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Freeze Precip Help

Migrated topic.
It def looks like it has alot of Alkaloid in it. Ok, once you have done all your defatting, and have your pretty clean looking non polar solvent (i'll assume you have used naptha/shelite) that has DMT in it (the white cloudy stuff), then pour the naptha into a baking dish and blow a fan over it until it goes realy cloudy and you either see some white particles forming in the solvent or it begins to leave a greasy film on the sides of the dish - either way make sure the naptha is cloudy and is at least 50% smaller than its original volume, 30 - 45 mins should be enough under the fan for this. (this greasy film and cloudy stuff in the solvent is actually minute DMT crystals that have precipitated out). once you have your now reduced by 50%, cloudy/precipping solvent solution, heat it in a warm water bath (it wont need alot of heat, just enough to warm it up to redissolve the crystals) until the film disspears and the solvent goes relativley clear, pour it all into a small jar that will fit into your freezer, glass is the best way to go. seal the jar and place it into your freezer. after a few hrs you will def see some crystals forming on the sides of the glass and the solvent should go milky again (DMT preciping out). The less you disturb the container in the freezer teh better, and the longer it is in the freezer (keep your freezer on lowest temp) the better your results will be. SWIM likes to place the jar of warm naptha into a warm water bath and let teh whole lot cool to room temp and then put the whole lot into the fridge (water bath an all) for a day, tehn place the whole lot into the frezer for 5 hrs tehn remove the jar from teh water bath and let it stand alone for 2 days in the freezer before SWIM unseal's and check's the jar. (sealing the jar prevents moisture getting in) that ensures big crystals that are very cleana and easy to spot. however recently SWIM was impatient and evaped 1L of shellite to produce well, im not sure what yet... SWIM is still testing it out, looks and tastes yummy but well, to no effect... :shock: let me know how you go, hope i answered your Q'n propperly!
Okay, so I put this jar in a hot water bath and got a closer look at the frozen white blobs at the bottom of the jar. When heated, the white blobs turn to slightly yellowish gelatinous blobs.
When you filled the jar up with naptha before putting it in the freezer, did it initially have brown globs on the bottom? If so, those brownish globs are just Sodium Hydroxide that came accross when you decanted off the top layer of naptha from the NaOH solution from the plant gunk. If there was no brown stuff initially, then there is a pretty good chance its DMT. The best thing to do would be to collect those blobs, put them into a shot glass and dissolve them in as LITTLE HOT naptha as possible, then cover the shotglass with gladwrap or Aluminium foil and place back into the freezer. any DMT will precip out. That yellow colour is just fats an oils from the bark you used... did you use acacia or Mimosa Hostilis?
Maybe I'm missing something here but... the only reason I can see to pour the solvent in a baking dish and evap half way would be if you used too much solvent to begin with. If the proper volume of solvent is being used there's really no reason to evap first, although it doesnt hurt. The point is that the whole evap'ing and then reheating and then freezing is an unnecessary step. If you were evap'ing in the baking dish, then why not just cover the baking dish with plastic wrap and do the freeze preicipitation in that? The crystals would be much easier to retrieve. From the looks of the pictures, this guy had a pretty small amount of solvent to begin with and the crystals seemed to be precipitating just fine. The solvent looked cloudy as well so it was still precipitating. I think he may have just done some unnecessary work. I would also add that a recrystallization after your precipitation would have solved your yellow/brown blob problem too.
What do you mean the amount of solvent doesnt look like alot? :?: the jar is quite large from where i can see it. And rthose brown blobs, when they melted did they redissolve back into the solution or just stay as liquid separated on teh bottom form teh solvent? if they remained separated, then discard them, theyre just oily water, if not then they are most likley something yummy! :D However, the less solvent you use in the freeze precip the better. When doing a freeze precip, it is inevitable that some of the crystals wont be stuck to the side as some will remain suspended in the solvent. Therefore, the less solvent that is present, the less suspended alkaloid there can be, and the greater the precipitated yield will be as some DMT will always remain disolved in the solvent as long as its liquid. This may not seem like its that important (using less solvent), but try telling that to someone who just decanted all their long waited icy cold solvent through a filter, only to find that the solvent heated up a little bit and redissolved the bulk of their DMT, allowing it to pass through the filter making them do the whole freeze precip from the beginning. Again, the less solvent the better. I do know because its happened to me... a few times... and to a few others on the nexus. In some cases even evapping all the solvent down so that only enough remains to fill a shotglass is a good idea. Seal the shotglass with gladwrap and throw in the freezer for a few days --> Inconspicuos and easy to manage with less chance of redisolving on filtering due to teh minute amount of solvent. This is the way we do it in our organic chem labs, use as little solvent as possible with a fair bit of heat (not enough to vapourize your compound however) and place in an icebath... very good results every time. ***PM me if you would like to know a good method for doing this well, the first time*** ***a note to the beginners*** When messing with organic compounds in general, you have to take extra care to be thorough and to get it right, and to take measures that improve your chance of success. Simply rushing through thinking that a step doesnt neet to be done completely because you feel its "unnessesary" will only lead to you scratching your head at the end thinking, "where did i go wrong?" (lets not take that to the extreme however---> It is excepted that a defat on MHRB is considered to be unnecesary; as is brewing your own alcohol if you want to get drunk! lol) So, unless you have your own specific experience telling you otherwise, follow instructions carefully, and BE THOROUGH! leave as little to chance or wonder as possible. ...and to finish on a rather un-scientific note, -->murphy's law... IS LAW<-- If it CAN go wrong, it WILL, and right when it will hurt the most... so try to minimise the chances of anthying going wrong! it only makes sense. 😉
Nobody will argue with the law "the less solvent the better". But the missing equation here is... what was the volume of basified solution that was extracted from and what was the volume of the solvent that was being freeze precipitated? Say for example you have 600ml of basified solution and you do 3 solvent pulls of about 40ml each leaving you with 120ml of solvent to freeze precipitate. At this volume, evapping down wont affect your yield very much, you can safely freeze preipitate without losing yield. Many people overdo the solvent in which case evapping is a good idea to maximize yield. I have years of extensive experience with this as well, so I will ONLY speak from experience. There are missing details in this debate so it may be futile, but I was only saying that from the looks of the pics, going through that isnt the route Id have taken. Personally, if anything, I would have left the solvent in the mason jar to SLOW evap at room temp, facilitating better crystal growth and then re-freezing at about 10-20% of the original volume.... rather than transferring solvent, evapping, heating, transferring again, then freezing. Thats all. We've all got our methods that we find best though right?
[quote:30e5dd2365="zero"]Nobody will argue with the law "the less solvent the better". But the missing equation here is... what was the volume of basified solution that was extracted from and what was the volume of the solvent that was being freeze precipitated? Say for example you have 600ml of basified solution and you do 3 solvent pulls of about 40ml each leaving you with 120ml of solvent to freeze precipitate. At this volume, evapping down wont affect your yield very much, you can safely freeze preipitate without losing yield. Many people overdo the solvent in which case evapping is a good idea to maximize yield. I have years of extensive experience with this as well, so I will ONLY speak from experience. There are missing details in this debate so it may be futile, but I was only saying that from the looks of the pics, going through that isnt the route Id have taken. Personally, if anything, I would have left the solvent in the mason jar to SLOW evap at room temp, facilitating better crystal growth and then re-freezing at about 10-20% of the original volume.... rather than transferring solvent, evapping, heating, transferring again, then freezing. Thats all. We've all got our methods that we find best though right?[/quote:30e5dd2365] alright, so if I put the solvent out to evap, then put it in the freezer, I'll get what I want? Other info: 454g Bark into 2L water with approx 500g lye. first pull was 450ml naptha
Oh boy. Thats a shitload of... shit. I'm not a huge fan of straight to base teks. Too much lye. Too much solvent. Too much. If it were me, I would definitely put that in a large baking dish and evap down at least 20-25%. Only difference is that I would leave it in the baking dish, cover tightly with plastic wrap and freeze precipitate that way.
Yeah astonomer he's right about room temp evap. the slower the crystals form, teh more pure they are, and the bigger they are. lol, and sorry for the long winded stuff, its 4:30am here and ive been up all night doing a straight to base tek on 1Kg of Acacia Maideni. i have an absolute SHITLOAD of white stuf preciping out, even when hot, i need at least 150-250mL of naptha to ALMOST completely dissolve the DMT. this is my biggest pull yet, however the naptha is piss yellow, will prbs need to do a freeze precip 3 more times but man, i have a shitload of spice! woot! but anyways, its been a long night and i guess i just needed to do something to pass the time while my naptha evaporated... sorry! but yes, slow evap, and the minimum (correct) amount of naptha slowly evaping and tehn cooled just as slow produces good holsom crystals. those "mountains" def look like DMT lol, good on ya! :D let us know how it looks when its dry! v-interested! (p.s. my glass baking dish had a cake of DMT precip about 3mm Thick accross the entire base after fan evapping down about 2.2L of naptha to approx 200mL, and the dish has a diameter of almost 30cm inside wall to inside wall... im very impressed! big yield! I just put it into the freezer for the night! cant wait till tomorrow arvo...)
Since this is your first time, here a few tips that you may or may not think matter... but they do. Don't openly admit to what you are doing or what you are going to do. i.e, using "I". Don't post pictures of your face dude! Think! Also, that stuff looks a little oily or like its still sort of wet. If so, let it dry more. By the looks of it, your friend might want to recrystallize or at the very least, do a chilled ammonia wash. Don't take offense to my first to suggestions, just trying to remind you that certain things ARE very illegal.
I've never really been a SWIM guy. And according to my uncle who is an avid pot-head and former narcotics officer, the odds of the police searching a drug website for a guy like me and then tracking me down, alerting local police, it's just not ever going to happen.
And obviously its your choice to take the risk, however small it is, in posting your face right next to a jar of a Schedule I substance that holds anywhere from 5-20+ years imprisonment for its manufacture. Good idea. The risk isnt so much in internet cops scouring sites for drug manufacturers, although it does happen. I have a friend serving 7 years right now on a drug charge... and the evidence that finally convicted him... posts from an internet forum that the DEA printed out and submitted into evidence for the case. If you'd like to write him and ask him about the details of his case and how he feels about it, Id be glad to give you his booking information. The point is that there have been forum busts and home raids in the past. Do a little research brother... it happened in Australia and that wasnt too long ago. What do you think the supporting evidence was? I doubt you're old enough to know what happened with the now defunct www.dmtworld.org Anyway, do what you like, but I believe it is actually a forum rule, and if it isnt then its at least in The Common Fucking Sense Handbook. Back to the original subject, didnt mean to jack the thread. I'll be posting pictures soon of me selling crack to mid-schoolers.
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