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Honestly, is extracting DMT worth a while?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
I have never extracted it myself, mainly because it didn't seem practical to me. Getting equipment can be costly especially for just one use.

Let's say I get 200gr of mimosa, most people say the DMT you get just from 100gr is enough for a lifetime supply if you intent to use it all yourself. So if I extract it myself, after I'm done with the 200gr of mimosa, first of what the hell am I going to do with the solvents left? For what else can I use this? I don't think for much, but I could be wrong.

It seems actually that if you buy it you get the amount you know that you will smoke, and by comparison the price isn't much higher than if you would to extract it yourself.

So the question to all of you extractors, do you find it worthwhile? Are there any practical issues you face with all these solvents and equipment or does it really pay off in the end?

Also what the heck do you do with all this equipment once you're done with extracting?
Yes, it's worthwhile.

For me the whole process of extraction is part of the experience, I feel a certain satisfaction in taking the time to acquaint myself with the process and waking up in the morning to a dish full of fresh DMT.

In terms of equipment there really isn't that much. I'm left with very little solvent, lye which can unblock my sink if necessary, and dishes which I can still bake a lasagna in. After a very thorough clean.

Are you actually considering extracting?
I agree with woody. A journey made with your own extracted DMT is more profound and has a deeper meaning. Apart from that you know for sure the DMT is pure.

I love doing extractions, it is worth every second. You learn so much from it.
For the most part you dont need much equipment for a small extraction, especially if you're only planning to do 1-2 extractions over the course of your life. Pretty much everything you need can be sourced using common household items. As far as whether or not it is worth it, that's for you to decide on your own but in my own experience learning how to work with this substance has radically altered my life for the better.
Are you sure 100g of MHRB is enough for a lifetime? If you do 1%, you have 1g, which is about 33 doses for smoking. If you use about 3 doses per session, you have 11 sessions. If you have session once in a month, you have just enough for about one year. If it is just for one year, no prob, but what if you need for 30 years?
Shamans are using it without problems their whole lives once in a week. Some start when they are very young children, bellow 10. And they are using oral ROA, not super-fast smoking trips.
I suspect their fragments are nested within ourselves, so we need to do it as well. Maybe not so often, but likely for very long time. I am over 40 and it is already 20 years I got there for the first time. So it is quite likely after next 20 years I will feel the urge to go there too.

And ... making the tool myself, belive or not, I am not sharing any intent with anyone else. It is just mine. Which may be very important.
Just for me, I brew my own beer, grow my own weed, mushrooms, and now extract my own DMT... My stuff is the best, why? because it's by me for me. I am not looking for any short-cuts, I grow right, dry right, cure right, store right. I love my plants, yeast, mushrooms, crystals. And it shows. What is someone doing for profit doing? maximizing profit...

Do your own thing Awesomeusername. I choose not to support criminal enterprises or be a part of one.
What was once a laborious an impractical task has become a rather enjoyable process especially the last few steps of crystal retrieval! 😁

In terms of money and amount, there is no question of it. Plus, It's good to not be part of "dmt trade world" :|
AwesomeUsername said:
I have never extracted it myself, mainly because it didn't seem practical to me. Getting equipment can be costly especially for just one use.

Let's say I get 200gr of mimosa, most people say the DMT you get just from 100gr is enough for a lifetime supply if you intent to use it all yourself. So if I extract it myself, after I'm done with the 200gr of mimosa, first of what the hell am I going to do with the solvents left? For what else can I use this? I don't think for much, but I could be wrong.

It seems actually that if you buy it you get the amount you know that you will smoke, and by comparison the price isn't much higher than if you would to extract it yourself.

So the question to all of you extractors, do you find it worthwhile? Are there any practical issues you face with all these solvents and equipment or does it really pay off in the end?

Also what the heck do you do with all this equipment once you're done with extracting?

Yup, I enjoyed the process and learning the methodology. Really, that's not even a question to me tbh with you.

Some don't really care for that though and just see it as getting an end result. Means to an end. That's unfortunate.

But hey, we're all different in that regard so, different strokes man.

If it ain't for you, then don't mess with it.
Yes i find it more than worthwhile. I find extracting to be a hobby that has given me knowledge and wisdom. These reasons below are all my personal feelings developed out of an ideology that the use of psychedelics has helped create. The practice of extracting for me is part of an ethic.

First and foremost, if one is attempting to develop a practical and intentional practice, creating a relationship of sorts with the plant and substance your using is worthwhile.

Then of course there is the question of purity. I know where my spice came from, i know that the utmost care has been taken to make a clean and pure product that meets my personal specifications for quality.

And if course i don't want to support a drug dealer. I feel that psychedelics are here to teach us things. Probably the most important thing they've helped me learn is how to build my own life, creating self sustainability through service to others. If i sell something i make, it's art inspired by the authenticity that psychedelics helped me see and live with.

I do not feel that a person who makes their living providing drugs for profit has learned that lesson and i do not want to help people waste their own potential and do damage to their community in the process.

Finally extracting is very cheap. I doubt you (especially you, AUN) will have a lifetime supply from 100 g. The prices I've seen jerks apply to spice are exorbitant compared to the total cost of extracting.

If you have some material left over, then you can fuel your zippos, clear your drains and make salad dressing for a while.
null24 said:
I find extracting to be a hobby that has given me knowledge and wisdom. These reasons below are all my personal feelings developed out of an ideology that the use of psychedelics has helped create. The practice of extracting for me is part of an ethic.

First and foremost, if one is attempting to develop a practical and intentional practice, creating a relationship of sorts with the plant and substance your using is worthwhile.

Then of course there is the question of purity. I know where my spice came from, i know that the utmost care has been taken to make a clean and pure product that meets my personal specifications for quality.

And if course i don't want to support a drug dealer. I feel that psychedelics are here to teach us things. Probably the most important thing they've helped me learn is how to build my own life, creating self sustainability through service to others. If i sell something i make, it's art inspired by the authenticity that psychedelics helped me see and live with.

I do not feel that a person who makes their living providing drugs for profit has learned that lesson and i do not want to help people waste their own potential and do damage to their community in the process.

My feelings also, you are alright Null24.
Begin rant in: 3...2...1...

Hell, if I had the chemistry know-how, I'd make a bathtub full of LSD!!! And that would be enough for, say, 10,000 lifetimes!!! LOL!:lol: I would never, ever, ever sell it :?: . I consider it a sacred substance. But, give it away to wise, prudent people who know how to use it properly & judiciously, of course!:)

Seriously, when you've dedicated your life to meditation and walking the psychedelic road like I have for the last 37 years, you can never really have enough psychedelics stashed away.

It's not like I use them all the time (especially anymore at my age since I've had plenty of experience with mega-doses and high-frequency dosing of pretty much every classic psychedelic substance (I don't know much, nor care to know, about the newly-developed ones that have popped up in the last couple decades that I see some people here on the forum discussing).

And it's not like I'm greedy or anything, it's just that I feel better knowing that in a couple years when I'm 60, or when I'm 70, 80, 90, 105 or 139, I will have the ability to ingest as much or as little as possible for my soul's benefit if need be. I dearly want to take a fairly large dose of LSD on my deathbed if I get the chance to.

As it stands right now, I'm pretty sure that I've got enough mushrooms & LSD to be able to micro-dose at my discretion until I'm dead (I've been way into microdosing the last 10 years or so). I am lucky that I have dear friends that I can trust explicitly with assuring me the quality of these sacred substances and I am always given them for free because people who know me really well know that I am a seriously dedicated traveler of the psychedelic realms and they enjoy the act of giving and they also are aware that these are sacred substances and that ideally, nobody should EVER sell them for profit. Selling psychedelics, in my not-so-humble-opinion, is a shameful act that is not in accordance with Universal Law, does not help our fellow humans out in any meaningful, good way nor is it a wise thing to do.

null24 said:
I find extracting to be a hobby that has given me knowledge and wisdom.

I have to agree with null24 in this case (I usually agree with anything he says anyways, LOL!) I certainly do prefer to make my own DMT. It is so simple and cheap that it's rather ridiculous IMHO to even question it as the OP has done, but as tatt mentioned earlier, different strokes. (No offense meant towards you at all AUN...just my opinion).

I have a batch of 80 grams of MHRB going right now in a mason jar (I always have tons of mason jars around all the time due to my penchant for preferring to store everything in glass versus plastic). Total equipment expenditures so far are $0, i.e., you don't need fancy lab equipment to get the job done. Total expenditures for substances to extract with are at $12 for a quart of naphtha, $3 for a tub of lye that will last me forever if our drains don't get clogged up constantly, and $1 for a gallon of distilled water (if I end up needing vinegar, we always have at least 3 kinds of it around the farm due to its health benefits and its superior cleaning properties, same goes for washing soda). So total = $15...Not bad for a cash-poor, love-&-land-rich, old, half-redneck, half-hippy, farmer/herbalist dude!

Simply_Me said:
Just for me, I brew my own beer, grow my own weed, mushrooms, and now extract my own DMT... My stuff is the best, why? because it's by me for me. I am not looking for any short-cuts, I grow right, dry right, cure right, store right. I love my plants, yeast, mushrooms, crystals. And it shows. What is someone doing for profit doing? maximizing profit...I choose not to support criminal enterprises or be a part of one.

I wholeheartedly agree with Simply_Me on this point as well.

However, I am lucky that I live about 30 miles away from my favorite brewery in the entire world so their beer is the least expensive here than anywhere else in the world (I knew the owner/founder & the other, now-deceased co-owner/founder back in the early 80's when they were university students making beer in a small warehouse on the rough side of town; now they ship beers world-wide and have thousands of employees). They treat their employees better than any other employer around the area. If you can actually get a job at that brewery, you never quit because the pay & benefits are out of this world. They even have their own MD's, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, etc. on the work site 24/7 for the employees to use on their breaks & off-time for free. They run nearly their entire gigantic operation off solar energy, grow their own hops & barley and financially support any & all sustainable energy & food projects around the community.

I also am lucky to have grown up in a region where some of the best Cannabis in the world has been grown since at least the 1920's. Some of my dearest, oldest friends give me so much every year at harvest time that I will never need to buy any, especially since these days, I smoke Cannabis, on average, about once every 2 weeks or so. I know how my friends grow it, i.e. with the highest integrity possible, all organic and a lot of hard work & tender loving care. I also happen to believe that Cannabis should never be bought or sold, only given, but by now, here in the States especially, that is going to be a losing battle considering how much of a commodity it's becoming now that it's being legalized in more & more states every year.

I try to grow as many of the traditional medicinal herbs that I use for the same reasons, even my tobacco.

I want the best, the purest, the highest quality...and I certainly don't want to deal with anyone who chooses to sell (what I consider to be) sacred substances for a living or for profit.

Ok, rant over.:)
It's worth the effort. Trust me... after you have the first hit of your own DMT, you will appreciate it 😉

I've done my first extraction using only minimum equipment, i.e. mason jar, a turkey baster, a Pyrex dish.

You don't need that much solvent. A single canister of Zippo lighter fluid is more than enough for your mini-scale extraction. You can give it to someone with a Zippo ligher.

The leftover lye can be used for cleaning pipes (the purpose it is usually sold for).

Although not perfectly environmentally friendly, the little bit of used solvent can be evaporated or soaked in a paper towel and discarded/burned (outdoors!).

I agree with other 100 grams of mimosa bark won't last you long. If you plan to dwelve into DMT world enough, you would need multiple sessions, each of at least two smokings.

My first extract from 50 grams lasted me for about two weeks 😁
You could always just make a nice tea and drink it. 8)

The alchemy is not in the processing of roots into crystals, but in the transformational journey of the aspirant. It is my hope that everyone who undertakes the endeavor will emerge having developed a few skills:

The ability to seek out information, think critically about it, compare and contrast various sources, and ultimately apply it to their own individual situation.

The creativity to improvise the necessary toolkit and skillset in order to perform the tek.

A basic understanding of lab safety and chemical handling and disposal protocols in order to perform the tek safely.

Familiarity with basic chemistry concepts (acid, base, polar, non-polar, etc).

Improved patience, attention to detail, and problem solving skills.

Understanding of how to appropriately handle, store, administer, and and utilize the final product respectfully and responsibly.

Indeed, the seeker that has mastered these skills will be well suited to be a carrier of the sacrament.
There is treasure hidden in anything you do, especially if you are extracting or growing or taking care of plants with magic substances in them.
Even not so much in about how much it teaches you about "the making", but in how much it can teach you about youself.
Cactus Man said:
Extracting a few grams is very easy and can be done in a week end.

Yes, and it can be done for a very small financial outlay. I always thought that one of the main points of this forum was to enable each of us to have our own authourity over the malleability of our consciousnesses.
I agree wholeheartedly with everything being said here. Extracting, even on a micro scale is oh so worth it. It has recently become my "least expected to get addicted to" hobby. Myself and those close to me, who I allow to see the process have SO much fun with it. From a deeper connection to your own Spice to all the knowledge gained on the way. Hands down worth it.

null24 said:
And if course i don't want to support a drug dealer.

Finally extracting is very cheap. The prices I've seen jerks apply to spice are exorbitant compared to the total cost of extracting.

-my rant

I can't even begin with this. I Recently had a young lad come up to me at a concert selling your average party favors only to end his list with "Deems guaranteed to "Blast off" $20" I stopped him cold in his tracks and asked a few questions pertaining to where he got his price, how much spice is $20 (.2) and told him that I myself extract my own product and would NEVER pay any monetary amount for such a substance. Hard not to get offended when a person waits almost 10 years for the spice to find them, only to have the most profound life altering experience once it did find them. Now somebody is telling me that my experience runs a price tag of $20...? Okay.

Just like with my dear friend LSD, the best trips are ALWAYS free.

It is defenitely not worthwile. All the costs of money, time and nerves while messing around with glibbery acidic and alkaline liquids, all the responsibility which comes along with taking care of a clean process and a decent storage and respectively reuse of solvents... this all, it is just costly and exhausting. Better safe your money and time! :sick: :cry:

Com'on.. what is this? Homo oeconomicus?

If you are interested in the process, feel a desire and pleasure to work with your beloved agent from its birth on, if your FUCKING heart loves to do a first extraction... do it. :love:

If you want to smoke DMT it is worthwhile.

If you want to eat DMT and dose accurately it is worthwhile.

If you are interested in psychedelics and chemistry it is worthwhile.

If you have never had access to DMT before but have access to the plant material, it is worthwhile.

If you enjoy growing beautiful crystals, it is woth the while.

If you want to stockpile a lot of DMT in the precaution of not being able to track down plant material later but do not want to be swimming in plant material it is worthwhile.

If you don't like being proactive in securing your own psychedelics from proven sources, don't like psychedelics, have a strong aversion to basic chemistry, have no friends which would enjoy it or just plain ol' think it aint worthwhile... then it aint worthwhile.

For me... very very very worthwhile :D
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