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Glass-clear crystal spice [pics]

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Rising Star
The best crystallization technique is the simplest. Do your CFC (Cool-Freeze-Cycle) and you end up with the light-yellow powdery/salty small crystals most people end up with-- [img:65680798c8]http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/8167/secondpullspicefinal002de0.jpg[/img:65680798c8] DON'T STOP THERE. Take that and redissolve in Bestine, (in this case) or VM&P Naptha-- with around 2 grams or so of "normal" yellow spice crystal, ~100ml of solvent was used for the three total containers: -one double shot glass, -two glass lids (from candles) (the shot glass and one lid is shown-- again, there is a second, identical glass lid in addition to the one shown with equivalent growth) Heat the solvent using hot tap water in a 1/2 pint jar or equiv., then add the spice. Swish it until it COMPLETELY dissolves-- if it won;t, add a LITTLE more solvent until it does-- REMEMBER TO KEEP IT AS HOT AS YOU CAN-- I think the tap maxes out at `130 degrees F or so. Then pour your super-saturated solvent/spice mix into your containers. Cover. AT ROOM TEMP. Leave it alone for a day or so, and you'll see exactly what you see in these pics. Shot glass: [img:65680798c8]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/5476/dmtsnowflakeur1.jpg[/img:65680798c8] Shot glass after partial evap (note the spice growing on the glass wall-- cool, huh?): [img:65680798c8]http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/6650/dmtarmsss9.jpg[/img:65680798c8] Candle lid 1 after one day: [img:65680798c8]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/3958/yellowsnow014ur3.jpg[/img:65680798c8] The slow, mid-temp growth of the crystal within the solvent allows for extremely pure, large DMT structures to form, as you can see. Do not expose the solvent to moving air, as you want SLOW even growth, and air moving across the surface of this saturated of a solution will cause it to cool>cloud>precipitate instantly-- IT MUST GO SLOW to get this kind of growth-- otherwise you'll get what you started out with: small impure spice crystals... After sitting covered for two days or so growth will slow because the solvent concentration goes down as the DMT solidifies into crystal-- at this point one can remove the cover IN STILL AIR CONDITIONS, and allow a gradual air evap to occur, over days, which will slowly bring the concentration ever-higher as the remaining solution evaps away, forcing more crystal growth. Again-- slow, still, and steady is the name of the game here. Cheers, and happy, safe hyperspacing :)
swim has the hardest time removing the yellow gunk at the bottom. even though the crystals are large, how do you seperate it better from the yellow shit. when it recrystallizes it seems to always recapture the yellow and leaving the solvent clear as water. that shit is sooo annoying to get rid of.
So nice crystals !! Yummy :p ! Your technique gives me an idea for a small improvment to allow a easier removing of gunk. I will tell my friend to try it when he'll got some more spice to play with.
I made the same discovery myself a few months back and and it surprised the shit out of me :) I did a few things different though and didnt wind up up with any yellow gunk. first, I recrystallized once by putting ~2g of off-white slightly yellowish freeze precipitated stuff that I had been sitting on for several months into a test tube. I heated some heptane (250ml or so) in a heat bath using a crock pot. then added a small amount of heptane (20-50ml) to the test tube and swirled in the heat bath to melt the spice and mix with the solvent. let it settle and you get two layers. clear-ish super-saturated solvent and yellow oil at the bottom, which contains more spice and impurties. pour the solvent into a jar being careful not to pour out any of the yellow oil, and repeat this process several times. each time the yellow oil puddle will get smaller and darker. repeat until you either get a solid little chunk of impurity (it will look like a bloody booger) or nothing. I then threw it in the freezer and it yeilded small, but slightly more needly (better formed) precipitate. then I repeated the above process. (didnt get the bloody booger this time). doing this is the best way to get completely saturated solvent because you add only a little at a time, not enough to dissolve all of your spice. so you wont have any excess solvent. this time instead of putting it in the freezer I had planned to do the fridge freezer fridge freezer thing, but I was going out overnight and I decided to just throw the jar of saturated solvent in a drawer. when I returned the next day, I was very surprised to find the jar with a bunch of crystal clusters just like the ones in your pics. but completely clear with NO yellow. I put it in the fridge and freezer just in case anything is still in there. the crystals got a little bigger, but also got a slight yellow tint on some parts (but no yellow slag layer). I'm pretty sure thats because it was recrystallized twice. anyway, yeah, saturated heptane + room temperature = big clear clusters of crystal swords :D
Hey Coastal, I just wanted to thank you once again for your initial post. It's so easy and the crystals are beautiful and MUCH easier to deal with from a practical standpoint. I almost want to run show the neighbors :p
Sup coAsTal, That's some nice work & photography there man. 👍 Have you got any pics of the crystallization further on, An update would be nice to see what those crystals turned into.
This method works great and it's very easy. I dissolved a gram of brownish cruddy precipitate into 30ml of warm naptha, then filtered through a cotton filter. Let it sit overnight at room temp, then did a cfc a couple of times. Here is my finished product. Here is what i started with, washing this with ammonia turned it into this dark color spice. [img:f382ffa2be]http://images25.fotki.com/v902/photos/1/186035/686768/IMG_0763-vi.jpg[/img:f382ffa2be] After recrystallization, still a little wet with solvent during evap. [img:f382ffa2be]http://images25.fotki.com/v896/photos/1/186035/686768/IMG_0778-vi.jpg[/img:f382ffa2be] And this is fully dry [img:f382ffa2be]http://images25.fotki.com/v900/photos/1/186035/686768/IMG_0791-vi.jpg[/img:f382ffa2be]
Very nice pics! Another nice thing about this tek is that those crystals are very easy to get out of the jar. Much easier than freeze precip and no worry of condensation or spice redissolving into the naphtha when removed from the freezer. It's been found that one can use xylene to wash out the bits of spice that are left from freeze precips or residual on any glass, evaporate, add a little warm naptha/heptane/oms and wait. The room temp xylene is excellent at collecting the residue without worry of precip as cooling occurs or vaporization if too hot naptha is used.
Thank you guys-- it's the least I can do to help fellow travelers :) I have no additional pics-- though the excellent pics XENONSION posted are spot-on what you can expect when following the process to its conclusion-- Best wishes, and safe journeys...
[quote:25060e65d2="Heyoka"]It's been found that one can use xylene to wash out the bits of spice that are left from freeze precips or residual on any glass, evaporate, add a little warm naptha/heptane/oms and wait. [/quote:25060e65d2] That's a great tip. The Antarctican has taken to using toluene as his last pull whether he's after the red spice or not, and then washing the evaporated residue with naptha and evaporating that to get a last little bit of alks.
Hey Coastal! Great Pics! I love that one with the DMT Star suspended in the middle! You didn't reply to the questions about how you separate the crystals from the yellow goo...some of us would like to hear about that! -z
Try filtering it with a cotton filter after you dissolve into the warm solvent. I use a flask type of glass container to dissolve it into. Then transfer that to a small glass bowl. Filtering as it's poured. Seems to get most of the gunk out
Nothing new there but I can't resist to post some pics a friend sent me. He placed a string in a glass tube containing a spice saturated solution of naphta. Because it was in a glass tube, the naphta needed two months to evaporate enough. Here some very thin crystals growed along the string. [img:d56dd96485]http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/6389/crystalgarland1ml5.th.jpg[/img:d56dd96485] The end of the string that was dip in the naphta: [img:d56dd96485]http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/2227/crystal1dv3.th.jpg[/img:d56dd96485]
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