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Freezing MHRB to break cell walls

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
If one were to freeze and thaw their powdered MHRB repetitively, would the cell walls break down more easily?
I would think that freezing does not effect the DMT molecule, because of the naptha precip. and thawing cant be that bad either.
I know that cacti cell walls break down from this.
I am very curious about this as well. I sometimes get lazy with bark shredding and after a few days in the lye solution I can still see bark fiber intact. if bark was cut up, covered with water and frozen, the expansion of water should break the cell walls releasing the dmt. I'm going to test this out on 50 g of bark. I know people freeze sassafras bark.
il try this on my next run too - swim always freezes and thaws his cactus a good few times and it does help.
also swim noticed that when boiling down a cactus tea - if the fresh material has been frozen and thawed it doesnt bubble up in the beginning stage at all like usual.
I do not find it necessary to freeze powdered MHBR,or even larger chunks,have high enough ph solution and the stuff just melts in.
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