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How can i prepare myself?

Migrated topic.

oh my maynard

Rising Star
I just need to know if there is any basic info needed before I do dmt? Anything at all. I have done plenty psychadelics in my time and have read lots but I know I need more. I just want to know from someone who has more experience because I am inexperienced. Please. Thank you.
Basic info? eh...I don't really know what to tell you. Try to relax, and just let go. It'll be unlike anything you've ever experienced, but if you've done psychedelics a fair amount, you should have no problem. If you feel yourself start to panic try just closing your eyes, and taking deep breaths. I find it far less anxious with eyes closed, probably because everything around you changes so fast, it's kind of unsettling. Or you can try just staring at one thing till you calm down. That seems to work too, especially if you feel like it's too much too fast. Just take in a little at a time. Pick one thing and focus on it. Don't put the flame directly to it. Hold the smoke in as long as you can (or just 20-30 seconds). Do it somewhere comfortable, be safe, don't drive, have fun etc. Hope that helps.
what he said and don't even think about it man just do it and do as much of it as you can you'll be fine, you WILL come back, just put yourself out there and see what it says, and think about it it doesn't last very long, and you don't ever have to do it again, but it's so important that you and everyone knows it's there, even if just food for thought. nothing to fear my good man, fly well
Some simple advice is, sit or lie down in a comfortable bean bag. Have someone handy to stop you from dropping the bong and soaking the carpet or knocking over a candle and burning the carpet. Oh and its not necessarily a race so there is no need to break through on the first try. Probably better to let it buy you dinner first and maybe a movie and coffee before it fcuk's you. :lol: Jokes
try not to be afraid, it will be hard, even for someone who uses DMT a lot there is still a nervousness that comes along with it. I find that if i really relax and put on some calming music and smoke a bowl and meditate a bit before that it really helps the experience in its entirety. Also use a machine to smoke it out of, very easy to make, there is a thread on it in the general discussions. And SMOKE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. I cant tell you how many people are like "i just want to get a little dose first to get the feel for it." A low dose of DMT can be wonderful but more often than not i find it unpleasant and it deters many from going for larger doses, BREAK THRU is the goal here, i think most people will agree with me. GOOD LUCK :)
Maynard... ?!~ are you still wondering about it and taking advice..? or is there a report you have for us .>!? I'd say one just has to learn to 'slip' under ... a wonderful wave, so lie down or recline in a lazyboy chair. At low doses (10 - 20 mg) it could be just really awesome closed-eye visuals or the same but disorienting with eyes open. There's too much in your being to 'surf' if the dose is > 20 mg, so I say go loose and 'slip' under whatever hits you, dissolve away as the buzzing, warm and wet wave hits... It can be disorienting in bright daylight for noobs like me ... So I try it in the dark, or at night in warm, safe, comfy room. A friend learned about dmt by starting to try it only while naked in bed ... ! Or as a 'warning', I'd say it's the 'rush' that's the only thing to be prepared for - so let go ... even if suddenly ( in 20 heartbeats) you feel the 'warm and wet' of what might be peeing-your-pants..! Kind of like the flight-or-fight response gone wild, you'll be rushing / orgasming and 'dieing' psychologically, so go with it ! (you won't be peeing or dieing !) The rest could be anybody's anything, and NOT (just) scary, it could be everybody's everything... going on all at once, but really good !. Once you've learned to 'welcome' and give into the feeling of a huge warm and wet surge that 'buzzes', that comes on right away,it's an easy 'slip' . But ! the hard part is remembering any of it !
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