I do not have an exact yield of that harmine+DHH mix reduction, but it was a very low yield I remember and actually I cannot point the reason out clearly because I did a very fast run and lost some here and there and everywhere, I just wanted to have results and a lot got lost due eagerness

. I did not mind loosing at that moment, I just wanted something clean enough to evaluate in experience.
* * *
So I had that Zn filtered off after reduction of 2 gr DHH, added sodbicarb to 7.5, filtered a few times until pH 8.4, split in 2 halves of each 100ml
Based 1/2 with sodcarb saturated water:
TERROR :shock:
a light brown sticky gum covered everything, and some snow white precipitates floated in the liquid. So I also got the sticky yellow brown goo, see picture. Had to use methanol to clean the pH probe.
I did filter off the whites that did not get glued on the goo, and washed them, gave 465 mg from 1 gr of DHH. Tasted slightly harmala-like. I thought it might have been a mix of THH + ZnCO3, so I redissolved in vinegar and dashed ammonia 12% on it in an attempt to get rid of the ZnCO3, but the terrifying goo formed again and this time under ammonia. Giving it some time and a heat bath then the ammonia was able to dissolve like 50% of the brown-yellow goo, so it must have been related to ZnCO3 for sure. I counted it a loss, no, actually we have a winner by knowing what NOT to do :thumb_up:
* * *
The other 100ml got based with ammonia:
Now this looked much better, only pale precipitates and no goo. The liquid got a slight yellow hue which I ascribed to the ammonia successfully liquifying the ZnCO3. Easy filtering, washing, got 565 mg of very strongly tasting like harmalas. Low yield indeed, we need to work on that.
* * *
- The combination of first sodbicarb and then sodcarb is a true disaster, twice confirmed by now. Even vinegar then ammonia could not rectify this situation anymore.
- The combination of first sodbicarb and then ammonia is possible, yet we must ask if it is really profitable to do the sodbicarb at all. When examining the precipitates of the sodbicarb treat, and really trying hard to dissolve all sodbicarb out of that (by majorly washing it with plenty of warm/hot water) then yes a lot of ZnCO3 was taken out in that phase. Question: should we? (while we know a full ammonia route works too?).
A first sodbicarb start to look like an option: to have it as a general cleaning step and harmine catcher, but for this last it is not thaaat obvious. To get your harmine out on this point you want like pH 7.5 and then you need to really meter pH (forget the visual clues like 10% rule you need much more than that) and washing out the mother liquid of all that undissolved sodbicarb. It's doable for sure, but not super convenient in my eyes.
To be honest, for a mix of harmine+DHH, then doing a sodbicarb to catch/harvest that harmine fraction, it would require efforts to separate the harmine (recuperation of harmine) from the ZnCO3, while the efforts to separate harmine from DHH far in advance looks much less stressing.
Meaning: using a sodbicarb to really harvest bulk of harmine (after reduction) is not the most fluent practice since there are easier routes.
So if I had a harmine+DHH mix to reduce, I would reduce them both together and harvest them both together. Separating them afterwards is also possible at wish. But I would steer away from a situation that creates {bulk harmine + bulk ZnCO3 + bulk undissolved sodbicarb}.
- The dream of an ammonia free route seems to narrow down to a full sodcarb all the way, we have not tested this yet.