SWIM is quite pleased, he ordered a book from amazon about the chakras and it tells him exaclty what he wanted to know.
I suggest that we all try to bring a little of the higher into our daily lives, and hopefully this may help others understand
some of their experiences too. The symbol above means the opening of the chakras, and also, health and healing.
Chakras in order of lowest to highest
1.Root or base chakra (red)
2.Sacral chakra (orange)
3.Solar plexus (yellow)
4.Heart chakra (green)
5.Throat chakra (turqoise)
6.Broow chakra (the 'third eye') indigo blue
7.Crown chakra (samsara) white or gold
and also, the energy bodies in ascending order staarting with closest to your physical body:
Etheric body - Kirlean photography captures this on film
Astral or emotional body
Lower mental body
Higher mental body
Spiritual body
Causal body
And here is a little bit of research on the bit that started me off on this wild tangent, from
"Early bhuddist discourses" by John Joseph Holder
"With mental control or 'mental culture' a person abandons the five psychological obstacles that lead to unwholeome actions: covetousness, ill will and anger, sloth and laziness, agitation and worry, and perplexity. Such a person achieves a sublime happiness and develops, step by step, the higher meditative states: the four jhánas, the plane of infinite space, the plane of inifinite consiousness, the plane of no-thing, and finally, the cessation of perception. mental culture culminates with the extremely high level of mindful awareness necessary for the achievement of wisdom or insight into things as they truely are, that is, a full realization and understsanding of the four noble truths.."
and you should also be aware (or mindful, hehe) of 'The middle way' which is a prevalent eastern concept and one of the four noble truths, and the path to nirvana;
which is a permament state of being, unfathomable to those who have not achieved it.