Whatever VDS stream followed, the base is a very clean starting point that goes further than most of us ever did. TBH I've never did 4 to 5 successive manskes before, I just did 2 because never caring much of potential % of other-plant-stuff. It did "the job" so easy was good enough. But here, I think we have to shape ourselves a notch better and follow VDS recommendations to really start with the best we can.
First time in my life I'm doing 5 manskes wondering if it's not overkill, well one sees the product really getting purer and crystal growing getting faster as you go, not the first 2 manskes but after that things go 'super'. My yields have never been so low but more pure. I think this is mandatory when going for VDS style of works. It should be highlighted that there is no cutting corners here like jumping into the latest module for THH with in-a-hurry derived crude extracts.
If we come to a tek, the first module should be the seeds --> {harmine+harmaline} the best we can. We've been extracting rue for so long with little concern, because it simply always worked, that now a new attitude should be advocated when one wants to go VDS way.
For example there are situations you are simply not going to see the pH depressions at all, where you are not able to harvest decent amount harmine at 7 - 7.2 . These are situations in large volumes where crystal grow rate is heavily compromised (lesser purity), and then thing suddenly
seem to answer more the good ole 8.75 cut point separation technique as proposed by Infundibulum!
I second VDS his claim that at 8.5 all harmaline can be retrieved, but I am a bit on a limp out here (for now) to suggest a condition for such to happen. Conditions that are strongly promoting crystal grow rate ('pure' materials in smaller volumes). But if you take conditions that mute or slow crystal grow rate, VDS claims are simply not valid, I've found so far.
So we need a stamp "VDS approved" or something
before embarking further VDS routes.
Luckily a manske has become a no brainer thanks to VDS hands on. In a 250 ml vessel, poor your alkaloids, top in 50 ml vinegar (7 to 8%) + 50ml water, hot-bath to melt it all. Then heat 150 ml of water + 50 gr salt, dissolve all salt, and poor that into the beker, swirl, stand, cool off, coffee filter, no need to dry just get on with wet alks to the next manske. Repeat until 2 filtrates look the same. I used to make such a fuzz of it in 1 liter volumes carefully pH-ing etc.
Thank you VDS and An1cca to bring it in here :thumb_up:
BTW An1cca how did you stumble on that paper?