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Hi, I'm PDM. :)

Migrated topic.
Hello Nexus,

I'm PsyDuckMonkey. This is an isolated Internet personality I use via appropriate technical safeguards, to make sure my psychedelic explorations don't put me under unwelcome attention from ill-meaning parties.

Being at the age when I have started to feel weird when I call myself "young" (but still a kid at heart), I have done some cautious, but extensive exploration in psychedelics, various non-chemical methods of achieving an altered consciousness, and several forms of mystical pursuit. DMT is one of the things I haven't had an experience with yet, and it is now that the time feels "right", the universe aligning itself for this next step.

Philosophically, I tend to wince both at the rants of Dawkinsian reductionists and the woo of pseudo-scientific New Agers... :) I believe in sound science, and an immense world of significance beyond what we can grasp using sound science. Over all I believe in love and that it's ultimately worth it.

Culturally I grew up on German EDM, and have ties with both the darkwave / industrial, and the psytrance music scenes.

I like how open and positive this community looks, and hope to learn a lot, and be part of this positive mindwave.
Hey PDM! Welcome to the nexus! Psyduck is my favorite Pokemon :D! I have a shiny one, and it's my most priced pokemon :), although I rarely play anymore.

What kind of psychedelic experiences have you had?

I believe in sound science too- at least for our universe, but some realms cannot be quantified in "rational" ways. I think within infinity, every possibility is fulfilled, and that has implications bigger than I both can and can't imagine.

I love Psytrance! Who are your favorite artists?
Hey people, thanks for the warm welcome! :D

I have always been somewhat cautious, and held quality above quantity, so I have probably tripped far less than many people here. I have done most of my psychedelic journeying with mushrooms, which I absolutely adore. :) I tried the whole range of dosages, from a sub-psychedelic dose for partying to dropping enough to completely rip me out of space-time. After a few years spent "off", I recently had a great breakthrough with shrooms, and feel that they have a lot more to tell me...

I tried LSD a few times years back, and I didn't really like it. :) It was too aggressive and dark, and I had shrooms which were much friendlier. I'm starting to wonder if I need to learn more from LSD too. With Salvia I only had a preliminary experiment, but a highly successful one. It was pretty cool, but extremely short. I've been planning to revisit it for some time.

I have once taken a psychedelic dose of cannabis orally... It was... interesting. :D I'm not sure I enjoyed that level of intoxication, but still. MDMA is not strictly a psychedelic, but it sure feels holy. I'm a bit angry at it for the drastic tolerance buildup, the neurotransmitter depletion for the days after, and the potential neurotoxicity, because I don't do it anymore and I miss it... ;)

As for non-chemical modes of experience, I'll probably talk about those some other time. It's a long story, and a very personal one. ;)

Back in the day I used to listen to a lot of Kai Tracid, Goa Gil, and other big names. Nowadays I tend to surf Ektoplazm | Free Music Portal and Psytrance Netlabel for high-quality free psytrance releases. I prefer the exploration of getting to know new artists and new music to re-listening to the same ones. :D My favorite trip music however is cheesy German techno from the 90s (Dune, Das Modul, etc.), because it reminds me of my childhood, and has a ridiculously positive vibe. I have the feeling it would be hard to have a bad trip on Das Modul.
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