last a long time. A table spoon or 2 of this 10 minutes or so before consuming the shrooms will dramatically reduce nausea. It is strong, a slight burn from the ginger, but I don't mind it.

Even still it is not always about the high doses, I've worked with mushrooms for only about 2-3 years and I still haven't taken the 5 grams dose yet. I find a lot of my self development has come from research and being in communities like this that teach each other about the world and universe.

Before finding DMT and thus then this site about 4 years ago, I never took substances for self development, I took them for fun. I loved LSD, I had still only done it just over a handful of times in 4+years before DMT, I know it had a different power to it, but never thought or considered a spiritual aspect of it.

Having that ego death experience with DMT really did set me down a new path and then started my quest for knowledge. I came to a new understanding of these magical chemicals and now use them for personal development, healing and spirituality.

I find that you already have a good grasp on what these substances are all about and can get a great deal of benefit from them. I'm happy I found these substances, but I do wish I found them in the same context as you, I don't have anyone on the same journey as me outside of this community - this path has been a long and hard, but worth it.

Enjoy your quest my friend

Thank you very much for the precious advice my friend.

The reason I mentioned HBWR and Yopo seeds is because as you can understand it was very easy to get hold of them...and now I get why! lol.

So you think that even by extracting LSA from the seeds or just smoking Yopo snuff will it take quite a toll on my body? I have read that for example if you extract from HBWR then the nausea is pretty much avoided and by smoking Yopo you only get a mild one that goes away simply by breathing deeply etc. I am more afraid to feel horrible the next day to be honest so I would very much like to avoid just that..

The mushroom however would be a totally different story so I think I will attempt to grow some and keep the Yopo seeds etc as a little private collection.

Anyway I do also have some powdered MHBR and all the materials needed to perform a breaking-bad-style extraction. Was thinking to start with 3-5mg just to try and figure out what I am getting myself into lol.

I must also agree with you on the self development and spiritual side of the matter, as just by reading about the experiences, listening to Terence and the likes, I have started working towards change, for the better. I try to be more patient at home with my wife and the kids, I do not always listen to my f***ing ego all the time, I am managing stress more efficiently and I have learned to be more caring and mindful about the Universe and our planet.

I can therefore only try to imagine what's waiting for me as the journey begins.

It's time to go, and there is no turning back...

Thanks again, Namaste
You're welcome my friend, I enjoy being able to pass on information and things I have learnt to others. I am also really enjoying hearing about this new journey you are embarking on.

Personally I have never tried yopo, you probably know more about them than I do. Maybe look up some experience reports with smoking the snuff, I feel it may be super harsh and hard to smoke.

Now LSA can be fun and basically nausea free, I've done that myself. I always used whole seeds though, would think the LSA would degrade quicker when powdered. - I made a extract by soaking the powdered (powdered myself) seeds in naphtha a few times (once is probably enough), then strain, discard the naphtha, dry seed mush, added pure grain alcohol 95% and let that sit for a few day. Strain and you're ready to go. I made it 2 seeds per ml of alcohol.
Now that was basically nausea free, quite nice effects, lots of peripheral visuals, mind racing, can't sit still. It's main problem for me is its vascular constriction - tight joints and lots of stretching.

LSA is fun to experiment with every now and then I'd say, just not what I would recommend for starting with. I try different way of taking the seeds each time I've tried, as to try find a preferred method. I've got a 10 seed extract sitting in the freezer (been there about 1.5-2 years), where to avoid the naphtha soak, I scaped the seed coating off to have just have the white inside, then soak in the grain alcohol for some days, strain and still awaiting to try. Most of the nausea and unpleasant parts of HBWS is the seed coating.

Dealing with the ego is a lot of work, it hates change and tries to keep things the way it is. You can not get rid of your ego, you can just learn to work with it and get it to work with you.
I try to question my thoughts and ask why I am thinking that, why am I judging that person, why do I want that? Is that really me, or is that my ego?
I try to understand how that thought came about, is this the me I want to be, then conclude with who I want to be, apply the thoughts of the me I want to be and 'change'. Then that ego can become part of your new ego and grow with you.

There will always be a ongoing battle with the ego and it's up to you whether you want to take it on, but to find a better self? I think the battle is worth it - I love the person I have become and look forward to continuously bettering myself and life around me.

Sorry for the long posts, I'm just enjoying passing on what I have learnt and know.

Peace brother
Hello Magellano,

Welcome to the mysterious world of psychedelics ;)

I personnaly started my journey with the mushrooms, going hunting for them ( psylocibe semilanceata / liberty caps ).
I thinks, after trying a few other things that they were a kind of path to follow to discover all this psy-world. To re-use an expression that you used, it made me dip my toes in the water.

It's a marvellous allie to discover yourself, to open one's eyes to different things in life, to work on what's really good for you, to connect yourself with the outside, the nature and spirituality.

What is great about mushies, is that you can easily go into the wild, be in full nature to find them, just by doing this, it creates a relationship with them.
When you get home with them, it feels like a reward ( I don't know if this sounds right in english :? )
It's not like having paid for something, it's more like if you have worked hard to get them ( they're quite small and sometimes uneasy to find ;) ) and in return, they give you some kind of power to enter this psychedelic realm.

As Psychedelic Energy said, it can give you some nausea, but if it happens, it's worth passing over it.
With the small doses, it's quite easy to handle, and I think that is where you want to start , the 5g could be kind of hellish for now.

All this to say, I think the mushroom path is a great way to begin with. Start low, and find your way to a confortable space. It can take some time and tries, but it's really worth it.
(Growing them is also rewarding, but I really like spending all this time in the mountain fields with my friends the cows and get home with my magic ;) it's a very enjoyable feeling )

PS: I can see that you are living in england, wait 4/5 months and you can go find some little friends in the fields :thumb_up:
PS2: I have tried yopo ( smoked ) a few times, and i remember it being really heavy on the body. I would not recommand it as a starter.

As said before, Enjoy the Quest, and welcome ;)
thanks a lot guys your help and advice is proving extremely useful.

I love the idea to go in the wild to collect mushrooms, something that I will definitely do as Autumn comes.

I always thought about getting started with psylocibin and that's exactly what I am gonna do.

Only issue at the moment is wifey and kids, I feel like their mere presence in the house will somehow prevent me from fully relax and enjoy the experience.

Anyway, lots to plan and think but I will not fail to report my first journey once it's done.

So long my friends!
Magellano said:
Only issue at the moment is wifey and kids, I feel like their mere presence in the house will somehow prevent me from fully relax and enjoy the experience.

There is some great advice in this thread!

I would recommend waiting until you have the house to yourself, personally. Perhaps send the kids away to a grandparent or friend's house for a day or two and have your wife trip sit, if she is up to that sort of thing?

The reason I bring this up is because it is important to be able to have and enjoy the experience without distractions and/or real life issues arising. You will be incapacitated to an extent, mentally and physically so trying to do things that are easy while sober can prove to be overly difficult while on psychedelics. For instance, if one of your kids got sick in the night during your trip, it would be challenging to handle that sort of situation which could lead to unnecessary stress or even panic. This all boils down to proper set and setting. If you are already worried about them being in the house while sober, this feeling can likely seep into your trip.

I like to clear my schedule completely for the day of the experience and prefer to have the next day as well to integrate and recover. But anyway, this is just some food for thought! I wish you the best with your journey and I hope everything works out!

Have a good one!

I like to have two days free as well. A day off work to prepare my mind for the coming trip and the next day to integrate.

I would love to go pick wild mushrooms, but they would be a very long drive away from where I am. Do you intend to grow your own? It is very rewarding and fun :thumb_up:

Do you talk to your wife about this new journey you are planning? How does she feel about it?

Lucky for me my wife is very open minded and does not judge or object to my journeys, especially for how much they have helped me change and become a happier person. She also wishes to use these substances to there full potential, but is still quite apprehensive with them. So at the moment I am the only person I know who has gone down the rabbit hole.

What kind of set would you have? do you have a spare room to you could set-up to be a relaxing psychedelic lounge? I would also recommend reading trip reports (if you haven't started to already), to see how others get ready for trips.

I am upset with myself that I never wrote my trip reports before now, was just being to lazy to write.... But I'm always changing and wanting to do more with myself, like applying myself to the 'nexus' more.

I have only wrote my latest trip report, which is in my signature. Writing about it was a fun experience, made it easier to integrate and remember. I think you might enjoy it and maybe get a nice idea of a good set. Now it is quite a full on trip and my reason to go for a breakthrough DMT experience on LSD is because the LSD makes me feel comfortable. DMT has shown me some hard times and I guess that fear is always partly there, making my heart beat fast and get sweaty palms. The LSD and DMT synergize well together.

Hope all goes well

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