First i'll start with my experiences. I have taken hallucinogens many times, i have also(Out of interest) read about the many hallucinogens i have not taken, and read many trip reports as well as the documented effects of each. I have not yet been in an extreme DMT trip, but have read many reports of course. I have a problem with the DMT = OBE or NDE, the problem would be that i have had 2 OBEs in my life. Once on acid, and once straight. I know many people would quickly say, flashback, but thoughs people would not seem correct to me, as i have had flashbacks as well, and its nothing like an OBE.
The first OBE: On acid walking down a road with my friend, suddenly for no reason he puts his arm out and stops me and him, yet my vision continues to travel down the road like i'm still walking(2-3 seconds), i realize my body has stoped moving and feel as if my vission snaped back to my head.
-My Peak was over with by this point, and i wasn't really hallucinating anymore, no waves, no colors, no nothing but acid buzz.
The Second OBE: Sitting in a bathroom experimenting with the Pin-Wheel, got bored and continued to look at the pin-wheel(6ft away) while thinking of random shit, managed to slip away in thought(zone out,Space Out) and then started drifting towards the pin-wheel, as the wheel was in my face(within inches) i started to turn sideways, like i would see if i leaned my head to my shoulder, as i took notice the object that was 6ft away was now only inches from my face i had the exact snap back to my head feeling. Same deal maybe extended by one second (3-4 seconds).
How can OBE's be considered hallucinations? They really don't share anything in common(To my understanding). Say DMT is released in the brain which causes the OBE, considering this as fact(I know its theory, Consider!), my question would be, why are none of the other and most abundent effects not present at all? Where are the tunnels? Where are the typical hallucinogen effects? Effects: Visiual distortion(objects stretching, waves, colors, patterns), not to add the whole very intense buzz which all hallucinogens have.
The theory is DMT is released in the pineal gland to cause OBE's & NDE's, but if an overdose is taken, even created by the brain is still an overdose as above the normal, why do you get an OBE or NDE and not a DMT Trip, many parts of the DMT trip aren't present. In my OBE experiences, i never felt any effects other than weightless, floating sensation, but as soon as i realize i'm back to the state i was origanally, which is the same, only i'm aware of my body. Most important though is the no buzz on my straight experience, during the entire experience, as with DMT or any hallucinogen it gennerally takes quite the buzz before you even start to mildly hallucinate, yet i had no effects at all.
The first OBE: On acid walking down a road with my friend, suddenly for no reason he puts his arm out and stops me and him, yet my vision continues to travel down the road like i'm still walking(2-3 seconds), i realize my body has stoped moving and feel as if my vission snaped back to my head.
-My Peak was over with by this point, and i wasn't really hallucinating anymore, no waves, no colors, no nothing but acid buzz.
The Second OBE: Sitting in a bathroom experimenting with the Pin-Wheel, got bored and continued to look at the pin-wheel(6ft away) while thinking of random shit, managed to slip away in thought(zone out,Space Out) and then started drifting towards the pin-wheel, as the wheel was in my face(within inches) i started to turn sideways, like i would see if i leaned my head to my shoulder, as i took notice the object that was 6ft away was now only inches from my face i had the exact snap back to my head feeling. Same deal maybe extended by one second (3-4 seconds).
How can OBE's be considered hallucinations? They really don't share anything in common(To my understanding). Say DMT is released in the brain which causes the OBE, considering this as fact(I know its theory, Consider!), my question would be, why are none of the other and most abundent effects not present at all? Where are the tunnels? Where are the typical hallucinogen effects? Effects: Visiual distortion(objects stretching, waves, colors, patterns), not to add the whole very intense buzz which all hallucinogens have.
The theory is DMT is released in the pineal gland to cause OBE's & NDE's, but if an overdose is taken, even created by the brain is still an overdose as above the normal, why do you get an OBE or NDE and not a DMT Trip, many parts of the DMT trip aren't present. In my OBE experiences, i never felt any effects other than weightless, floating sensation, but as soon as i realize i'm back to the state i was origanally, which is the same, only i'm aware of my body. Most important though is the no buzz on my straight experience, during the entire experience, as with DMT or any hallucinogen it gennerally takes quite the buzz before you even start to mildly hallucinate, yet i had no effects at all.