As always, everything just from my POV:
I always find it amusing how so many people have a problem with the word "God".
It's just a word.
I think it mostly has to do with the fact that for many people this word is associated with a certain cultural/religious load, which got shaped in their childhood, and these strong (negative) associations cannot be shed anymore (like a trauma).
E.g. I like how Oroc has to name the word "G/d" just so that he can accept it for himself.
The word "God" itself seems too negatively associated for him (with his cultural imprints) to be able to accept it.
But everyone as he likes. Doesn't matter how you call it. If it is "holy", "mystic", or "...".
In the end we are all talking about the same.
Is this my atheist side gaining terrain back?
I think this is generally how the mind/ego works. No matter if you're atheist or not (e.g. my mind does the same).
From my experience, people like tatt are rather seldom, where their mind doesn't start to question the experience after some time. That's why a spiritual master once said, to write down your experience and what you felt in that situation. Then your mind will have much a harder job into dissecting and reinterpreting the experience into nothingness.
Or to the other extreme if you really want to believe in such mystic experiences, your ego/mind will probably try to put more of your preconceived ideas about it into the memory of the experience and will in the end also completely vanish the actual experience with a "wished" experience from your mind ideas.
So writing down also helps you to prevent this also.
That's basically from the observation how my mind works. As said, all from my POV.
I mentioned many times now how I think psychedelics work, and don't be afraid, I won't again start explaining it...
But from this, in my POV it gets clear that whatever picture finally manifests in your memory had to go through your physical brain for manifestation.
And during this process the interpretation and visual aspect got influenced by whatever your ideas are.
Therefore e.g. seeing an "Egyptian imagery" doesn't mean it is like that and everything else is wrong. It's just a picture your mind gave during interpretation for memorization.
E.g. a spiritual master once said, that God appears in that form, that you think he looks like. IMHO that's exactly this.
E.g. when I first experienced god, I was a little child, and so he got manifested in my memory as an old man with a white beard (really!). That was just the idea my mind had at that time of how god looks like.
E.g. when Sri Ramakrishna realized "God" through different known religious paths he ended up seeing/experiencing "God" exactly in the way this "religious" path describes him.
IMHO that's again exactly the same.
A spiritual master also once said, that there's no "correct" picture of how god looks like. One form isn't better or truer as the other.
E.g. although from an intellectual mind aspect you could say god is ultimately formless, and this is the only truth, and giving him form is a minor representation, so is this IMHO only a game of the ego/mind.
For as a spiritual master once said: It is easier for a human to see God in the form than in the formless.
Our mind just cannot really use this formless aspect as it cannot really understand it. So therefore if you wanna remember god in the formless, chances are high you will only remember a whiteout.
Sorry if I again drifted too much offtopic. Really!