Rising Star
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shenmue lol. My interest in Dmt started 6 years ago. I watched the documentary dmt the spirt molecule and was immediately ubsesed. At the time I was questioning everything about life due to depression, isolation and drug use. I did a lot of research and found a shaman down south that provided ayahuasca ceremonies. I took the Aya and had both incredible and horrible experiences. After trying Aya I began to do a lot of research online about alchemy. I learned how to extract dmt and grow mushrooms. The first time I vaporized dmt I realized that I found something truly special. I left my body and went to the center of the universe. I understand now that we're all one and that life is nothing but a learning experience. I've used dmt many times and I truly love it. The reason why I created this profile was to help newbies with the extraction process. Maybe I can prevent them from making the same mistakes that I made. I truly love helping other people.
strength and honor :lol:
strength and honor :lol: