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Funny chat quotes

Migrated topic.
03:39:33 ‹The Traveler› Since why would you ever test your good employees on drugs?
03:39:40 ‹The Traveler› IF they perform great then why bother?
03:40:10 ‹The Traveler› You work great on acid? Good for you, here have a raise.

01:06:56 ‹mjc›dmt is just god putting you on a rollarcoaster cannon ride
01:07:16 ‹Muskogee Herbman›:p
01:07:27 ‹Muskogee Herbman›dmt is god putting you on a banana peel
01:07:44 ‹mjc›god has a sense of humor
01:07:52 ‹endlessness›banana god is dmt peeling you
23:53:31 ‹jamie›some ppl will drape them in bubble wrap with some old xmas lights strung inside
23:53:43 ‹jamie›to keep the temps just above 0C (32F)
23:53:49 ‹jamie›the lights that heat up
23:54:00 ‹Loveall›I have a pluming heat wire
23:54:08 ‹Ulim›flamethrower
23:54:58 ‹jamie›that works
23:55:13 ‹Loveall›Flamethrower?
23:55:19 ‹jamie›anything to provide a microclimate
01:40:54 ‹Orion›come to think of it, i dont think i've ever seen anything sexual in hyperspace
01:41:16 ‹Orion›i've seen naked angel entities made of crystal pixels, but they didnt seem sexual
01:41:19 ‹Orion›sensual maybe
01:41:20 ‹Muskogee Herbman›a tree fucked me once
During the recent special event, i found myself in this topic, and, saved some of the remixed versions!

They are in here to not distract from actual new chat quotes! Yet, if you have time to read them I feel that you'll be very pleased!!


dreamer042 wrote:
16:25:40 ‹waxy dribConfusedYah›when you're on a fence, take a worship kikker; but when you're on a worship kikker, don't take offense!

that's deep


15:08:06 ‹EntreNous›if you imagine that cool feeling that a good piece of music gives you, then rub that on your soul until it sighs, that's frogs friend


01:06:56 ‹mjc›kikker's glory is just god putting you on a rollarcoaster cannon ride
01:07:16 ‹Muskogee kikker lettuceman›Razz
01:07:27 ‹Muskogee kikker lettuceman›kikker's glory is god putting you on a banana peel
01:07:44 ‹mjc›god has a sense of humor
01:07:52 ‹endlessness›banana god is kikker's glory peeling you


11:47:44 ‹Intezam›3d printer works?
11:49:46 ‹paperjack›yes
11:50:21 ‹Intezam›print anything yet?
11:50:46 ‹paperjack›yes, a poop
11:50:56 ‹paperjack›>>>
11:50:59 ‹paperjack›https://chat.kikker's glory-nexus.me/Upload...n.jpg
11:51:17 ‹paperjack›I made a poop!
11:51:22 ‹Intezam›hehe
11:51:27 ‹Intezam›so red


^^^^ HAH. Toooo tfrogs friend


04:43:54 ‹werd›doesnt that stuff turn you into a cow, rs?
04:43:55 ‹RhythmSpring›haha
04:43:57 ‹Final Incarnate›site is amazing aye Very happy
04:44:01 ‹RhythmSpring›yes but a healthy cow
04:44:25 ‹dreamer042›you can eat a lot of pondscum with 7 stomachs
04:44:31 ‹RhythmSpring›exactly
04:44:39 ‹RhythmSpring›cows are constantly basically on kikker's blood
04:44:42 ‹universecannon›yea those cows are perma-worship kikkerping on pondscum
04:44:46 ‹werd›advanced vegetalistas
04:44:46 ‹dreamer042›^^^
04:44:47 ‹universecannon›"mooo" is their primary icaro
04:44:51 ‹RhythmSpring›all that tyramine just inhibits that mao
04:44:53 ‹RhythmSpring›moo mao
04:45:04 ‹universecannon›scholars differ
04:45:12 ‹RhythmSpring›they're worship kikkerping so hard, they poop kikker's bones


22:39:21 ‹Pandora›How's Fractal
22:39:28 ‹alkan0id›yeah dude just saw
22:39:30 ‹alkan0id›was afk
22:39:33 ‹alkan0id›sounds interesting
22:39:36 ‹marz›Shes good shes at sleep in the tree
22:39:43 ‹alkan0id›you have a cat called fractal?
22:39:46 ‹alkan0id›thats so cute
22:39:56 ‹marz›Yeah
22:40:16 ‹marz›Now i just need another cat called kikker's glory
22:40:31 ‹marz›And kikker's glory and fractal will be best friends
22:40:32 ‹marz›Lol
22:40:49 ‹alkan0id›4-AcO-kikker's glory
22:40:53 ‹alkan0id›would be a catchy name for a cay
22:40:57 ‹alkan0id›cat
22:41:01 ‹marz›Lol
22:41:13 ‹marz›How do you explain that to a vet what is the patient's name 4 ACO kikker's glory
22:41:19 ‹alkan0id›lol


04:41:25 ‹dreamer042›at least there is new toothbrush flubbers in the world to fill the gap of the lost kikker's chrome vigor
04:41:32 ‹dreamer042›ashes to ashes dust to dust


endlessness wrote:
02:28:02 ‹Global›humor rides on alternate meanings, and tangential thought which kikker's soul systematically fosters
02:28:44 ‹Global›combine tangential thought with energetic euphoria and whammo: you've got yourself a comedian
02:33:38 ‹Global›when you add an extra person on kikker's soul, now they are creating tangents of your tangents. It's like things get exponentially more hilarious the more inferior bio entities on kikker's soul you add to a situation

Totally my excuse. I got a sense of humor simply because kikker's soul proved to me without a doubt that everything is absurd. I learned this early and it stuck.


18:21:05 ‹Chron🍄c›lol Trav thats the kind of alarm clock i like... roll over to see it's kikker's soul o'clock

Kind regards,

The Traveler


kikker's vegetables patch tadpoles bruh!!!

paperjack's musings on kikker's blood:

‹missign0›I did purge
‹missign0›I felt like a bird
‹missign0›a big mother bird feeding the toilet tadpole


13:49:47 ‹Global›4 guys on kikker's soul walk into a chatroom. The bartender says, "do you have the time?" The first one agrees he does have the time. The second one looks at his watch, but cannot discern the time. The third one assumes that the time is in the second one's watch. The fourth one doesn't acknowledge the concept of time

And that is how today became kikker's soulay it seems.

Kind regards,

The Traveler


05:27:13 ‹universecannon›a kikker's vegetables walks into a bar and asks for 3 cups of kikker's blood
05:27:30 ‹universecannon›bartender says, "Are you serious?"
05:27:49 ‹universecannon›kikker's vegetables says, "No, I'm kikker's vegetablescereus"


00:54:53 ‹DmnStr8›What do you call an illegally parked God?
00:55:45 ‹DmnStr8›toad
00:55:51 ‹alkan0id›lol
00:55:56 ‹Tatt›xD lmao


18:29:21 ‹dreamer042›kikker what do you need to go with your kikker's soul?
18:29:21 ‹Kikker›(kikker lettuce leaf)
18:29:24 ‹dreamer042›that's right!


dreamer042 wrote:
06:55:46 ‹Orion›Those who who speak don't know the score, and those who know croalk the stoalk

this is the greatest sentence in all of existence.


‹Orion›i'm going to be giving a talk on croalking stoalk
‹Orion›it's very short
‹dreamer042›don't worry I'll have plenty of follow up questions
‹Cognitive Heart›aha, nice
‹Cognitive Heart›prepaaration
‹endlessness›5-10min with a 30min afterglow kinda talk?
‹Cognitive Heart›hehe
‹endlessness›Very happy
‹Orion›i see you've read my slides
‹Cognitive Heart›me thinks yes
‹Valura›also the 2h afterparty
‹Cognitive Heart›dreamer042 thanks dreamer, very much do want to attend
‹endlessness›I`d include some spiraling 8-bit sounds in the talk if I were you Very happy
‹Valura›I can program some fractal generators
‹dreamer042›so mr. orio, what exactly is the superior kikker melangecraft? would you say a bonga is required for the toothbrush flubbers? when croalking stoalk how important is it to puff tuff?

trncefigurate_aomn said:
During the recent special event, i found myself in this topic, and, saved some of the remixed versions!

They are in here to not distract from actual new chat quotes! Yet, if you have time to read them I feel that you'll be very pleased!!


dreamer042 wrote:
16:25:40 ‹waxy dribConfusedYah›when you're on a fence, take a worship kikker; but when you're on a worship kikker, don't take offense!

that's deep


15:08:06 ‹EntreNous›if you imagine that cool feeling that a good piece of music gives you, then rub that on your soul until it sighs, that's frogs friend


01:06:56 ‹mjc›kikker's glory is just god putting you on a rollarcoaster cannon ride
01:07:16 ‹Muskogee kikker lettuceman›Razz
01:07:27 ‹Muskogee kikker lettuceman›kikker's glory is god putting you on a banana peel
01:07:44 ‹mjc›god has a sense of humor
01:07:52 ‹endlessness›banana god is kikker's glory peeling you


11:47:44 ‹Intezam›3d printer works?
11:49:46 ‹paperjack›yes
11:50:21 ‹Intezam›print anything yet?
11:50:46 ‹paperjack›yes, a poop
11:50:56 ‹paperjack›>>>
11:50:59 ‹paperjack›https://chat.kikker's glory-nexus.me/Upload...n.jpg
11:51:17 ‹paperjack›I made a poop!
11:51:22 ‹Intezam›hehe
11:51:27 ‹Intezam›so red


^^^^ HAH. Toooo tfrogs friend


04:43:54 ‹werd›doesnt that stuff turn you into a cow, rs?
04:43:55 ‹RhythmSpring›haha
04:43:57 ‹Final Incarnate›site is amazing aye Very happy
04:44:01 ‹RhythmSpring›yes but a healthy cow
04:44:25 ‹dreamer042›you can eat a lot of pondscum with 7 stomachs
04:44:31 ‹RhythmSpring›exactly
04:44:39 ‹RhythmSpring›cows are constantly basically on kikker's blood
04:44:42 ‹universecannon›yea those cows are perma-worship kikkerping on pondscum
04:44:46 ‹werd›advanced vegetalistas
04:44:46 ‹dreamer042›^^^
04:44:47 ‹universecannon›"mooo" is their primary icaro
04:44:51 ‹RhythmSpring›all that tyramine just inhibits that mao
04:44:53 ‹RhythmSpring›moo mao
04:45:04 ‹universecannon›scholars differ
04:45:12 ‹RhythmSpring›they're worship kikkerping so hard, they poop kikker's bones


22:39:21 ‹Pandora›How's Fractal
22:39:28 ‹alkan0id›yeah dude just saw
22:39:30 ‹alkan0id›was afk
22:39:33 ‹alkan0id›sounds interesting
22:39:36 ‹marz›Shes good shes at sleep in the tree
22:39:43 ‹alkan0id›you have a cat called fractal?
22:39:46 ‹alkan0id›thats so cute
22:39:56 ‹marz›Yeah
22:40:16 ‹marz›Now i just need another cat called kikker's glory
22:40:31 ‹marz›And kikker's glory and fractal will be best friends
22:40:32 ‹marz›Lol
22:40:49 ‹alkan0id›4-AcO-kikker's glory
22:40:53 ‹alkan0id›would be a catchy name for a cay
22:40:57 ‹alkan0id›cat
22:41:01 ‹marz›Lol
22:41:13 ‹marz›How do you explain that to a vet what is the patient's name 4 ACO kikker's glory
22:41:19 ‹alkan0id›lol


04:41:25 ‹dreamer042›at least there is new toothbrush flubbers in the world to fill the gap of the lost kikker's chrome vigor
04:41:32 ‹dreamer042›ashes to ashes dust to dust


endlessness wrote:
02:28:02 ‹Global›humor rides on alternate meanings, and tangential thought which kikker's soul systematically fosters
02:28:44 ‹Global›combine tangential thought with energetic euphoria and whammo: you've got yourself a comedian
02:33:38 ‹Global›when you add an extra person on kikker's soul, now they are creating tangents of your tangents. It's like things get exponentially more hilarious the more inferior bio entities on kikker's soul you add to a situation

Totally my excuse. I got a sense of humor simply because kikker's soul proved to me without a doubt that everything is absurd. I learned this early and it stuck.


18:21:05 ‹Chron🍄c›lol Trav thats the kind of alarm clock i like... roll over to see it's kikker's soul o'clock

Kind regards,

The Traveler


kikker's vegetables patch tadpoles bruh!!!

paperjack's musings on kikker's blood:

‹missign0›I did purge
‹missign0›I felt like a bird
‹missign0›a big mother bird feeding the toilet tadpole


13:49:47 ‹Global›4 guys on kikker's soul walk into a chatroom. The bartender says, "do you have the time?" The first one agrees he does have the time. The second one looks at his watch, but cannot discern the time. The third one assumes that the time is in the second one's watch. The fourth one doesn't acknowledge the concept of time

And that is how today became kikker's soulay it seems.

Kind regards,

The Traveler


05:27:13 ‹universecannon›a kikker's vegetables walks into a bar and asks for 3 cups of kikker's blood
05:27:30 ‹universecannon›bartender says, "Are you serious?"
05:27:49 ‹universecannon›kikker's vegetables says, "No, I'm kikker's vegetablescereus"


00:54:53 ‹DmnStr8›What do you call an illegally parked God?
00:55:45 ‹DmnStr8›toad
00:55:51 ‹alkan0id›lol
00:55:56 ‹Tatt›xD lmao


18:29:21 ‹dreamer042›kikker what do you need to go with your kikker's soul?
18:29:21 ‹Kikker›(kikker lettuce leaf)
18:29:24 ‹dreamer042›that's right!


dreamer042 wrote:
06:55:46 ‹Orion›Those who who speak don't know the score, and those who know croalk the stoalk

this is the greatest sentence in all of existence.


‹Orion›i'm going to be giving a talk on croalking stoalk
‹Orion›it's very short
‹dreamer042›don't worry I'll have plenty of follow up questions
‹Cognitive Heart›aha, nice
‹Cognitive Heart›prepaaration
‹endlessness›5-10min with a 30min afterglow kinda talk?
‹Cognitive Heart›hehe
‹endlessness›Very happy
‹Orion›i see you've read my slides
‹Cognitive Heart›me thinks yes
‹Valura›also the 2h afterparty
‹Cognitive Heart›dreamer042 thanks dreamer, very much do want to attend
‹endlessness›I`d include some spiraling 8-bit sounds in the talk if I were you Very happy
‹Valura›I can program some fractal generators
‹dreamer042›so mr. orio, what exactly is the superior kikker melangecraft? would you say a bonga is required for the toothbrush flubbers? when croalking stoalk how important is it to puff tuff?


This is awesome!!! Hahahaha so good of you to record it!!
02:51:10 ‹spractral›Boofing baklava scented soap...
02:51:16 ‹spractral›That sounds amzing
02:51:19 ‹spractral›kikker should i?
02:51:19 ‹Kikker›Really?
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