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Heartbeat and bodyload

Migrated topic.
Ok here we go , a bit more detail (pg144) Strussman gives a few numbers "On average, heart rate or pulse bolted from about 70 bpm up to 100 . The range however was wide. Some subjects' pulse climbed up to 150, while others' got no higher then 95 . BP also jumped from values of about 110/70 to an average of 145/100 . Heart rate and BP fell as rapidly as they rose, already beginning to taper off between the 2-and 5 minute recordings ."
SWIM notices his heartrate increase, but never to the point where SWIM gets nervous or worried. And 60mg of xtals is usually the pre measured dose for SWIM.
just a thought, what about useing a blood thiner non-prescription to thin the blood like small amount of alcahol 2-3oz a half hour or so befor?

DMTripper said:
...The heartbeat can get so severe that I start to panic and get scared my heart is literally going to explode :p And it affects my breathing too. And that's not a good thing to worry about while breaking through :( ...
I worried about a similar problem last time I took ayahuasca. It is extremely scary to have happen.

I am also noticing the increase in heart rate, but I heve never felt it as too alarming. I can understand that it can be be very unsettling for many people...I wonder how dosing with propranolol would also change the situation and calm the heart and/or whether it would be a safe combination. Corpus? Could you provide any input here?
Well quite funny to see this thread pop up after for year hiatus :)

Jees said:

DMTripper said:
...The heartbeat can get so severe that I start to panic and get scared my heart is literally going to explode :p And it affects my breathing too. And that's not a good thing to worry about while breaking through :( ...

It came to him that if he allowed BT then, it would have gone south even more, so he chickened out for the sake of not letting his heart un-monitored in this state, opening eyes and sail it out, talking sooth to the heart, it worked, the fall stopped and holding level, and flaring out. Jesus christ, that heart! What a game spoiler.

This is exactly what I was experiencing when I wrote the first post. But things have changed since.
I still get strong heart beat when vaping pure freebase but it's nowhere as bad. But now I'm mostly vaping changa and it's very smooth. Usually don't really notice my heartbeat :)
Highly recommend changa. Then I mean real changa with extracted MAOI's
I'm using rue extracted harmalas mixed with DMT and mint flowers. The flowers make the vapor very smooth and they are very fluffy so the hot air penetrates the mixture very well.
I absolutely love that mixture :D
Learned to make that stuff here :) Gotta love the Nexus :) Thank you people! :)

my trusty old friend reports that the abnormal high racing heart beat issue is no longer a problem, even without harmalas. It must have been adaptation effects toward the shift. It seems not a permanent feature, being glad for that.

Limit was set to 30 until this relationship was established, and this limit will be hold on further for a while, allowing nice work and deeper familiarization as it goes.

Tattvamasi said:
SWIM notices his heartrate increase, but never to the point where SWIM gets nervous or worried. And 60mg of xtals is usually the pre measured dose for SWIM.

Man, this is from 09 hahah.

60mg pre measured dose? heheh

The good ol' days.

Yeah, at times, my heartbeat can seem extraordinarily rapid, about to jump from my body, although I tend to think it's just an illusion of sorts.

Your hearts not going to explode nor stop beating..

much love,
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