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Gordo tek anyone?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Anyone framiliar with “gordo tek”? If so is there any feedback from the experienced? It seems just too good to be true and don’t want to be pointed in the wrong direction... any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you 😁
If you need a reference go to YouTube and type in Gordo tek dmt
Threads (have) exist(ed) here already about the "Gordo tek", including one started by Gordo himself (which seems to have been deleted), but for some reason he didn't stay around for very long.

He's done a reasonable job of collating some good methods into an instructional video and it's a shame that he deleted his own thread [was deleted] where the safety (and security) points were discussed. Consensus was that using Youtube as a vehicle for a tool for disseminating material of this nature is not such a great idea. Also, heating naphtha in a crockpot is potentially dangerous[* ]. Use a water bath.
[* sparking from a crockpot thermostat could potentially ignite naphtha vapours.]

So, you can't believe it's this easy? Maybe consider growing your own DMT-containing plant instead. (And remember, you can't extract DMT out of red cedar pet bedding!)

[EDITED in response to Gordo's reply below.]
I found out about the tek because I came across the youtube video while researching trip reports, I must admit I never tried it because the nexus provided much simpler procedures that promised just as good if not better results.
Now that I'm more experienced I can at least confirm the steps are sound and can't see why it wouldn't work, however if its your first time I strongly recommend you start with an easier technique like Q2121 or my personal favorite cyb's salt tek.

Like many in the nexus will point out, uploading such procedures to youtube (or similar social media) isn't a good idea for a variety of reasons which is why you will only find gordo's tek in the video results (last I checked, at least). But worry not, its hard to mess up most teks and in most cases the worst case scenario means low yields.

Practice and experimentation are key.
The Gordo tek is not what I would call a foodsafe method, as the video claims, but I think it a good choice for beginners. It is a straightforward tek with the advantage of not using lye, which can be a problem for a few reasons, and not needing to separate layers of liquid. Dryteks like this are good for a beginner with limited access to supplies like glass basters or large pipettes, sep funnel and such. The tek also takes patience and makes you work for each pull. Q21Q21's fluffy white funfest was my first extraction tek and after trying several others I went back to it, at least until I get more equipment. So much easier just to decant the solvent from the dish of paste.
Just want to point out a few things in case anyone stumbles upon this thread in the future as it seems to come to the top of certain google search results...

"it's a shame that he deleted his own thread "

I didn't delete it, nor have I deleted any post on this forum, it was deleted by the forum moderators. I don't feel it should have been removed, if they are dead set against anyone posting a link to a video that shows how to extract DMT I supposed they could have just removed the link, but ah well, that's how they roll here. It could have been a nice discussion. I think the old school attitude (about having too many pictures of the extraction process) here is misguided, and that someone should try to counterbalance the very bad content that is on YouTube - for safety and other reasons. Also there is a lot of junk science and misinformation about DMT on YouTube (and everywhere else, thanks to Strassman, Rogan, and McKenna) which I am trying to / planning to address. If anyone has a problem with any of that, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, and I'll stay away from here (I still love you though).

Personally I think the old school forums like this one are (sadly) a dying medium. This site in particular hasn't been well taken care of in my opinion or kept up with technological progress. All these things plus the censorship are the reasons I don't participate here much anymore (I had another account/name from well over a decade ago by the way, maybe two decades ago).

"I strongly recommend you start with an easier technique like Q2121 "
Just to be clear, my TEK IS essentially the q21q21 TEK but with several minor (but important) improvements.

"is not what I would call a foodsafe method, as the video claims"
The only related claim in the video is that the acid/base used are both foodsafe ingredients. Obviously naphtha is not foodsafe. I do not recommend people use d-limonene for many reasons (there is no assurance its food safe even if supposedly labled as such, its very expensive, and it is not a good solvents for this application - it results in an impure product which is also less safe for a number of reasons.

"heating naphtha in a crockpot is potentially dangerous. Use a water bath."
You may have missed it, but the crock pot is used in the video AS a warm water bath (and steam heater).
Heating these solvents with a warm water bath, or using steam, both of which are shown in this video, is perfectly safe and is also standard laboratory procedure (good ventilation is always required, as repeatedly mentioned in the video).
For reference see: https://www.qub.ac.uk/directorates/...Notes/ChemicalAgents/HeatingFlammableLiquids/

I’ m new to DMT with low experience, but I had done a long research on it both on the scientific and not so scientific grounds . I m an M.D. and fron the medical stand point I find the gordo tek to be the over all best extraction tecnique. Ive used it with great results.
I don t know Gordo personally but I ve contacted him via email for advice and I only can be greatful for his knolege sharing, advices and support. THANKS MY FRIEND:thumb_up:
Petitnach said:
I’ m new to DMT with low experience, but I had done a long research on it both on the scientific and not so scientific grounds . I m an M.D. and fron the medical stand point I find the gordo tek to be the over all best extraction tecnique. Ive used it with great results.
I don t know Gordo personally but I ve contacted him via email for advice and I only can be greatful for his knolege sharing, advices and support. THANKS MY FRIEND:thumb_up:
I agree... It was the first extraction i gave serious attn too n attempted n performed w confidence n success...2grams'ish of snow white xtals from 100gs of Bark..Ive emailed him as well with a question or two n he seems like a good guy jus tryna help the cause... I have respect n appreciation for him bc if not for that Tek I wouldn't have the Spice in my life n i researched n had the desire to do it for some years... Its been a positive addition to mine n my girlfriends life... 👽✌...its safe n was easy to understand n has very good results...
xenid said:
I found out about the tek because I came across the youtube video while researching trip reports, I must admit I never tried it because the nexus provided much simpler procedures that promised just as good if not better results.
Now that I'm more experienced I can at least confirm the steps are sound and can't see why it wouldn't work, however if its your first time I strongly recommend you start with an easier technique like Q2121 or my personal favorite cyb's salt tek.

Like many in the nexus will point out, uploading such procedures to youtube (or similar social media) isn't a good idea for a variety of reasons which is why you will only find gordo's tek in the video results (last I checked, at least). But worry not, its hard to mess up most teks and in most cases the worst case scenario means low yields.

Practice and experimentation are key.
So when I use the salt Tek for example, do I add 50 mg of naptha watch time? And can't I just use the same glass pan for all my pulls?
Gordo Tek for the win! First extraction ever done recently and I won't use another Tek, I'm 110% happy with the results, time frame and simplicity of this tek. Pure white crystals, no complications, and memorized the entire process after doing it once. But like I said I'm new to this and had only ever seen spice once before this.


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I've used and am very happy.
I did slightly modify some procedures that for me was better. Like how he 'cuts' the naptha into the pie like substance, I feel it cannot get as much contact as I would like with all surface so I made it a little more slurry and kept it in a hot water bath and mixed my warmed naptha in with a spoon for 20 minutes. Because of the temp, I had no waiting period for separation, it was that fast.

Also I didn't weigh the fluids as in his description, I just used what I thought was right in ml's but this comes from doing it a few times and learning.

I also waited for 5 days after adding the lime prior to the first pull.

The result was I was extremely happy with using the vinegar and lime. My results were far better then with lye or even the salt addition.

I personally find Gordo to be quit thoughtful after going through all his vids and write ups. I do appreciate his time and effort.
Thanks to GordoTek, SWIM was able to make DMT extractions, without any chemistry knowledge.
Thanks a lot for this.

As I'm a new member, I can't send PMs directly to Gordo, so I'll post here.
Does someone know if the used materials can be multiplied, proportional to the used Mimosa hostilis root bark quantity?

More precisely, the video shows the required materials for working on 100g root bark.
Let's say SWIM has 200g (or any other larger quantity), does he just have to multiply the other materials, in order to make it work in a single operation?
Or is he forced to do the 100g operation, 2 times?

In details.

100g root bark requires :
- 100 ml of 5% white vinegar
- 80g of Pickling Lime
- 100g of Naphta (for each extraction)

If SWIM wants to extract 200g root bark, does he just have to multiply the componants by 2, and do a single extraction?
Which would give :
- 200 ml of 5% white vinegar
- 160g of Pickling Lime
- 200g of Naphta (for each extraction)

Thanks for your answers and have a great day.
If SWIM wants to extract 200g root bark, does he just have to multiply the componants by 2, and do a single extraction?
"If 200g root bark were to be extracted, would it be a case of simply doubling the other ingredients for a single extraction?"

De-SWIMmed. You're welcome.

As to the actual question, you'd need to be sure your pots and pans and dishes were all of a suitable (at least double) size. All things considered, it may well turn out that two of the normal size extractions would be just as convenient - and you'd be at less risk of losing everything if something went wrong.

For another thing, mixing the solvent through the alkaline paste would be more than twice the effort for double the amount. This might adversely impact the efficacy of the extraction. That said, pulling the paste with multiple smaller amounts of naphtha might still work nicely enough.

Maybe try stepping up to 150g first, to see if it scales linearly? Surface to volume ratios don't; this starts to become a chemical engineering question, but just a little bit.
First post I don't know gordo but also found his videos on YouTube and found them very fascinating,
Seems like a good guy .

Not sure what Tek I'm going to try for my first attempt but gordos is up there,
Was actually looking to buy a stand mixer last night:lol: :?:
3rd pull dried this morning using his Tek. The previous 2 weren't weighed because honestly I wasn't concerned. Out of curiosity I weighed the 3rd pull which looked slightly less than the previous 2 and yeilded 447mg and just as clean as the others. Honestly I wasn't expecting that on the 3rd pull but, as I said before this is my first extraction attempt and believe I was blessed with high quality MHRB powder and Tek. Where would you draw the line as far as tossing the material? If my 4th yeilds 300mg would it warrant a 5th? The only thing I changed is 4-6hrs into the freezer I rotate the dish 180° to get the spice out of the naptha and leave it in there for another 4-6hrs. I'm blown away by the ease of this tek and quality of the spice.
I liked that it was on youtube, i am dissapointed that the videos have been taken down, however youtube has become a completely different beast..
Trippin on deez said:
3rd pull dried this morning using his Tek.ll...

What is your method to increase yields? Had some bad first pulls on GordoTek and made later pulls a tad better with increasing NaOH. Any tips for future?
So SWIM tried GordoTEK with 3 different pulls almost successfully, but almost zero success. SWIM did everything GORDO said exactly and when it's in the freezer SWIM getS a large amount of gorgeous white crystals piled up on one side in a big giant heap that gets him really excited. SWIM turn the pie plate 180 degrees, drained the Bestine solvent, and then still left it tilted to drain anymore away from the dmt for another 2 days. When SWIM takes out this 1-2 grams of dmt and put it under his oven vent, SWIM watches as some solvent starts to come out of the larger clumps and just dissolve and/or evaporate every drop of dmt until SWIM has a clean pie plate and maybe like 20 mg of dmt. SWIM just wants to curl in the fetal position and cry.
How come everyone else is taking theirs out to dry and coming out with a bunch of dmt, but his solvent stays in there and then gets rid of all his dmt?
What is SWIM missing or not doing to stop this?
Gordo replied to his email back when SWIM purchased something from him on ebay, but it's been a week since SWIMS first pull and GORDO hasn't replied back to his email for SWIM to get this figured out. If there was a way SWIM could get all the solvent out of the dmt while it's still in the freezer so it won't dissolve the dmt when he takes it out of the freezer, that would be awesome. But he's no chemist so I can't imagine how he'd do that or what else SWIM could do to fix this. Someone please help him! Thank you all for your time and consideration.
Trippin on deez said:
3rd pull dried this morning using his Tek. The previous 2 weren't weighed because honestly I wasn't concerned. Out of curiosity I weighed the 3rd pull which looked slightly less than the previous 2 and yeilded 447mg and just as clean as the others. Honestly I wasn't expecting that on the 3rd pull but, as I said before this is my first extraction attempt and believe I was blessed with high quality MHRB powder and Tek. Where would you draw the line as far as tossing the material? If my 4th yeilds 300mg would it warrant a 5th? The only thing I changed is 4-6hrs into the freezer I rotate the dish 180° to get the spice out of the naptha and leave it in there for another 4-6hrs. I'm blown away by the ease of this tek and quality of the spice.

My 4th pull was still in the 400mg range.. So i tried a 5th...jus specs... Maybe 20-30mgs...tried a 6th jus for curiosity... Jus specs n mainly yellowish...I then tossed the material... Emailed Gordo n he said it does jus "abruptly stops" after 4-5 pulls n said 4 is all youll usually get n then the mix is "spent"
1uvakind said:
Trippin on deez said:
3rd pull dried this morning using his Tek. The previous 2 weren't weighed because honestly I wasn't concerned. Out of curiosity I weighed the 3rd pull which looked slightly less than the previous 2 and yeilded 447mg and just as clean as the others. Honestly I wasn't expecting that on the 3rd pull but, as I said before this is my first extraction attempt and believe I was blessed with high quality MHRB powder and Tek. Where would you draw the line as far as tossing the material? If my 4th yeilds 300mg would it warrant a 5th? The only thing I changed is 4-6hrs into the freezer I rotate the dish 180° to get the spice out of the naptha and leave it in there for another 4-6hrs. I'm blown away by the ease of this tek and quality of the spice.

My 4th pull was still in the 400mg range.. So i tried a 5th...jus specs... Maybe 20-30mgs...tried a 6th jus for curiosity... Jus specs n mainly yellowish...I then tossed the material... Emailed Gordo n he said it does jus "abruptly stops" after 4-5 pulls n said 4 is all youll usually get n then the mix is "spent"

Idk what ur doin man... Sorry tho... I follow the Tek verbatim n i mean literally every move he makes in the video i perform the exact same way... If ur doin that n gettin poor return the only thing i can figure is low quality bark... Do EVERYTHING EXACTLY as he does in the video... N if ur bark is of good quality you should get the same results... I did... N im no chemist by any means but i can follow instructions... Thats what i did n i get 2grams'ish from 100gs of bark every time... Good luck... 👽
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