I have what I THINK is 5-meo-dmt freebase, but I am just not sure.
It looks somewhat like dmt, except that it is a light tan color and it does not smell like dmt.
It smells kind of like what the descriptions of 5-meo-dmt I have read about would smell like.
And it's appearance is closer to 5-meo-dmt than dmt.
Is there any test I could do on this to see what it is?
I only have about 0.4g of it, so I don't want to waste any.
If anyone could reply with a definite way of knowing what I have, that would be great.
I have what I THINK is 5-meo-dmt freebase, but I am just not sure.
It looks somewhat like dmt, except that it is a light tan color and it does not smell like dmt.
It smells kind of like what the descriptions of 5-meo-dmt I have read about would smell like.
And it's appearance is closer to 5-meo-dmt than dmt.
Is there any test I could do on this to see what it is?
I only have about 0.4g of it, so I don't want to waste any.
If anyone could reply with a definite way of knowing what I have, that would be great.