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How do I report a sketchy ayahuasca retreat

Just wanted to get the process started, so victims can come out with their stories. They church not private but very public. The reason for them working in the shadows means their operation is illegal. Distribution of a Schedule I substance is enough for starting an investigation. Proper churches and church members don't need to hide from the law, they are under the protection of the constitution. This entity however is not. And if victims feel unsafe with providing personal details, I recommend using a private email provider and the Tor Browser/Tails. Giving the authorities information where to look might save people's life. Suicidal thoughts are not funny. At all.
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I have removed all aggressive or even threatening posts.

The DMT-Nexus is not a court, we do not have solid evidence, and will not let our platform be used to attack others.

As has been stated before: if you think this is really a serious thread that needs to be prosecuted then contact your local law enforcement and give them your findings. They have the means to actually check for the facts, unlike us were we only have hearsay and are probably missing out on a lot of important details.

If this aggressive postings continues I will remove this topic.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
To the OP, just a thought but it might be a better approach to contact the media instead of law enforcement. If there is a problem it might reach more eyes and hearts that way than through the slow process of law & order. Sunlight is often the best disinfectant.
Here is a real life example of a sketchy ayahuasca retreat that kept threatening a Spiritual Master with violence, posting he was a peadophile, and defaming his police father for sexual offences against boys. He has complete legal immunity and they couldnt touch him. It is called Aluna Healing Center and they do ayahuasca in Potter Valley in California. United States.

They kept threatening to report a Spiritual Master for doing ayahuasca and Drug Enforcement Authority got involved

If you get the authorities involved then your a witness and they cant sue you. Nobody could sue this guy and ICEERS are on the side of the bad guys. All they will do is cover up for bad behaviour and give legal backing to try and have people silenced using threats of violence or smear campaigns.

Santo Daime Church tried to bring him down and it destroyed the Church in terms of legalization, apparently someone did a spell of black magic on his astral body and a curse of paranormal fires gutted a bunch of ayahuasca retreats on top of the legal carnage.

They spent years harassing, persecuting and defaming him as a mentally ill peadophile, it destroyed the Church and the Drug Enforcement Authority got involved. They do SWAT raids but they watch and wait. Then when you least expect they take your door off at 5am, cuff you up, haul you before Court and then your in jail. The moral of the story. Dont make a war with someone from a police family who has special powers in the astral worlds as a result of ayahuasca.

Santo Daime attorneys couldn't touch the guy and they had to take back everything they posted about him, and Aluna Healing Center are in the eyes of DEA.
How to deal with it. Give them a chance to clean up their act, if they carry on, just get law enforcement involved and it stops it.

So there are people throwing mud and suddenly they are defeated by an ayahuasca Voldemort?
On a more serious note, I don’t think that this whole conspiracy with spiritual masters with powers in the astral world has any basis in reality. This is a fairy tale made up by people who have ill intent or who are ill themselves, in both cases I think it’s better to practice critical thinking and take out the nonsense and stick to the facts.
There are multiple cult like vibes attached to both large and intimate group ceremonies.The ones that invite over 40 people are catastrophic failures for both those attending, and the facilities toilets if youre not outdoors .Unfortunately it's Neo shamanism and Aya and yage have fallen into the greediest of hands.
I once met a few sheisty people claiming to be Shamans in California The ring leader was supposedly from the amazon and his wife was a Money hungry German Who would aggressively come to collect and count the funds before the ceremony. Terrible people ,the whole group was like an orgy and a soap opera,people would attend to meet women and the most vulnerable would be susceptible to more trauma and confusion added to what they intended on working on initially .
Theyve taken traditional medicine and turned it into a circus of a ceremony who has the most expensive items on their altar selling homemade goods for ridiculous prices,who can play the most instruments at the same time and recruiting people to help serve medicine who are more disturbed than they are .DANGEROUS amounts of kambo administered where I witnessed seizures and no one equipped to medically treat them.This is very disturbing to some people deep into a cup of medicine.And yes untreated PTSD and schizophrenia can be exacerbated by a mixture of other medicines .These people are also serving Bufo and what theyre MARKETING as 7 minutes with God .One person, also through the ceremonies promotes his dj career and uses the large gatherings as a platform like some demented talent show.
I am pro Aya in private one on one sittings I've experienced beautiful ceremonies and very traumatic ones where I was left psychologically open around a bunch of strangers not qualified to handle anything of the sort .
Anything with tribe family circle or gathering attached to it with astronomically high price tags to sit in someones yurt or yard hosted by a couple of hacks you should steer clear of .. Once I discovered they started rumors about people interfering with their money they only offered me a 3000 dollar ceremony to go to the Amazon..Couldnt imagine giving them another dollar especially to travel to an unknown area of the jungle ..There are also several men in NYC whom I hope have since been arrested or brought to light who will and have sexually assaulted women under the influence of kambo and physically abuse their male attendees offering nude spiritual massages ..read that again .I've witnessed someone collapse from heat exhaustion In a sweat lodge with 2 rows on top of each other who stated" if theyre meant to die then theyre meant to die",from someone who calls himself singh.I also wonder why a woman is still operating and holding ceremonies after grooming young men and after killing an asthmatic girl with a super dose of rapé in Riverside. I'm not afraid to report anyone for the sake of people's lives please find the resources and I will take the next step
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