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Heartbeat and bodyload

Migrated topic.


John Murdoch IV
For me the only downside with smoking freebase DMT is the massive heartbeat I get from a good dose and the general bodyload.
The heartbeat can get so severe that I start to panic and get scared my heart is literally going to explode :p And it affects my breathing too. And that's not a good thing to worry about while breaking through :(
Do more people get so intense heartbeat. And what is there to do about it?

With lower doses I just feel my body too much. It gets very heavy and I don't feel good. Very often feel extreme tiredness in my body and nervesystem. Well I know I have a lot of stress built up in my nerves. Maybe it's just that I become super aware of.

Does anyone here feel DMT is heavy on the body?

The heartbeat is for me a reason not to smoke DMT at all. It really ruins it. I don't have any other problems with DMT. A bad trip is something I can deal with if it doesn't include a heart attack :p
SWIM’s heart rate seems to go up like crazy on the come up of smoked DMT. He also sometimes forgets to breathe for what seems like an eternity on the come up. Once he realizes he’s not breathing, it’s a little scary, and SWIM immediately takes a deep breathe. It’s a little worrisome during the trip, but I think it’s more an illusion than anything else. I doubt he’s forgetting to breathe for more than a few seconds, and that it just seems like an eternity while tripping. Again, the heart rate speeding up might also just be SWIM tripping. It’s very hard to say. SWIM cannot accurately measure time at all while on the come up of smoked DMT and wouldn’t trust that any of his bodily sensations are at all accurate.

Those perceived bodily effects are much more noticeable when SWIM smokes 5-MeO-DMT or a mix of 5-MeO-DMT and DMT.

It would be good to have someone measure your pulse rate who’s not tripping because it can literally be all in your head.
i feel you man dmt makes you pretty nervous just holding the pipe knowing your about to breakthrough, you don't know whats gonna happen..

id recommend once again to try smoking it after taking say lsd, shrooms, or some Caapi vine

your heartbeat wont jump that high & youll float into the experience, you wont feel the load.
On the weekend I had an interesting experience related to this. I was very conscious of the feelings in my body just as I was inhaling, but then as the trip started to come on I felt a force pull my awareness away from my body and "up" into my head. As soon as I let go of the deliberate focus on the feelings in my body, I immediately felt better and more relaxed. The feeling of relief was due to the release of mental tension which I was using to keep my awareness on my body.

I think excessive focus on body load, breathing and heart rate should be lumped in with any other negative distraction. The key to a great trip is to completely LET GO and allow the DMT to lead you, rather than struggling to focus on a certain thing or imposing your own fears or expectations onto the experience. Any mental struggle will just increase your panic level as the intensity of the trip ramps up.
Even when SWIM is totally relaxed and not at all anxious about it, he still gets what seems to be a racing heart beat on the come up. This happens all the time if the dose is high enough. He’s used to it. It doesn’t bother him. He just assumes its an illusion, sits back and enjoys what’s to come. The sensation is like “bump, bump, bump, bump” in 1 second or so. Really fast. I think it’s impossible to have 4 or more heart beats a second. It’s got to be an illusion.

SWIM has had similar sensations from LSD where the body is giving him false information.

I think what might be happening is that a sensation from a part of the body that you’re not normally aware of is suddenly made aware to you and you just assume it’s a body part that you can normally sense, but its actually something else. The super racing heartbeat SWIM senses is probably coming from an organ in the body other than the heart. Possibly it’s vibrations from a muscle somewhere in the body, but the DMT is warping the senses and making you think its coming form your heart. Or its totally an illusion. I just don’t think the heart can beat that fast.

A few times during the come up, while experiencing the extreme rapid heart beat sensation, SWIM’s friend took his pulse and his pulse seemed absolutely normal.

Have someone else there to check your vital signs. You might find its just an illusion.
Actually it's not the speed of the heartbeat that bothers me, it's how fuckin hard it is. It's so hard that it becomes painful and it affects my breathing and that makes me worry. Especially while coming up on DMT!
I'd rather not have my heart explode while breaking through if I can awoid it somehow :p
I just think I produce too much adrenaline while coming up.
Have someone check to see if your pulse gets stronger indicating a harder heart beat. It can usually be felt by another person.

Bodily sensation illusions are common with DMT. If it’s real, I recommend NOT smoking DMT without mixing in some harmaline, harmine, or THH. They will calm you down, and slow down the smoked DMT experience.

Take a look at this thread:

THH sublingual and DMT Smoked
I'm just having a problem ordering THH where I live.
I have some caapi but I just hate the nausea and wouldn't like to smoke DMT feeling that bad. Just the caapi is enough for me :p And I think I'm too lazy to follow some special diet before using the caapi. But I'll probably end up doing that some day. When ever I have time. Being a father of a one year old it's not easy to find the right time for experiments. Especially because I'm getting older and now I need to rest before and after. 10 years ago I didn't need to rest at all. I could party for days and then just sleep it of in few hours :p
DMTripper said:
I'm just having a problem ordering THH where I live.
I have some caapi but I just hate the nausea and wouldn't like to smoke DMT feeling that bad. Just the caapi is enough for me :p And I think I'm too lazy to follow some special diet before using the caapi. But I'll probably end up doing that some day. When ever I have time. Being a father of a one year old it's not easy to find the right time for experiments. Especially because I'm getting older and now I need to rest before and after. 10 years ago I didn't need to rest at all. I could party for days and then just sleep it of in few hours :p

That diet stuff is nonsense. SWIM never follows it.

Can’t you get caapi extract? It’s much cleaner than using caapi. I know places that sell 10x and 100x caapi extracts and they ship internationally. The 100x is not likely to cause any nausea.
69ron said:
I know places that sell 10x and 100x caapi extracts and they ship internationally. The 100x is not likely to cause any nausea.

Please do share. : )

But back on topic, SWIMS heart is practically jumping out of his chest before he even lights the bowl.:shock:
But after one hit with the Genie, SWIM is not aware of his heartbeat at all
69ron said:
I know places that sell 10x and 100x caapi extracts and they ship internationally. The 100x is not likely to cause any nausea.

100x caapi sounds good :)
Can you please pm me the vendor?


What's the difference between THH, harmine and harmaline?
I haven't checked my PM's in ages...I'm so bad at that.

I posted two vendors in the suppliers thread. I made a mistake, it's not 100x, it's 200x.
DMTripper said:
What's the difference between THH, harmine and harmaline?

Harmaline is the most sedating of the three. It produces a stoned feeling if too much is taken. It’s quite psychoactive on it’s own. It tends to add some mental fog to the DMT experience making it more dreamy and wild. Harmaline is active as an MAOI at about 75-100 mg.

Harmine is also quite psychoactive on it’s own. It’s not nearly as sedating and stoning as harmaline is. Harmine is active as an MAOI at about 150-200 mg.

THH is almost entirely different from the others. It’s psychoactive effects are extremely mild, it’s not stoning at all. Rather than adding a little mental fog, as the others tend to do (especially harmaline) it tends to clarify the effects of DMT, producing the most clear headed DMT trips possible. THH is active as an MAOI at about 150-200 mg.
5-10g of kratom will make you euphoric enough to not notice or care about shit going on. SWIM feels the tea helps protect the trip from negative emotions and body sensations and he has yet to have a bad experience after a dose. DMT is almost too intimidating for him otherwise.
I get this with smoking weed sometimes, usually if I havn't for awhile. I'm sure my heart rate does increaes but I don't know to what extent and to what extent it's just an illusion. I've noticed though, that sensation becomes less noticable if I smoke again right afterwards, or the next day. I'd really like to know if someone has taken their pulse on DMT (for those that have this sensation) and found if it is in anyway dangerous.
can't you just smoke the caapi? I know people that use a bed of shredded caapi under the spice. I may be talking about something different though...
Smoking shredded caapi doesn't really sound good. But maybe it's fine. Has anyone tried to smoke shredded caapi?
I'd love to have some caapi leaves thou.
Guys I am currently reading DMT The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman and in their lab experiments they monitored the heart rate among other things . He mentions that the resting heart rate of 65 bpm spiked to 140 right after injecting DMT . There were some subjects who went even higher , they eliminated them from the study since the excessive HR was higher then their accepted parameters for their study .
Based on his findings , I don't think the increased HR is something imagined , but rather very real . It certainly could be a point of concern for someone with known cardiac problems.
did this spike happen with everybody or with only some people? I seem to remember that in this book they even mentioned someone for whom the HR went even lower than usual, almost too low! So I guess it depends on the person

Also you have to think that they are being injected a substance, I guess its to be expected that their heart beat gets faster, but I think it more or less stabilizes later on during the effects. When smoking, this is also what SWIM experiences before smoking, a little apprehension and heart beating faster, but then after it starts he relaxes and goes with the flow.

In any case, I definitely think that one should always be mindful of these possible effects and be prudent. A person with a very serious heart condition shouldnt be taking a drug that might put you in a very strong emotional state anyways, right?
Endlessness , I am not sure . Currently I am halfway through the book and there may be more detailed info later . I did double check though about what I read , it turns out the heart rate increased to the highest in the first 1-2 minutes and returned to normal in 20-30 minutes .
I also have to correct what I said about the increased HR disqualifying some , it turns out it was the blood pressure . Strassman doesn't say what the acceptable BP was , just that it "surpassed our predetermined cuttoff point"(pg132).
From what I can gleen so far , I think it would be fair to say everyone experinced an increase in their HR.
Strussman also required the volunteers to eat and drink lightly the night before the experiment and coffee , if wanted must be drunk two hrs before. Granted all this stuff was probably to prevent any possible interference with their results .

I agree about comman scense , if your mind/bod is screwed up , maybe chill for a bit before doing ANY experimenting with any drug period .
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