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How does your cactus garden grow? (Cactus pic thread)

Migrated topic.
The dead one I just smelled was not fragrant, but there are several more buds which should flower next week some time. I'll check then. They start to open up at dusk and close back up for good the next morning, only lasting one night.

When that thing starts to flower I almost expect it to say "Feed me Seymour"! :D
Wolfnippletip said:
Selenicereus Night Flowering.
Very exciting, I got a couple of buds on mine own specimen that are fit to pop any time now. Thanks for the foretaste, I can hardly wait!

Meanwhile here's a Gymnnocalycium of mine, not sure of the species, that flowered a few weeks ago.


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All your flowers are so beautiful!
Our desert received much rain this weather, and so we had some good flowers.
But none of my 'active' plants flowered yet, so that was disappointing. On the bright side, several of the active ones pupped on their own, near the ground. Very cool that the pupping happened, very cool to watch the skin split and a baby works its way out and grows!


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downwardsfromzero said:
Selenicereus grandiflorus buds, poised to burst.
They popped tonight...

But a few all too short hours later they've finished, while their sweet scent lingers in the house. So, yes - they are quite fragrant, and despite the scent starting out smelling like cheesy vomit, thankfully it does improve quite significantly.


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Beautiful blooms y’all!!!

My cactus garden does not currently grow, I’ve moved house and had to pull out my lovely raised garden which was incredibly difficult work. Many broke in the process and I will just have to replant and start again.

It does mean that I have a truckload of sections I can have some fun with, maybe a good 200kg worth, experiment I shall!!


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Wow, great harvest Antichode. I have only 1 big log, mid section, 12"x4" and 2 smaller ones from my first ever harvest, after 6 years. The tip is starting to root and the stump has started pupping. Also got some base pups on another cactus. The mutant Peruvianus is growing slowly but healthily.

The pale blothches I mentioned in another thread dont seem to have gotten worse, nor spread to the bigger plants. Gonna try some Cal-Mag fertilizer, as suggested, apparently this can be made from eggshells dissolved in vinegar (calcium acetate), combined with Epsom salts for the magnesium.


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Here are some of my new pachanoi / bridgesii. I want to ask if the rather yellow colour means possible sun damage? I thought it would be rather small patches instead of a continuous discoloration, but sun is burning so crazy in eastern europe that I am still scared as a cactus noobie.

You think that is fine?


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It seems totally fine to me, but if you want, move them to partial shade with just couple of hours of direct sun. Too much heat could be also a problem.

but why would be too much sun / heat a problem?

I'm not living in a particular warm region, as winters get -10°C easily. Still our summers can be close to 40°C. Is that truly too much for them?
They can handle it, don't worry, your cacti seem healthy.
However, hot and dry continental summers in eastern Europe are maybe not ideal for them.
jungleheart said:
Do you think it is possible to grow Peruvians or pachanoi indoors? I'm in PNW. What would you do, cacti experts?

I'm sure you could, but you'd need an apparatus with a grow light and environmental controls more than likely. It also will grow much more slowly, I'd guess.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
jungleheart said:
Do you think it is possible to grow Peruvians or pachanoi indoors? I'm in PNW. What would you do, cacti experts?

I'm sure you could, but you'd need an apparatus with a grow light and environmental controls more than likely. It also will grow much more slowly, I'd guess.

One love

Ok, I'll have to think about it. Thanks Voidmatrix!
Flowers on a PC pach. Took 25 years to get this far!

Enjoy the timelapse too :) [Edit: once I've converted it to an acceptable format - not mp4, apparently :( ]
[Edit2: will have to resize video down a bit for the upload too - nearly there!]
[Edit3: here it is! :D ]


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