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Glass-clear crystal spice [pics]

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Rising Star
The best crystallization technique is the simplest. Do your CFC (Cool-Freeze-Cycle) and you end up with the light-yellow powdery/salty small crystals most people end up with-- [img:65680798c8]http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/8167/secondpullspicefinal002de0.jpg[/img:65680798c8] DON'T STOP THERE. Take that and redissolve in Bestine, (in this case) or VM&P Naptha-- with around 2 grams or so of "normal" yellow spice crystal, ~100ml of solvent was used for the three total containers: -one double shot glass, -two glass lids (from candles) (the shot glass and one lid is shown-- again, there is a second, identical glass lid in addition to the one shown with equivalent growth) Heat the solvent using hot tap water in a 1/2 pint jar or equiv., then add the spice. Swish it until it COMPLETELY dissolves-- if it won;t, add a LITTLE more solvent until it does-- REMEMBER TO KEEP IT AS HOT AS YOU CAN-- I think the tap maxes out at `130 degrees F or so. Then pour your super-saturated solvent/spice mix into your containers. Cover. AT ROOM TEMP. Leave it alone for a day or so, and you'll see exactly what you see in these pics. Shot glass: [img:65680798c8]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/5476/dmtsnowflakeur1.jpg[/img:65680798c8] Shot glass after partial evap (note the spice growing on the glass wall-- cool, huh?): [img:65680798c8]http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/6650/dmtarmsss9.jpg[/img:65680798c8] Candle lid 1 after one day: [img:65680798c8]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/3958/yellowsnow014ur3.jpg[/img:65680798c8] The slow, mid-temp growth of the crystal within the solvent allows for extremely pure, large DMT structures to form, as you can see. Do not expose the solvent to moving air, as you want SLOW even growth, and air moving across the surface of this saturated of a solution will cause it to cool>cloud>precipitate instantly-- IT MUST GO SLOW to get this kind of growth-- otherwise you'll get what you started out with: small impure spice crystals... After sitting covered for two days or so growth will slow because the solvent concentration goes down as the DMT solidifies into crystal-- at this point one can remove the cover IN STILL AIR CONDITIONS, and allow a gradual air evap to occur, over days, which will slowly bring the concentration ever-higher as the remaining solution evaps away, forcing more crystal growth. Again-- slow, still, and steady is the name of the game here. Cheers, and happy, safe hyperspacing :)
hi family my friend the scientific beetle has been attempting recrystalizations and has some questions: After dissolving his extracted spice in a shot glass of warmed heptane, (the shot glass was sitting in a warm water bath) he coverd the shot glass and allowed it to cool to room temperature , nevr moving it from the bath , never moving it at all. The spice did NOT form crystals on the sides, it spread itself evenly over the surface of the shot glass, forming a thin film and a pellet of darker gunk at the bottom. after a day or so, he removed the cover of the shot glass and evaporated the remaining bestine. He scraped down the sides of his shot glass and retrieved his now slightly lighter-in-color spice, and separated the dark gunk at the bottom. Next, he repeated the process with this new slightly cleaner spice, he followed the exact same procedure except that this time the spice DID form pretty crystals on the sides of the shot glass. After a day he harvested these, but was dissapointed to find that although the formations were nice, they turned yellow once dried. Soooo, he repeated the process a 3rd time, but was surprised to find that the spice reacted the same way as the first time, no crystals, just a thin film along the sides and darker pellet at the bottom. He scraped this down and repeated the process for a 4th time. On the 4th time, he once again got beautiful crystalline structures, but AGAIN once they dried they turned yellow. It seems to him that after 4 recrysts his spice should not be turning yellow anymore, any insight on this? Also, any idea why the spice would alternate betwen crystalline structure and thin film coating? maybe he's missing a crucial step, but he followed the intrsuctions closely, never moving the shot glass, and allowing it too cool to room temperature slowly over time. any help would be much appreciated...thanks H
What you need to do..is dissolve your spice, and then filter out the impurities, or remove the clear layer of solvent into a clean container, and THEN let it sit at room temp to grow. what is your ratio of spice to solvent? It should be very little solvent, and lots of spice.
[quote:5fc89834bc="XENONSION"]What you need to do..is dissolve your spice, and then filter out the impurities, or remove the clear layer of solvent into a clean container, and THEN let it sit at room temp to grow. what is your ratio of spice to solvent? It should be very little solvent, and lots of spice.[/quote:5fc89834bc] well, he uses about 25 ml heptane to .7 g of spice. ok so what you're saying is once the spice has dissolved, i need to filter out impurities? that seems a little difficult given that almost all the spice dissolves leaving a tiny little bloblet of aqueous fatty shit at the bottom of the shot glass . he's scared to pour the heptane through a filter , because the filter will soak up the spice-rich heptane... is there a good method of filtration where one doesnt lose the heptane to the cotton filter?
that fatty little blob of crap will redisperse into your spice, and is probably causing your discoloration issues. It needs to be filtered out..otherwise you are just working in circles here. chemical filter papers would be ideal, but coffee filter material can also be used.
[quote:7cae6fc011="XENONSION"]that fatty little blob of crap will redisperse into your spice, and is probably causing your discoloration issues. It needs to be filtered out..otherwise you are just working in circles here. chemical filter papers would be ideal, but coffee filter material can also be used.[/quote:7cae6fc011] ok then perhaps he can cut a small piece of coffee filter to filter through so that it doesnt soak up all the heptane
[quote:6a62f6a1ba="habib"][quote:6a62f6a1ba="XENONSION"]that fatty little blob of crap will redisperse into your spice, and is probably causing your discoloration issues. It needs to be filtered out..otherwise you are just working in circles here. chemical filter papers would be ideal, but coffee filter material can also be used.[/quote:6a62f6a1ba] ok then perhaps he can cut a small piece of coffee filter to filter through so that it doesnt soak up all the heptane[/quote:6a62f6a1ba] Yes, you aren't working with a large amount of material here, so size it down appropriately. squeeze it all through, a tiny amount of solvent will saturate your filter, but that's negligible. One should expect SOME loss of material during these processes anyway.
I can smell those photos ! ... God is that good ! Thanks for the beauty of them all ! I posted before reading all the thread - got so excited .. ! was it mentioned how much one of those crystal forests weigh..!>? And those are great tips on how to wash that crystal lawn, clean ! the grow-it-on-a-string technique reminds me of fishing...! Does it really work, so crystals hang-on when dry..? and what about smokable filter-paper..? someone mentioned that - is it possible to scrounge every last mg that way..?
[quote:1e66bba609]Does it really work, so crystals hang-on when dry[/quote:1e66bba609] My friend said that the crystall is very small, weighted around 100 mg, this slow tek was used to recover some very small amount of dirty crystals from a previous recrystallisation.
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