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First time extraction

Migrated topic.
You can do the first pull whenever you want. The longer you leave it in and stir it up, the more DMT that will dissolve in the naphtha. If youre eager to see your first crystals you can do your first pull after only an hour or two and see what that gives ya.
Swim did just that cuz he WAS too eager. lol He says just within 15 minutes of it being in the freezer there was a small beautiful clumps consisting of two small completely white snowglobe bumps. with other tiny ones forming on the edges It was more than he expected cuz he only pulled about 20 milligrams of naptha from the jar, he only had 28 grams of mimosa, (His friend accidentally knocked the bowl that they were breaking it up in onto the floor, not all of it but they salvaged what they could) aprox. 25 grams now. Theres a few brown spots on the bottom, but alls well.
Good idea. But then SWIM finds thru freeze precip he gets, off white crystals. Does SWIY know if these may be ok? SWIM says it smells and taste like good 'ole spice....
Thanks! I kinda already scared myself a little... Not to the point of turning away from the wonderful entheogen but I think some moderate meditation and reflection on myself may help for a better trip next time... I don't dare take that second rip let alone a third haha. Maybe someday. The smoke is not as harsh as i thought it would be, but then again swim goes thru a quarter of ganja and two packs of smokes a day. so he got leather lungs. Any tips on how to be more comfortable during a non breakthru would be much appreciated.
deedle-doo said:
Anybody know why its pink?

Probably from the fuel you used. SWIY should test the fuel by evaporating half a liter or so and see if you get pink goo. Do not smoke any more of this stuff.

Huh? Why shouldn't he smoke any more of it, because it may have some impurities? That's like saying to an astronaut, forgot this round to mars - you've got a paper cut that might get infected. Is there anything realistically he could have been using that could make him ill in such minute quantities?!? We're dealing in micrograms here bro!
We're dealing in micrograms here bro!

How do you know it is micrograms? And how do you know the pharmacokinetics of this potentially dangerous impurity? It sort of reminds me Albert Hofmann thinking "OK, now I'm gonna bioassay a very very small dose of this LSD-25 compound. I think 200 micrograms should be a fairly safe inactive dose."

Plenty of drugs are active in microgram amounts when all these micrograms are inside your blood. And this is the range in which many pharmaceuticals can work, i.e. you take 100, 200, 300 mg of an X drug, then only few nanograms (not even micrograms!) will reach their target tissue.

Plus, there is one thing called cumulative effect - some chemicals will just accumulate in your body and won't get metabolised away. The more you uptake them the more they accumulate up to the point where it becomes a real danger in which case there is no way to clean your body out of it. SWIM and his colleagues are well informed of such substances with which they have to work daily with like ethidium bromide and acrylamide.

Please do not give potentially dangerous advice.
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