the ego is amazing....
many of you here know me. many of you new to the site may just be meeting for the first time and to you i say a hearty "welcome to your new home away from home". i will give you only the briefest background on myself as it relates to what i actually have to say in this post...
for the first six or so months after doing my first extraction, i "went to church" every day. that is to say that i broke through (95% of the time) EVERY DAY FOR SIX MONTHS STRAIGHT. i reached depths and explored aspects of my self so foreign and unfamiliar that i began to feel that i was making truly stupendous headway towards managing, if not greatly reducing my ego.
this is what i had thought....
as i said before- the ego is amazing. truly. it's resilience is second to nothing i know of.
..cockroaches got nothing on the ego...
SO- i go have a life-altering, beyond amazing 3 week visionquest in the land of smiles...aka in- i'm gone for 3 weeks and exploring all kinds of wonderful medicines....but none of them are spice.
...and spice is, as we all surely agree, just a teensy bit different than other medicines..
i get home and the grim truth sets in- for all the temples and wats that i visited; for all the wise monks i exposed myself to; for all the ONENESS and CONNECTEDNESS i felt with both the land and the people; for all the love and compassion i uncovered and set free within myself.....
...for all of these beautiful experiences and countless others... the absence of consistent hyperspace travel- my ego came back. :shock:
after 3 weeks i'm now back home with all this wonderful peace and hope from an epic sojourn. i begin to think about my former "routine" of life which included spice time...
now, to be perfectly clear-i have absolutely NO intentions of stopping my work with the spirit molecule. however, to be honest- since i KNEW i wasn't going to be able to go to church while in thailand, i had mentally accepted and acclimated to a different life rhythm and the lack of hyperspace it represented. ergo- i didn't really think about spice the whole time...
the mantra of egolessness that the spice reinforces in me began to fade...
and we're back to that opening statement once again. i'm looking at the vaporgenie in my hand that i have just loaded with a goodly pile of STRONGLY spiced weed. breakthrough weed. don't get me started on my feelings about cannibis and dmt and how utterly MAGICAL their music is together!!!
i'm looking, feeling, breathing, surrendering....the usual protocol..only, this time i'm feeling a very unfamiliar sensation along with it....trepidation. fear.
i have journeyed HUNDREDS of time. breaking through almost every time. i have had a handful of journeys that had moments that were a little, shall we say, nut-wrenching....but they always resolved themselves into pure love and oneness. i have NEVER felt fear. respect, yes. fear....absolutely not. and now here i am...feeling it.
the ego is destroyed by DMT. in hyperspace, completely. in this reality, only gradually and temporarily. my ego- left to reform itself for 3 full weeks- is back strong enough to induce a PALPABLE fear response to DMT's power. this is the theory my mind settles on as i raise the VG to my lips and click the lighter.
i'm in heaven now. this is really heaven. i am dead...something in me is quite certain but i am not even bothered by it. i am so willing to be here i almost begin to feel that i somehow orchestrated this ascension. and now i know this is true. and now i AM this knowlege...and it's subsequent truth.
i am pure truth. purest truth. the light of all that is is concentrated into a seed incomprehensibly small. with limbs...etc....
i felt the purest love. the hyperspace love that knows no equal in this samsara. all of this is so familiar. familial. my family. i am home. this feels like a homecoming! :d
this journey honestly felt like a homecoming. the energy that met me, became me, lead me, and held me was pure love. it was like coming home to the greatest love of your life after being away for too long...i will not forget the impossible depth of the love that i felt. it left an imprint on me...a deep one...
buti will NOT soon forget that little encounter with fear etiher....i'm in shock and awe of the ego's ability to regenerate so rapidly... :shock:
luckily i meet all fear and delusion with new armor: a powerful, blessed blue lotus flower that i carry with me always...
many of you here know me. many of you new to the site may just be meeting for the first time and to you i say a hearty "welcome to your new home away from home". i will give you only the briefest background on myself as it relates to what i actually have to say in this post...
for the first six or so months after doing my first extraction, i "went to church" every day. that is to say that i broke through (95% of the time) EVERY DAY FOR SIX MONTHS STRAIGHT. i reached depths and explored aspects of my self so foreign and unfamiliar that i began to feel that i was making truly stupendous headway towards managing, if not greatly reducing my ego.
this is what i had thought....
as i said before- the ego is amazing. truly. it's resilience is second to nothing i know of.
..cockroaches got nothing on the ego...
SO- i go have a life-altering, beyond amazing 3 week visionquest in the land of smiles...aka in- i'm gone for 3 weeks and exploring all kinds of wonderful medicines....but none of them are spice.
...and spice is, as we all surely agree, just a teensy bit different than other medicines..
i get home and the grim truth sets in- for all the temples and wats that i visited; for all the wise monks i exposed myself to; for all the ONENESS and CONNECTEDNESS i felt with both the land and the people; for all the love and compassion i uncovered and set free within myself.....
...for all of these beautiful experiences and countless others... the absence of consistent hyperspace travel- my ego came back. :shock:
after 3 weeks i'm now back home with all this wonderful peace and hope from an epic sojourn. i begin to think about my former "routine" of life which included spice time...
now, to be perfectly clear-i have absolutely NO intentions of stopping my work with the spirit molecule. however, to be honest- since i KNEW i wasn't going to be able to go to church while in thailand, i had mentally accepted and acclimated to a different life rhythm and the lack of hyperspace it represented. ergo- i didn't really think about spice the whole time...
the mantra of egolessness that the spice reinforces in me began to fade...
and we're back to that opening statement once again. i'm looking at the vaporgenie in my hand that i have just loaded with a goodly pile of STRONGLY spiced weed. breakthrough weed. don't get me started on my feelings about cannibis and dmt and how utterly MAGICAL their music is together!!!
i'm looking, feeling, breathing, surrendering....the usual protocol..only, this time i'm feeling a very unfamiliar sensation along with it....trepidation. fear.
i have journeyed HUNDREDS of time. breaking through almost every time. i have had a handful of journeys that had moments that were a little, shall we say, nut-wrenching....but they always resolved themselves into pure love and oneness. i have NEVER felt fear. respect, yes. fear....absolutely not. and now here i am...feeling it.
the ego is destroyed by DMT. in hyperspace, completely. in this reality, only gradually and temporarily. my ego- left to reform itself for 3 full weeks- is back strong enough to induce a PALPABLE fear response to DMT's power. this is the theory my mind settles on as i raise the VG to my lips and click the lighter.
i'm in heaven now. this is really heaven. i am dead...something in me is quite certain but i am not even bothered by it. i am so willing to be here i almost begin to feel that i somehow orchestrated this ascension. and now i know this is true. and now i AM this knowlege...and it's subsequent truth.
i am pure truth. purest truth. the light of all that is is concentrated into a seed incomprehensibly small. with limbs...etc....
i felt the purest love. the hyperspace love that knows no equal in this samsara. all of this is so familiar. familial. my family. i am home. this feels like a homecoming! :d
this journey honestly felt like a homecoming. the energy that met me, became me, lead me, and held me was pure love. it was like coming home to the greatest love of your life after being away for too long...i will not forget the impossible depth of the love that i felt. it left an imprint on me...a deep one...
buti will NOT soon forget that little encounter with fear etiher....i'm in shock and awe of the ego's ability to regenerate so rapidly... :shock:
luckily i meet all fear and delusion with new armor: a powerful, blessed blue lotus flower that i carry with me always...