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Help! Do you think this is dmt?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone, [MOD EDIT: READ THE ATTITUDE! NO TALK OF BUYING / SELLING!] to make my first experience, but from photos found in the internet appearance is different from mine, I show:


Do you think is a good quality product? But first it is DMT?
Really thank you very much :thumb_up:

I would not smoke that as just to be safe. If it is DMT and they used Lye in the process (or several other chemicals) it may contain trace amounts of it and that is what you don't want. The Alkaloid is pretty widely available and most plants that contain it are un-regulated (depends on where you are. Please do research on the legality of importing plants that contain it in your country as you do not want criminal prosecution to come of simply ordering some leaves or bark to "dye" your clothes).

All in all it is a extreeemly simple thing to extract (and you can use some pretty common materials as well). If you are in the US I would recommend finding a online vender that is based in the US (so they import the plant material and not you. This way your name is not on the material being imported, rather its theirs and when you order it from them they send it to you from their base of operations that is located on US soil. This helps to keep suspicion down).

So main reasons not to smoke that: Could not be DMT, May contain unwanted traces of extraction materials, may be impure, came from a outside source which I am assuming (because the mods had to remove a section of your post) did not make the stuff him/herself and was just trying to make money selling something that should never be sold.
Looks like spice to me, but if you have any reason to be doubtful about the source then I wouldnt recommend ingesting it. Spice can take several different forms, and lots of other things could easily be passed off as spice. That kinda looks like bho in the pic kinda but ive definitely seen spice like that too.
If you didn't extract that, then flush that down the toilet.

Go do some research on how to extract your own. Plenty of information on here and lots of helpful people.
Unfortunately no one will help you with your current question!

Safe Travels :thumb_up:
Spice has a very particular fragrance. Once familiar with the smell it doesn't really matter what it looks like as it always smells the same, whether goo, wax or crystal. Perhaps just dissolve it with some naphtha and refreeze as it may be contaminated with NAOH. By quietly learning and doing the extraction yourself you will achieve deeper equanimity, and the machine elves will have greater love and respect for you.
While learning to.extract DMT one builds a vast deal of knowledge regarding the source plants of the compound, as well other places where it can be found in nature, the plants history regarding human use, you learn about the people and cultures that promote DMT, and mist importantly you kern the compounds basic chemistry and chemical properties...you become the alchemist sorcerer... for the alchemist, the chemical processes which they engaged in were just as much psychological as they were a physical act, and in a way there is something very "psychedelic" regarding how the alchemists would view these reactions...

in an earlier age mind and matter were seen to be alloyed together throughout nature, so that the, sweating of mercury out of cinnibar is not a material process, it's a process in which the mind and the observations of the metalworker maintain an important role, and let's talk for a moment about mercury because the spirit Mercurius is almost the patron deity of alchemy. You all know what mercury looks like. At room temperature it's a silvery liquid that flows, it's like a mirror. For the alchemists, and this is just a very short exercise in alchemical thinking, for the alchemists mercury was mind itself, in a sense, and by tracing through the steps by which they reached that conclusion you can have a taste of what alchemical thinking was about, mercury takes the form of its container. If I pour mercury into a cup, it takes the shape of the cup, if I pour it into a test tube, it takes the shape of the test tube. This taking the shape of its container is a quality of mind and yet here it is present in a flowing, silvery metal. The other thing is, mercury is a reflecting surface. You never see mercury, what you see is the world which surrounds it, which is perfectly reflected in its surface like a moving mirror, you see. And then if you've ever, as a child, I mean I have no idea how toxic this process is, but I spent a lot of time as a child hounding my grandfather for his hearing aid batteries which I would then smash with a hammer and get the mercury out and collect it in little, bottles and carry it around with me. Well, the wonderful thing about mercury is when you pour it out on a surface and it beads up, then each bead of mercury becomes a little microcosm of the
world. And yet the mercury flows back together into a unity. Well, as a child I had not yet imbibed the, assumptions and the ontology of science. I was functioning as an alchemist. For me, mercury was this fascinating magical substance, onto which I could project the contents of my mind. And a child playing with mercury is an alchemist hard at work, no doubt about it.
-terence mckenna

Regardless, not only is extraction a perfect tool for educating an individual regarding the plants and compounds, I think it's a healthy psychological preparation for the event of ingesting DMT as well, whether most realize it or not.

Again, if you are that unsure of your source that you are questioning whether it's even DMT, than its probably not something you want to even be messing with...

However, you could prepare the below reagents and test the compound, if your not knowledgeable in chemistry, find someone who is, these are fairly simple tests.

Van Urk - Blue
Keller reagent - olive green

Identification of Indoles

Quick, Easy, On-the-Spot Test JPS 56,1526(1967)
Saturate strips of filter paper with 2% p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 45% ethanol; air dry and store in tightly stoppered amber bottles (or keep in stoppered container in dark) which will keep them useful for several months. Put a little of the suspect substance in a few drops of ethanol (gin may do, but do a control), wet a filter paper strip in this and allow to dry. Put one drop concentrated HCl on the dried paper (don't let it touch anything). Alternatively, the powder can be placed directly on the strip and the HCl dropped on it. A violet red or violet blue spot indicates indole derivatives such as LSD. With DMT or psilocybin the color is redder. The color must be observed soon after adding the HCl since it rapidly changes.

Keller Test
Add a little of the powdered substance (about 0.2 mg to 1 ml glacial acetic acid containing 0.5% FeCl3, layer underneath with 1 ml concentrated sulfuric acid and shake. The color varies with the indole, being olive green for psilocin and red-violet for psilocybin.

Van Urk Test
Prepare Van Urk reagent by adding 0.5 g p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde, 100 ml water, 100 ml concentrated sulfuric acid. Dissolve 1 mg substance in 1 ml ethanol and mix with 2 ml Van Urk reagent and illuminate for 10 minutes with an ultraviolet lamp (black light). Psilocin gives a blue-grey, psilocybin a red-brown color. Colors produced in these two tests by many indole derivatives are given in HCA 42,2073(1959).

Psychedelic chemistry ; Smith

Bad attitude: buy it, smoke it, don't think about it... instant knowledge of the Buddha and entering blissful nirvana.... not so. I even suspect you will be punished for your superficial approach. Treat DMT like your treat your electric wires in your house. A quick fix and you might burn it down or injure yourself severely (yes, emotional pain hurts too)

Good attitude: read for some months, learn for some month and THEN apply your gained knowledge. Takes time, but you might save yourself alot of unnecessary PAIN.

The pic you present could be 80% NaOH or crack. Pure shit for your lungs.
I thank you all very much!:) Today I smoked through the method shown in this video at minute 4:00
vaporizing well and inhaling all in one shot, kept inside the lungs for more than 10 seconds. No effect, not least, I sat, I closed my eyes I am completely relaxed and let go (having already experience with other substances) ... and yet nothing. DMT was not for me. I'm really discouraged, not for the money lost or the teasing, but for the fact that I really wanted very much forward my perception of the dimension of this extraordinary molecule. After reading the book Strassman and saw several documentaries expect that today I could do this existential experience and let me carry it totally, without fear, but with enthusiasm. I'll have to postpone all at a better extractor ... :cry:
foglialuce said:
I thank you all very much!:) Today I smoked through the method shown in this video at minute 4:00
vaporizing well and inhaling all in one shot, kept inside the lungs for more than 10 seconds.
So even after all the warnings here that you could have anything you just wend ahead and smoked it? Congratulations for violating the attitude plus health and safety here and enjoy your week suspension. :thumb_dow

p.s. to all people in this thread:


The Traveler
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