It def looks like it has alot of Alkaloid in it. Ok, once you have done all your defatting, and have your pretty clean looking non polar solvent (i'll assume you have used naptha/shelite) that has DMT in it (the white cloudy stuff), then pour the naptha into a baking dish and blow a fan over it until it goes realy cloudy and you either see some white particles forming in the solvent or it begins to leave a greasy film on the sides of the dish - either way make sure the naptha is cloudy and is at least 50% smaller than its original volume, 30 - 45 mins should be enough under the fan for this. (this greasy film and cloudy stuff in the solvent is actually minute DMT crystals that have precipitated out). once you have your now reduced by 50%, cloudy/precipping solvent solution, heat it in a warm water bath (it wont need alot of heat, just enough to warm it up to redissolve the crystals) until the film disspears and the solvent goes relativley clear, pour it all into a small jar that will fit into your freezer, glass is the best way to go. seal the jar and place it into your freezer. after a few hrs you will def see some crystals forming on the sides of the glass and the solvent should go milky again (DMT preciping out). The less you disturb the container in the freezer teh better, and the longer it is in the freezer (keep your freezer on lowest temp) the better your results will be. SWIM likes to place the jar of warm naptha into a warm water bath and let teh whole lot cool to room temp and then put the whole lot into the fridge (water bath an all) for a day, tehn place the whole lot into the frezer for 5 hrs tehn remove the jar from teh water bath and let it stand alone for 2 days in the freezer before SWIM unseal's and check's the jar. (sealing the jar prevents moisture getting in) that ensures big crystals that are very cleana and easy to spot. however recently SWIM was impatient and evaped 1L of shellite to produce well, im not sure what yet... SWIM is still testing it out, looks and tastes yummy but well, to no effect... :shock: let me know how you go, hope i answered your Q'n propperly!