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Harmala teks

I am wanting to try whiterastas hamaline tek and had a few questions.
1. Is 190 proof pga an exceptable alcohol? That may b a dumb one but just wanna cover all my bases.
2. Can famaric acid be used? I live in a dry county and there arent many brewshops within an hour's drive.
3. Well nevermind I guess I just had those two questions. Thanx
I have been interested in doing my own extraction for some time for the experience, I dig the Caapi full spectrum extraction by Cosmiclion, the technique will pull THH as part of the full spectrum right, or does it just pull harmine, harmaline, and other trace alkaloids? Thanks making such an easily accessible compilation of invaluable knowledge my friend.
SpiralNeuroEclipse said:
I have been interested in doing my own extraction for some time for the experience, I dig the Caapi full spectrum extraction by Cosmiclion, the technique will pull THH as part of the full spectrum right, or does it just pull harmine, harmaline, and other trace alkaloids? Thanks making such an easily accessible compilation of invaluable knowledge my friend.

I'm guessing that all the harmalas will precipitate. I'm about to do this myself so maybe I'll send of to a chemist foaf for testing.

I ran one time through whiterastas alcohol tek up to the freebase point and have washed with water several times but it doesn't look any cleaner so im guessing I did something wrong. can anyone clarify this tek for me a little?

I started this harmalas salt extraction tek starting from syrian rue. It seems fairly easy, though the pictures don't match my situation.
There is clearly a red mixture in step 4. while mine is more dark green and brownish.
After adding sodium carbonate the mixture turns light green. Not the yellowish as mentioned in the text.

Should I reduce the Volume more?
I'll just continue and see how it goes...
sorry if this is the wrong spot for this but i had just a quick question about Dorges 10x caapi leaf tek.. I am coming up on my two weeks of soaking (in 99% iso) and I am very excited to strain and but in the rice cooker but i just want to play on the side of caution and ask a question (as dumb as it may seem)

..is it safe to cook/boil/evaporate 99% iso in a rice cooker? just dont want to start any kind of fire or explosion..maybe an open pot on an electric stove? i guess thats kind of more or less the same thing..

any ways better safe than sorry if anyway can shed some light thatd be greatly appreciated! happy fathers day to all you cool and more importantly good dads out there!

thanks agian
So much work !!! Thank you to all the members.

General extractions/separations:
Harmine, harmaline and THH from Syrian Rue. Verification and finetuning of the VDS-protocols
Is Caapi Extraction as Easy as it Seems?
Pictorial Guide to Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction
Separating Harmaline/Harmine (and THH?)
caapi manske xtal pix
Vasicinone, Vasicine and Deoxyvasicine
Whole seeds Syrian rue bagged and cooking
Pure Extraction of Harmala Alks From P. Harmala
harmaloid purity
Harmala Alkaloid Solubilities
No Epson-Manske
"Pectin" in peganum harmala seeds making extractions viscous?

About THH:
Harmine, harmaline and THH from Syrian Rue. Verification and finetuning of the VDS-protocols
NaBH4 reduction of harmaline to THH
So THH does precipitate with Manske...
Harmine VS THH
Any reason not to add Mg metal to a caapi brew to enhance THH levels?
Reduction of Harmine with sodium metal/ethanol
THH - Harmala Holy Grail
Harmaline to THH reduction with zinc and vinegar works! (GC-MS results)
Harmaline/harmine to THH - safe kitchen conversion tek required. Again.
Harmala to THH conversion during boiling of B Caapi
Conversion of Harmine->Harmaline->THH by simple boiling (and storage?)
turn your harmine and harmaline into tetrahydroharmine

I just spend few days to read all :?. But still I have a question which was asked repetitively since about 10 years ago, but I did not find a clear answer (some guessing Yes, some guessing No...).
The question is simple: Does THH précipite by a Manske salting, or remains in solution ?

Obviously, I do not have a sample of pure THH to try it.
It is an important question because after a DHH to THH convertion using zinc powder, just going to a basification by lye to crash the FBs, has to be done at pH 13.5 or above to keep the zinc complex in solution.
If THH does crash by a Manske salting, this would be a far easier and safer way to purify the alks immediately after the conversion (and removing the extra Zn).

So, thank you ...
Thanks for posting all this, there's been a fair amount of good work on harmalas here lately and this indexing really helps.

So, welcome to the Nexus! I hope your further posts will be of a similar standard. That way you should see full membership rapidly enough so you can post your questions - and observations? - in the appropriate main forum threads.

Does THH précipite by a Manske salting, or remains in solution ?
Reading the thread you linked to, it seems that, for whatever reason, only 50% of the THH precipitates under Manske conditions. I've never tried this myself so I can't comment any further.
In this post An1cca could not manske out THH straight post reduction, all reduction elements still in vessel:

But once obtained THH (in non post reduction environment) he was able to manske out THH in a very beautiful way, last pic.
I feel very honored to be welcomed by both of you. Jees, your pics are so beautiful !
The VDS thread is really impressive and on top of the current knowledge, thank you for the work that you, An1cca and al. did for that !
About my question, I understand that there is no "yes/no" answer for now, but also that the use of NH4OH is a great improvement ...
Thank you, An1cca ruled there big time :thumb_up:

I feel a bit sorry for all who stumble on the VDS thread now because it is loaded with experimental trials/errors and finding out things that aren't of real use, it contains growing pains, misleading hybrid crystal forms (nexine), workflows that did not reach the best end result (use of carbonates, the 10% rule), it all got the thread swollen. But I suppose we needed so much pages after all to find out stuff, but it's not really necessary for people do dig trough it all. The crown would be a tek form, but then the VDS-paper is a tek on its own, yet not one we are used too. That paper also includes a manifold of take-on and tests, but it's there and at the end quite a summery of workflow. Perhaps time to make an own tek after all, and yes with ammonia.
I never did filtration with liquid caustic soluition,if anyone did it please tell me if it can
be filtres with socket(I use a quality socket for DMT extraction).And also the disolved lquid with soda caustic never rest respirent
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