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Greetings from New Zealand - Inquiries about New Zealand

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello and belated thanks to you guys.
I just saw that i have been a member since 5 years or so. Until now there wanst a question that, by a quick or sometimes rather extensive search on the nexus, couldnt be answered.
it might be that im a rather dull charachter with little to no sense of curiosity but i like to think, its due to the vast amount of research and advice that is collected here by all you rocket scientists. thanks heaps for the hard work.

however after all those years i find myself with a question, that so far remains only half answered. and i hope someone can shine some light on the issue.

does anyone know about NZ acacias?
i know some are invasive, coming from that 'chosen land' next door, but i have yet to find out about one thats reliable. longifolia seems to be the most promising one i read about. but the little i did find about it was not overly encouraging, yet worth a try if nothing else comes up.

thanks and a giant hug if anyone knows more about this.
if not the same.
have a good one.
Thanks for the feels safrol.
It looks like I'll have to do some trying on my own. starting with mearnsii.
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