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Hi from southeastern Brazil

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey there,

I'm looking to experiment with DMT and came here for some guidance, especially from people in Brazil that can bridge the language and logistics gap (I mean like, normal things someone in California might be able to buy from ebay may not be easily available here). The extraction procedures seem doable but I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to actually "smoke" the dmt.

I'm also interested in experimenting with african dream root and calea zacatechichi.

Let's see... what else should I write? Basically I need a break from the normal everyday mundane side of life. I think DMT and dream exploration might help me with some issues I'm having, but I haven't been able to achieve much on my own, my dreams are very weak. You could say I'm seeking God but I am way too skeptical a person to simply accept what society, priests, gurus and the like tell me and move on with my life.
Welcome to the Nexus!

We have people from all over the world here, so chances are you'll be able to communicate with someone near or around your general area. In the meantime, maybe I can help clear up a couple things about smoking DMT.

There are many approaches when it comes to ingesting DMT, with three main areas: Vaporizing, Smoking, and Oral. Vaporization requires heat to pass over the freebase DMT without directly touching (convection) allowing it to vaporize (Vaping Apparatus: GVG or similar device). Smoking usually refers to changa, enhanced leaf, or the sandwich method, in which the material is briefly lit (cherried) with a lighter and then pulled until the cone is empty, usually in a bong.

I personally enjoy changa the most (or enhanced leaf if I have no harmalas). This is because using the GVG, working with freebase DMT, and learning to vaporize it properly can be a chore to master, but ultimately worth it in the end. I realize my post is just brief descriptions, but I encourage you to check out the links to further your understanding, if you feel so inclined.

Anyway, it is nice to meet you and may you find what you are seeking!

Bem-vindo irmão!

Most things you can find at mercado livre if you're willing to buy online, including limonene if you want to try a tek like BLAB tek or something like Q21Q21. You can also go to your local supermarket and get alcool de cereais (make sure its not mixed with anything else), vinegar and sodium bicarbonate (transforming it to carbonate), and try this tek.

As TGO said, many ways to go about consuming it. Feel free to ask any question you can't find the answer to in the FAQ or spending some hours reading the forum :)

Be well!
One thing I wonder is how legit these sellers of MHRB on mercadolivre are. Are they usually trustworthy in terms of actually delivering MHRB?
endlessness said:
Bem-vindo irmão!

Most things you can find at mercado livre if you're willing to buy online, including limonene if you want to try a tek like BLAB tek or something like Q21Q21. You can also go to your local supermarket and get alcool de cereais (make sure its not mixed with anything else), vinegar and sodium bicarbonate (transforming it to carbonate), and try this tek.

What's the easiest/safest/cheapest tek for someone that doesn't even bake cakes, using the sort of things one won't have much trouble finding in Brazil? The absolute simplest tek I've read was the lazyman one but I rather not deal with dangerous chemicals. My number one concern for the first try is making sure I don't screw anything up!
endlessness said:
You can also go to your local supermarket and get alcool de cereais (make sure its not mixed with anything else)

Isn't that basically plain vodka? Or is there too much water in common vodka? Where exactly is this sold (bebides, produtos de limpeza, temperos, etc)?
Vodka would prob work but it has too much water, you'd have plenty of sodium acetate/sodium carbonate contamination in your final product and it would take ages to evap. You could remove those contaminants with water like its described here, difference being that you wouldnt be starting with sodium fumarate, you'd already have your freebase when evaporating the vodka, but you could follow pretty much same instructions.

All extractions are pretty easy even if you're not familiar with chemistry, just read up a bit, read different teks, so you start understanding what is being done.. Then decide on one tek.

In any case, maybe the ethanol tek could indeed be the easiest option for you. Maybe try finding alcool de cereais instead of vodka though. Something like this . Not every supermarket has it, but generally if it does, in the cleaning products area.

Good luck!
So I'm trying to understand this, let me try one question at a time. What do you mean exactly by "excess sodium carbonate"? Sorry I have a habit of using english even when it's not necessary... though I guess maybe it could help others so I'll leave it.
It just means "a lot" . I didn't really measure, I understand if its your first extraction its daunting if you don't have specific measurements, so just for you to have a number to go by, say for example 100g sodium carbonate per 100g plant material. That's probably waaaay overkill, you could probably get by with a third of that or less but it won't hurt to use too much...
I feel like an idiot asking these questions but... when you say "3x pulls with 95% ethanol, filter the pulls", what EXACTLY does that involve? I mean I understand the ethanol is supposed to take the dmt from the paste but... what exactly do I do here? And how exactly do I "filter the pulls"?
Imagine you have this powdered mix, put in a jar. Now you add the ethanol to the jar, maybe 1.5x the volume of powder (so add enough ethanol till it covers the powder and a bit more). Then after you mix it well and let it stand for an hour or so, you just pour off the ethanol into a funnel with a coffee filter that is standing on top of another jar to collect the dripping ethanol.

Does that make sense?
Olá!! Eu tenho uma tek do Willy Myco que acabou se perdendo na internet, por causa da política dos streamers de vídeo, muuuito muito simples e fácil.

Upei no google drive, está em inglês, segue o link:

Espero ter ajudado!

Hello!! I have Willy Myco's tek, that was lost on the internet because of streamer sites politics, its veery very easy and simple.

I'd the upload on google drive, follow the link:

Hope I've been helpful!
endlessness said:
Imagine you have this powdered mix, put in a jar. Now you add the ethanol to the jar, maybe 1.5x the volume of powder (so add enough ethanol till it covers the powder and a bit more). Then after you mix it well and let it stand for an hour or so, you just pour off the ethanol into a funnel with a coffee filter that is standing on top of another jar to collect the dripping ethanol.

Does that make sense?

Yes. Most of my doubts are a product of inexperience/paranoia, plus lack of hands-on experience/fear of wasting materials. I'll look at the other links posted here and the video linked I bet can help. I'll try and get the materials this week and do a small trial-run, with something like the 25g of MHRB you mentioned in the thread. But for now here is what I'm wondering:

How hard is it to pour off just the ethanol without other stuff (a sobra da pasta) coming with it? I'm guessing what remains on top of the filter is what you'll then work with, not what drips into the jar (or is it the complete opposite, with whatever is caught by the filter being discarded)? I don't even make coffee so... yea.

Redissolved reddish/brownish wax in warm white vinegar, filter it.

By white vinegar, is that just normal plain "vinagre de alcool" that you use in the kitchen or something more specific I don't know about? How warm (how important is it being warm)? The same procedure used before for ethanol?

Mix the vinegar with excess sodium carb, spread it on a plate and let it dry

This I'm slightly confused again. When you filter, I'm assuming you get some useful material on top of the filter and excess liquids drip into the jar. Is it the complete opposite, with only the part that gets through the filter being used and whatever is caught by the filter gets discarded? What exactly am I remixing?
Cauac said:
Olá!! Eu tenho uma tek do Willy Myco que acabou se perdendo na internet, por causa da política dos streamers de vídeo, muuuito muito simples e fácil.

Upei no google drive, está em inglês, segue o link:

Thanks! Just finished watching the video, good being able to actually see what is going on instead of having to interpret text. Very simple but I worry a little about using lye so I'm more or less sure I'll be trying the alcohol tek from endlessness. I think the visuals helped.
brazilman said:
Yes. Most of my doubts are a product of inexperience/paranoia, plus lack of hands-on experience/fear of wasting materials. I'll look at the other links posted here and the video linked I bet can help. I'll try and get the materials this week and do a small trial-run, with something like the 25g of MHRB you mentioned in the thread. But for now here is what I'm wondering:

How hard is it to pour off just the ethanol without other stuff (a sobra da pasta) coming with it? I'm guessing what remains on top of the filter is what you'll then work with, not what drips into the jar (or is it the complete opposite, with whatever is caught by the filter being discarded)? I don't even make coffee so... yea.

You need to think about why you are doing each step that you are doing, and understand where your alkaloids will be. When you add the ethanol, your DMT is being dissolved in the ethanol. Therefore (most of) your DMT is in the liquid in this part, NOT on top of the filter (thats why it's called a 'pull', you are pulling alkaloids into the liquid). On top of the filter will be mimosa powder mixed with sodium carbonate. But you will anyways put whatever is on top of the filter back with the rest of the mimosa+sodiumcarb powder, and add fresh ethanol again, and repeat again, for a total of 3x pulls, to make sure you're not leaving much DMT behind. Only after doing the 3x pulls will you throw away your mimosa+sodium carbonate. In fact, actually once you finish the 3 pulls, store your mimosa+sodium carbonate separately just in case, until the end of the extraction. Once you are happy with your final yield, you throw that away. That's something you should follow: Never throw anything away until you are completely finished, because then nothing is lost if something unexpected happens, you can always recover.

By white vinegar, is that just normal plain "vinagre de alcool" that you use in the kitchen or something more specific I don't know about? How warm (how important is it being warm)? The same procedure used before for ethanol?

Yes, any kitchen vinegar should be fine, read the ingredients and make sure it doesnt have anything weird added to it. Generally 'organic' stuff tends to not have added chemicals, so maybe better that. As for warm, just a typical 'banho maria', warm it up a bit, its not totally essential but it will help dissolving your alkaloids. Not same proceedure used for ethanol because this time most of your product will dissolve, there will be very little left behind undissolved.

This I'm slightly confused again. When you filter, I'm assuming you get some useful material on top of the filter and excess liquids drip into the jar. Is it the complete opposite, with only the part that gets through the filter being used and whatever is caught by the filter gets discarded? What exactly am I remixing?

Its the opposite, again, just like with alcohol, when you use vinegar, your alkaloids dissolve in the liquid, therefor whatever is undissolved and stays in the filter is unwanted.
Hey endlesness, I'm trying to understand this, have been reading but I can't quite piece things together. What is happening with the vinegar part of the extraction? I've seen some teks where they use vinegar early on, why is it in the middle here? Also, should I use as little vinegar as possible (while still dissolving the wax)? And...

"Mix the vinegar with excess sodium carb, spread it on a plate and let it dry"

What would "excess" be in this case?

"Pull with ethanol again, filter, evap"

Would the evap from this step form actual crystals as opposed to "wax" you mentioned? I read in another post of yours:

"the dmt freebase from dmt acetate may not crystalize, will remain as a goo too, but you can just infuse some herbs with it, make changa."

Why? Is there a fix for it?
Hello and welcome to the Nexus!

I love Brazil and have been there 7 times, mostly the state of Rio, but also Bahia, Goiás and Paraná.

Hope you find locally the materials you need for your experiments. I know how things I take for granted here can be difficult to find in other parts of the world.

White vinegar is distilled vinegar and that's the name it goes by where I live and is cheaper than some bottled water here. But when I visited my native country I couldn't even find vinegar without preservatives added, let alone distilled :(
Jagube said:
White vinegar is distilled vinegar and that's the name it goes by where I live and is cheaper than some bottled water here. But when I visited my native country I couldn't even find vinegar without preservatives added, let alone distilled :(

That's something I was wondering. I was checking the ingredients on plain vinegar and it lists preservatives. Does that mean it's not "white vinegar"? If it does, I have no idea where to find "white vinegar". Are those common preservatives an issue or not?
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