Interesting question!
I have watched 2 of my grandparents die, both of cancer.
The years of their body slowly breaking down until they are bed-ridden.
I was in the room, with my mom & all of her brother's & sister's when my Grandpa died of cancer about 6-7 years ago.
It was a very sad, yet happy experience.
Obviously sad because my grandpa, their father, was gone...for good.
At the same time it was a somewhat joyful too, because he had been dieing of cancer for the last 5 years, so there was pure relief in his eyes during the last 3-4 minuets he was in there.
They had gone through this with their mother too, years earlier (I was much, much younger, so I wasn't around then), so this time, they purposefully gathered together to say goodbye when my Grandpa (& the doctors) said he wasn't going to be around for more than an hour or so more.
It was a strange vibe, being there right before someone close to you is going to die & everyone knows it...including the person who is going to die!
He had enough strength to say goodbye, I love you...all that stuff. But he also made a few jokes!!
He was a goofy old Polish guy, who thought farts where the funniest thing on the planet, so this was not out of character or anything!!
Then he relaxed, closed his eyes & just fell asleep with a grin on his face.
It was very peaceful & he looked so relived to finally be getting out of his overworked, painfully sick body!!
He was in his 80's when he died & had worked designing & building houses until he was too sick to keep doing it. Only a year or two before he died.
He was ready to go...
I am not suicidal or anything like that, but I am extremely curious to die & know what's next!!
I can't wait!!
I'm not scared of death at all, it's the dying part that bothers me!!
I really do not want to grow old & have my body break down & slowly loose control till I die...that scares the shit out of me!!
But dying violently isn't something I'd choose off a menu either...
Like being trapped in a crushed up car after being in a wreck, in intense pain & unable to move, or breath right & just laying there in agony until you slowly run out of steam, fighting it the whole time.
That would be fark'in horrible!!
But after you finally die, you either get to exist outside of that fucked up mess of a meat-car-body & there's no more pain or want.
Or, your just done...gone...blip! And who cares anymore!!
Either way, I'm curious as a month old kitty to see what's next!!
Have been since I was a teenager!
That is one of the main things that draws me to DMT & keeps me fascinated to no end!!
The complete other world/universe that opens up, seems so much like it has something to do with who/what/where we actually are, when these physical bodies are removed!!
Whether that is 100% accurate or not...or even if the two have absolutely nothing is still the closest thing we have, as humans, to a button that when pressed, allows us experience our consciousness, without physical limitations!!
Albeit uncontrolled!!
Consider it training!?!?:lol:
So there's my 2 cent's...