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freeze precip problems

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Some multidimensional gnome i met has been having some problems with getting crystals. My gnome has attempted an extraction on acacia bark a number of times. Always using relatively small amounts of bark. First time after the a/b extraction process he evaporated off all of the shellite and was left with a tiny amount of orangey brown goo that deffiately had the alien spice smell. Unfortunately did not result in enough for an active dose. after this experience my gnome decided to try freeze precip. Everytime that he tried to freeze precip some crystals, it appears to work but then once the crystals return to room temperature they dissappear. Basically what happens is the shellite is left in a cold freezer overnight. In the morning, tiny clear white crystals can be seen on the side of the glass. The excess shellite is poured off and the vessel is left for a few hours to evaporate off the remaining solvent. But everytime without fail, as the glass returns to room temperature the crystals dissappear. Looking at the last experiement there is now a thin layer of whiteish residue rimming the inside of the glass where the crystals were. But never any crystals Can anyone advise my stupid gnome?
Welcome mate nice to see another person on the case 😉 I may well be wrong, but here are my thoughts: 1. make sure you pour off the shellite asap after removing from the freezer 2. perhaps after pouring off try evaporating the rest of the shellite with the use of a fan - it should take about 15 minutes and. my thought is that maybe your container still being wet with shellite, as it warms up the dmt goes back into the remaining shellite and is.... well i dunno the white film you mention is characteristic of things being done too fast, so the dmt doesn't get a chance to form sizable crystals and appears as a residue.. have you got some pictures of what you're talking about? did it perhaps look something like.. [img:1e86711398]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/2325/img0281zq9lt9.jpg[/img:1e86711398]
How hot is it where you live right now? In intense hot weather it will likely melt .If you are in the mid to high thirties C,get an air conditioner.Maybe it needs defatting.Try different things.That's how we learn.
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