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Hello everyone

Migrated topic.

KyKy of Karnak

Rising Star
Hello all,

I live in the states (U.S.) and have been into psychedelics since the late 70's (first trip, LSD) when I found out what blue unicorn was all about. My first experience was by myself , outside and at night .............this is when the "bus came by and I got on". This openning of the doors was all I needed to realize that THIS bus was going places. I found the embrace so warm and wonderful , a comfortable unfamiliararity . Pink Floyd's "ANIMALS" albumn had just come out ... I was told to listen to it while I tripped , boy oh boy. I had just gotten the 8 track tape of "Shakedown Street" (Grateful Dead's newest release) , but it wasn't a trippy as the new Floyd albumn. I owned the ("click") 8 track though, not the albumn. ( click click click click ,etc. ......was pretty annoying - I thought)


Time had arrived into the 80's when I learned of mushrooms , which I found a whole different ball of wax (I had no idea then of what tryptamines were) and what a different state of awareness they could bring me. My adoration of psychedelics was growing more fond. I'd heard of STP , PCP (popular back then), and DMT ......... but was only able to land some "flakes". I knew from the first instance I tried PCP that it wasn't close to the enjoyment I'd been accustomed (just not my cup of tea). Somehow , I linked the STP and DMT into the same category and wasn't interested in persuing either.

In my college years I'd heard of DMT from a friend of mine..... he spoke of snakes and other crazy stuff happening , I still had no understanding of what tryptamine compounds were and didn't know mushrooms were in this category . BUT , my friend couldn't get DMT ; so the elusive molecule remained only a thought.

My involvement with LSD had taken center stage and I eventually wound up a casualty of the "war on drugs" , busted swinging grams. A twenty five year sentence , locked up because I shut up, landed me inside 40 foot high guarded stone walls. There I learned how to do my time and not let the time do me. I eventually was released early on parole....where I kept clean until that chapter closed.

I began taking LSD again , because I loved it. After a period of time without dropping "A"
and then initiating myself once more ....... "something" was somehow different ; I heard/felt a calling , it was the mushroom that was infact beaconing me. Research had lead me to understand more of what this chemical compound was about , it was then when I learned of it's tryptamine qualities and much more.

Upon listening to this "calling" , the mushroom found me. Soon afterwards, I found out what DMT was and how to procure some , step by step. A mushroom oriented website gave instuctions, various TEKS , and more than I'd ever known about this interesting subject. My own research allowed access to a world I had no idea existed . Having done crystal LSD , I knew how to buckle my boot straps .........but DMT was a whole new world.

On that "mushroom" website (I love you Hippie3) I saw references to the "nexus". It still took time to click....... oh , dmt-nexus. I found out about this site almost 2 years ago but my "paranoia" kept me away from joining. I began to learn that THIS was where great strides were being accomplished .

This leads me up to right now. I want to send the most sincere Thank You to you folks that make this happen , you know who you are. You've touched the core of my very being , truley.
I hope to be able to ask questions and eventually help in the advancement of this type of research. I know nothing of snuffs , and less of 5-meo-DMT .........so, I'm putting my thinking cap on. I think I have much to learn . With you generous folks here , I hope we can share together and grow. God bless you all , Amun-Re !

With Love and endearing synchronicity,

P.S. - pronounced K(eye)-K(eye)

....See What Love Can Do....

welcome KyKy...this place is indeed special...and we are all here to learn and share..welcome again and i look forward to your future posts
Welcome, that's quite a story, I'm sorry to hear you had to do that time. Look forward to seeing you around!

So from my understanding you have already been experimenting with DMT, how long for? Would love to hear some of your experiences..
KyKy of Karnak said:
Hello all,

I knew how to buckle my boot straps .........but DMT was a whole new world.

P.S. - pronounced K(eye)-K(eye)

....See What Love Can Do....


Amazing story, weird how it just doesnt go away isnt it! :d Good for you!
Thanks kindly Jorkest , ۩ , smokeydaze , and Infinite I .....what a nice welcome mat.

It's been almost 2 years since my first encounter smokeydaze. I think Spice is just the right word too ...... meaning , it adds so much to other entheogens as well. The synergy that compliments.


Don't mind me, I'm just having fun (I'm an Acid head). Man , the D works soooo well with LSD , Psilocybin ,and Mescaline. I've spent the last (almost) two years in astonishment.
A few simple A/B procurements have been the extent of any studies , but thats ALL it took in order to veiw things in a much different light. Just when you think you've about seen it all.... this little molecule comes bouncing into the equation. Then you begin discovering new things every day , ahhh ....what a lens to veiw from.

I still wonder when "the last sane moment I ever knew" occurred . The last wacky moment is much easier to recall , I've heard the term "divine madness" used , yeah.....that makes more and more sense each day. Anyway , I'm rambling....

Thanks again for the warm welcome !
"I am he as you are me" ,
I loved your story--thanks. I would have to put that first track from Animals high on the psychedelic scale. Can't remember the title.

I remember a fond A trip when Lucifer Sam suddenly came on the MP3 list unexpectedly--that was awesome.

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