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Rising Star
Hey everyone just saying hello and visited this site quite a few times for research and glad I did.I am a simple guy that is seeking my purpose and been fascinated with psychedelics for some time.Not too long ago I became very curious with DMT and Ayahuasca.Reading so much here I learned to approach this with great respect and lots of homework.I did Psilohuasca a few days ago with Syrian Rue HCL and fresh shrooms and was blown away by it's power.My fascination is a whole new world now and it has and will continue to change me.I was on the verge of suicide to be honest and thought this experience could help and in time cure me.Life felt beautiful for the first time in a very long time.I now have no doubt of the power and revelations that lie ahead.I feel so much weight lifted from me and look forward to learning all I can.I look forward to reading and sharing my experiences with everyone here.There is so much to experience but surely am in good hands here.I have visited other sites but the knowledge and wisdom is so much deeper here.Being how serious this exploration is and the understanding of it's power I am so much more confident yet cautious in my pursuits.Sending peace,love and good vibes to all ))))
Welcome to the Nexus!

Ever since I tried psilohuasca, it became my preferred way to take mushrooms! It is one powerful combination, to say the least! Mushrooms, in particular, have always had a special place in my life mostly because I've been working with them much longer than any other psychedelic.

Also, it is always comforting to read about psychedelics helping people through tough times. The potential these substances possess is infinite! I wish you all the best during any and all future endeavors! Enjoy the forum!

Hi there :) I'm glad that the psychedelics have shown you the light! :)

Plisohyasca... now that sounds interesting, I've never seen this particular term, thou I heard something about mixing schooms with inhibitors... it must have been intense experience. I never tried that yet.

I don't know if it also applies to psilocybin, but I've found this thread...

...where people generally advise to use LSD with passionflower rather than rue. I wonder it goes the same for schrooms. Anyway - it's great that your trip went well.

Good luck on your journey(s)! :)
Thank you so much and have to say Psilohuasca will definitely be my prefered way to take shrooms as well.Having done this showed me the true power of the mushroom.I have grown shrooms on and off for years now and love them but this has taken things to a level I could not imagine.A match made in heaven to me now and I have been missing out.I am taking baby steps into a larger dose being that I was shown where this could go.I also like that you don't have to wait so long for a mushroom journey.My tolerance builds quickly but with the MAOI I can have this experience with less impact and dose weekly if I wanted.I have done this twice in a week and a half just to lessen the blow and learn to feel this out but am going to wait a couple weeks for my next journey now.Thanks for the support and I am feeling so much better about everything now.
Thanks for the link as well Invoker and I will check it out.I highly recommend giving Psilohuasca a go.I used Syrian Rue HCL full spectrum extract 65 mg for the first time to get a feel of this MAOI.I took this with some water and 45 minutes later ate 26 grams of fresh shrooms.This was plenty for me and one thing I can say is that it takes a while to come on and then seems to hit a place where you think it may not be working or doing much.Do not take more because trust me this will come on very strong and patience is needed.It can get overwhelming at times but it seems at least for me that the MAOI helps shift out of that and eventually into an amazing beautiful place.Deep breathing helps a lot when it comes on too strong but it is like waves that will calm down.Have a purpose for this experience as well.I was being taught and led the whole time even through the tough moments I felt the comfort of a guide with me.Set and setting are crucial to a good positive experience.I noticed this much more when I went outside to smoke a bowl with a bit of rue added and it was dark and scary to me.When I went back to my room I could feel the peace of the atmosphere and felt very safe.This is something that I will always have as part of my experience
also have a aromatherapy mister which I also recommend if indoors.Also a salt lamp which they say emits positive ions and you can feel this thing especially when turned high.It's also amazing to look at and seems to also bring a sense of peace.I personally would never do this outside of my home unless with a group in a safe place.After a while this feels very much like LSD and visually stunning.I highly recommend this but be as cautious as you would be with your own life.I myself am respectfully graduating into this and it's already changing my life.Happy journeys and peace to you.
Hey mate, your story is something i can relate to, ive experienced the same "mind shift" you describe. It makes me happy to hear theres others out there who've been helped in this way. Peace :)
Thanks Pentabot and glad for you as well.The future looks so much brighter and so much more promising now.I am amazed by that and how so much change took place from one day to the next.
I'm really glad to hear that you guys are getting better :)

My little advice for consideration is to use well that new positive energy you received from entheogens to make things better in life, so later on you can feel that good without the trips. :) But it always depends on a person, so this just a thing to consider... I personally preffer to trip less often and try to bring as much good from the experiences to my life as possible before getting to the next trip (at least this is the ideal).

Best wishes! :)
Thanks Invoker and yes less trips would be ideal.I actually don't feel the need to trip to get better or stay better.I feel like a different person already and my mood as well as outlook have been so great.My wanting to trip now is just the initial fascination of this experience and learning to feel this out.Once I do I know I will cherish this much more and give proper time in between trips to exercise the what I learn.My initial purpose anyway was not to medicate my pain but to eliminate it so I don't feel reliant on this to keep me in a good place.I honestly feel I could go on without another trip but as of now I am just so amazed by it.Something happened that even changed my eating habits.I felt so in tune with my body that I am so much more conscious of what I eat now.I generally smoke weed at the end of the day to have a moment of quietness and be able to sleep but have since had no desire or need to even do that.Not to say I would quit but the need to do it is gone.A couple more journeys and I am sure my trips will become at least a couple months apart.With this a little clearly goes a long way.Thanks for your wisdom and support Invoker and peace to you.
Soulocybin said:
Thanks Invoker and yes less trips would be ideal.I actually don't feel the need to trip to get better or stay better.I feel like a different person already and my mood as well as outlook have been so great.My wanting to trip now is just the initial fascination of this experience and learning to feel this out.Once I do I know I will cherish this much more and give proper time in between trips to exercise the what I learn.My initial purpose anyway was not to medicate my pain but to eliminate it so I don't feel reliant on this to keep me in a good place.I honestly feel I could go on without another trip but as of now I am just so amazed by it.Something happened that even changed my eating habits.I felt so in tune with my body that I am so much more conscious of what I eat now.I generally smoke weed at the end of the day to have a moment of quietness and be able to sleep but have since had no desire or need to even do that.Not to say I would quit but the need to do it is gone.A couple more journeys and I am sure my trips will become at least a couple months apart.With this a little clearly goes a long way.Thanks for your wisdom and support Invoker and peace to you.

Great mate ! :)
Well according to studies of Stanislav Grof, on a psychedelic journey often sooner or later there comes "tougher times" (3rd stage out of 4 in Grof's theory), so while you're not there yet it would be great to use that energy to make things better (what you're doing :) ), so you'll be ready for the 3rd stage if it would occur someday, if at all of course.
I don't want to scare you, just saying that psychedelia is a really shifty thing so I'd be careful and use my resources to the best if things are good instead of taking risks. :) But hey, thats just me and my chicken approach :D
Thanks for that Invoker and I looked up Grof's theory.A very interesting read to say the least.
I have been using psychedelics for 20 years now on and off but this is a new realm of experience, one that needs great respect and yes caution.I realize that I know nothing and have so much to learn.
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